import fetch from "node-fetch"; import { GithubRepo, ArtifactReleaseInfo } from "./interfaces"; const GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT_URL = ""; /** * Fetches the release with `releaseTag` (or just latest release when not specified) * from GitHub `repo` and returns metadata about `artifactFileName` shipped with * this release or `null` if no such artifact was published. */ export async function fetchArtifactReleaseInfo( repo: GithubRepo, artifactFileName: string, releaseTag?: string ): Promise { const repoOwner = encodeURIComponent(repo.owner); const repoName = encodeURIComponent(; const apiEndpointPath = releaseTag ? `/repos/${repoOwner}/${repoName}/releases/tags/${releaseTag}` : `/repos/${repoOwner}/${repoName}/releases/latest`; const requestUrl = GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT_URL + apiEndpointPath; // We skip runtime type checks for simplicity (here we cast from `any` to `GithubRelease`) console.log("Issuing request for released artifacts metadata to", requestUrl); // FIXME: handle non-ok response const response: GithubRelease = await fetch(requestUrl, { headers: { Accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json" } }) .then(res => res.json()); const artifact = response.assets.find(artifact => === artifactFileName); if (!artifact) return null; return { releaseName:, downloadUrl: artifact.browser_download_url }; // We omit declaration of tremendous amount of fields that we are not using here interface GithubRelease { name: string; assets: Array<{ name: string; // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase browser_download_url: string; }>; } }