import * as vscode from 'vscode'; import { SuggestionApplicability } from './rust'; /** * Model object for text replacements suggested by the Rust compiler * * This is an intermediate form between the raw `rustc` JSON and a * `vscode.CodeAction`. It's optimised for the use-cases of * `SuggestedFixCollection`. */ export default class SuggestedFix { public readonly title: string; public readonly location: vscode.Location; public readonly replacement: string; public readonly applicability: SuggestionApplicability; /** * Diagnostics this suggested fix could resolve */ public diagnostics: vscode.Diagnostic[]; constructor( title: string, location: vscode.Location, replacement: string, applicability: SuggestionApplicability = SuggestionApplicability.Unspecified, ) { this.title = title; this.location = location; this.replacement = replacement; this.applicability = applicability; this.diagnostics = []; } /** * Determines if this suggested fix is equivalent to another instance */ public isEqual(other: SuggestedFix): boolean { return ( this.title === other.title && this.location.range.isEqual(other.location.range) && this.replacement === other.replacement && this.applicability === other.applicability ); } /** * Converts this suggested fix to a VS Code Quick Fix code action */ public toCodeAction(): vscode.CodeAction { const codeAction = new vscode.CodeAction( this.title, vscode.CodeActionKind.QuickFix, ); const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit(); edit.replace(this.location.uri, this.location.range, this.replacement); codeAction.edit = edit; codeAction.isPreferred = this.applicability === SuggestionApplicability.MachineApplicable; codeAction.diagnostics = [...this.diagnostics]; return codeAction; } }