import seedrandom = require('seedrandom'); import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient'; import * as scopes from './scopes'; import * as scopesMapper from './scopes_mapper'; import { Server } from './server'; export interface Decoration { range: lc.Range; tag: string; bindingHash?: string; } // Based on this HSL-based color generator: function fancify(seed: string, shade: 'light' | 'dark') { const random = seedrandom(seed); const randomInt = (min: number, max: number) => { return Math.floor(random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }; const h = randomInt(0, 360); const s = randomInt(42, 98); const l = shade === 'light' ? randomInt(15, 40) : randomInt(40, 90); return `hsl(${h},${s}%,${l}%)`; } function createDecorationFromTextmate(themeStyle: scopes.TextMateRuleSettings): vscode.TextEditorDecorationType { const options: vscode.DecorationRenderOptions = {}; options.rangeBehavior = vscode.DecorationRangeBehavior.OpenOpen; if (themeStyle.foreground) { options.color = themeStyle.foreground; } if (themeStyle.background) { options.backgroundColor = themeStyle.background; } if (themeStyle.fontStyle) { const parts: string[] = themeStyle.fontStyle.split(' '); parts.forEach((part) => { switch (part) { case 'italic': options.fontStyle = 'italic'; break; case 'bold': options.fontWeight = 'bold'; break; case 'underline': options.textDecoration = 'underline'; break; default: break; } }) } return vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType(options); } export class Highlighter { private static initDecorations(): Map< string, vscode.TextEditorDecorationType > { const decoration = ( tag: string, textDecoration?: string ): [string, vscode.TextEditorDecorationType] => { const rule = scopesMapper.toRule(tag, scopes.find); if (rule) { const decor = createDecorationFromTextmate(rule); return [tag, decor]; } else { console.log(' '); console.log('Missing theme for: <"' + tag + '"> for following mapped scopes:') console.log(scopesMapper.find(tag)) console.log(' '); const color = new vscode.ThemeColor('ralsp.' + tag); const decor = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ color, textDecoration }); return [tag, decor]; } }; const decorations: Iterable< [string, vscode.TextEditorDecorationType] > = [ decoration('comment'), decoration('string'), decoration('keyword'), decoration('keyword.control'), decoration('keyword.unsafe'), decoration('function'), decoration('parameter'), decoration('constant'), decoration('type'), decoration('builtin'), decoration('text'), decoration('attribute'), decoration('literal'), decoration('macro'), decoration('variable'), decoration('variable.mut', 'underline'), decoration('field'), decoration('module') ]; return new Map(decorations); } private decorations: Map< string, vscode.TextEditorDecorationType > | null = null; public removeHighlights() { if (this.decorations == null) { return; } // Decorations are removed when the object is disposed for (const decoration of this.decorations.values()) { decoration.dispose(); } this.decorations = null; } public setHighlights(editor: vscode.TextEditor, highlights: Decoration[]) { // Initialize decorations if necessary // // Note: decoration objects need to be kept around so we can dispose them // if the user disables syntax highlighting if (this.decorations == null) { this.decorations = Highlighter.initDecorations(); } const byTag: Map = new Map(); const colorfulIdents: Map< string, [vscode.Range[], boolean] > = new Map(); const rainbowTime = Server.config.rainbowHighlightingOn; for (const tag of this.decorations.keys()) { byTag.set(tag, []); } for (const d of highlights) { if (!byTag.get(d.tag)) { continue; } if (rainbowTime && d.bindingHash) { if (!colorfulIdents.has(d.bindingHash)) { const mut = d.tag.endsWith('.mut'); colorfulIdents.set(d.bindingHash, [[], mut]); } colorfulIdents .get(d.bindingHash)![0] .push( Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(d.range) ); } else { byTag .get(d.tag)! .push( Server.client.protocol2CodeConverter.asRange(d.range) ); } } for (const tag of byTag.keys()) { const dec = this.decorations.get( tag ) as vscode.TextEditorDecorationType; const ranges = byTag.get(tag)!; editor.setDecorations(dec, ranges); } for (const [hash, [ranges, mut]] of colorfulIdents.entries()) { const textDecoration = mut ? 'underline' : undefined; const dec = vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType({ light: { color: fancify(hash, 'light'), textDecoration }, dark: { color: fancify(hash, 'dark'), textDecoration } }); editor.setDecorations(dec, ranges); } } }