import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as jsonc from 'jsonc-parser'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as vscode from 'vscode'; export interface TextMateRuleSettings { foreground?: string; background?: string; fontStyle?: string; } // Load all textmate scopes in the currently active theme export function loadThemeColors(): Map { // Find out current color theme const themeName = vscode.workspace .getConfiguration('workbench') .get('colorTheme'); if (typeof themeName !== 'string') { // console.warn('workbench.colorTheme is', themeName) return new Map(); } return loadThemeNamed(themeName); } function loadThemeNamed(themeName: string): Map { function isTheme(extension: vscode.Extension): boolean { return ( extension.extensionKind === vscode.ExtensionKind.UI && extension.packageJSON.contributes && extension.packageJSON.contributes.themes ); } let themePaths = vscode.extensions.all .filter(isTheme) .flatMap(ext => { return ext.packageJSON.contributes.themes .filter((it: any) => ( || it.label) === themeName) .map((it: any) => path.join(ext.extensionPath, it.path)); }) const res = new Map(); for (const themePath of themePaths) { mergeInto(res, loadThemeFile(themePath)) } const customizations: any = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('editor').get('tokenColorCustomizations'); mergeInto(res, loadColors(customizations?.textMateRules ?? [])) return res; } function loadThemeFile(themePath: string): Map { let text; try { text = fs.readFileSync(themePath, 'utf8') } catch { return new Map(); } const obj = jsonc.parse(text); const tokenColors = obj?.tokenColors ?? []; const res = loadColors(tokenColors); for (const include in obj?.include ?? []) { const includePath = path.join(path.dirname(themePath), include); const tmp = loadThemeFile(includePath); mergeInto(res, tmp); } return res; } interface TextMateRule { scope: string | string[]; settings: TextMateRuleSettings; } function loadColors(textMateRules: TextMateRule[]): Map { const res = new Map(); for (const rule of textMateRules) { const scopes = typeof rule.scope === 'string' ? [rule.scope] : rule.scope; for (const scope of scopes) { res.set(scope, rule.settings) } } return res } function mergeRuleSettings( defaultSetting: TextMateRuleSettings | undefined, override: TextMateRuleSettings, ): TextMateRuleSettings { return { foreground: defaultSetting?.foreground ?? override.foreground, background: defaultSetting?.background ?? override.background, fontStyle: defaultSetting?.fontStyle ?? override.fontStyle, } } function mergeInto(dst: Map, addition: Map) { addition.forEach((value, key) => { const merged = mergeRuleSettings(dst.get(key), value) dst.set(key, merged) }) }