import { unwrapNotNil } from "ts-not-nil"; import { spawnSync } from "child_process"; import * as vscode from "vscode"; import * as path from "path"; import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import { promises as fs } from "fs"; import { BinarySource } from "./interfaces"; import { fetchLatestArtifactMetadata } from "./fetch_latest_artifact_metadata"; import { downloadFile } from "./download_file"; export async function downloadLatestLanguageServer( {file: artifactFileName, dir: installationDir, repo}: BinarySource.GithubRelease ) { const binaryMetadata = await fetchLatestArtifactMetadata(repo, artifactFileName); const { releaseName, downloadUrl } = unwrapNotNil(binaryMetadata, `Latest GitHub release lacks "${artifactFileName}" file`); await fs.mkdir(installationDir).catch(err => assert.strictEqual( err?.code, "EEXIST", `Couldn't create directory "${installationDir}" to download `+ `language server binary: ${err.message}` )); const installationPath = path.join(installationDir, artifactFileName); await vscode.window.withProgress( { location: vscode.ProgressLocation.Notification, cancellable: false, // FIXME: add support for canceling download? title: `Downloading language server ${releaseName}` }, async (progress, _cancellationToken) => { let lastPrecentage = 0; await downloadFile(downloadUrl, installationPath, (readBytes, totalBytes) => { const newPercentage = (readBytes / totalBytes) * 100;{ message: newPercentage.toFixed(0) + "%", increment: newPercentage - lastPrecentage }); lastPrecentage = newPercentage; }); } ); await fs.chmod(installationPath, 0o755); // Set (rwx, r_x, r_x) permissions } export async function ensureLanguageServerBinary( langServerSource: null | BinarySource ): Promise { if (!langServerSource) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage( "Unfortunately we don't ship binaries for your platform yet. " + "You need to manually clone rust-analyzer repository and " + "run `cargo xtask install --server` to build the language server from sources. " + "If you feel that your platform should be supported, please create an issue " + "about that [here]( and we " + "will consider it." ); return null; } switch (langServerSource.type) { case BinarySource.Type.ExplicitPath: { if (isBinaryAvailable(langServerSource.path)) { return langServerSource.path; } vscode.window.showErrorMessage( `Unable to run ${langServerSource.path} binary. ` + `To use the pre-built language server, set "rust-analyzer.raLspServerPath" ` + "value to `null` or remove it from the settings to use it by default." ); return null; } case BinarySource.Type.GithubRelease: { const prebuiltBinaryPath = path.join(langServerSource.dir, langServerSource.file); if (isBinaryAvailable(prebuiltBinaryPath)) { return prebuiltBinaryPath; } const userResponse = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage( "Language server binary for rust-analyzer was not found. " + "Do you want to download it now?", "Download now", "Cancel" ); if (userResponse !== "Download now") return null; try { await downloadLatestLanguageServer(langServerSource); } catch (err) { await vscode.window.showErrorMessage( `Failed to download language server from ${} ` + `GitHub repository: ${err.message}` ); return null; } assert( isBinaryAvailable(prebuiltBinaryPath), "Downloaded language server binary is not functional" ); vscode.window.showInformationMessage( "Rust analyzer language server was successfully installed 🦀" ); return prebuiltBinaryPath; } } function isBinaryAvailable(binaryPath: string) { return spawnSync(binaryPath, ["--version"]).status === 0; } }