{ "message": "unused variable: `foo`", "code": { "code": "unused_variables", "explanation": null }, "level": "warning", "spans": [ { "file_name": "driver/subcommand/repl.rs", "byte_start": 9228, "byte_end": 9231, "line_start": 291, "line_end": 291, "column_start": 9, "column_end": 12, "is_primary": true, "text": [ { "text": " let foo = 42;", "highlight_start": 9, "highlight_end": 12 } ], "label": null, "suggested_replacement": null, "suggestion_applicability": null, "expansion": null } ], "children": [ { "message": "#[warn(unused_variables)] on by default", "code": null, "level": "note", "spans": [], "children": [], "rendered": null }, { "message": "consider prefixing with an underscore", "code": null, "level": "help", "spans": [ { "file_name": "driver/subcommand/repl.rs", "byte_start": 9228, "byte_end": 9231, "line_start": 291, "line_end": 291, "column_start": 9, "column_end": 12, "is_primary": true, "text": [ { "text": " let foo = 42;", "highlight_start": 9, "highlight_end": 12 } ], "label": null, "suggested_replacement": "_foo", "suggestion_applicability": "MachineApplicable", "expansion": null } ], "children": [], "rendered": null } ], "rendered": "warning: unused variable: `foo`\n --> driver/subcommand/repl.rs:291:9\n |\n291 | let foo = 42;\n | ^^^ help: consider prefixing with an underscore: `_foo`\n |\n = note: #[warn(unused_variables)] on by default\n\n" }