use super::parser::Parser; use {SyntaxKind}; use tree::EOF; use syntax_kinds::*; // Items // pub(crate) fn file(p: &mut Parser) { node(p, FILE, |p| { p.optional(SHEBANG); inner_attributes(p); many(p, |p| { skip_to_first( p, item_first, item, "expected item", ) }); }) } fn item_first(p: &Parser) -> bool { match p.current() { STRUCT_KW | FN_KW => true, _ => false, } } fn item(p: &mut Parser) { outer_attributes(p); visibility(p); node_if(p, STRUCT_KW, STRUCT_ITEM, struct_item) || node_if(p, FN_KW, FN_ITEM, fn_item); } fn struct_item(p: &mut Parser) { p.expect(IDENT) && p.curly_block(|p| comma_list(p, EOF, struct_field)); } fn struct_field(p: &mut Parser) -> bool { node_if(p, IDENT, STRUCT_FIELD, |p| { p.expect(COLON) && p.expect(IDENT); }) } fn fn_item(p: &mut Parser) { p.expect(IDENT) && p.expect(L_PAREN) && p.expect(R_PAREN) && p.curly_block(|p| ()); } // Paths, types, attributes, and stuff // fn inner_attributes(p: &mut Parser) { many(p, |p| attribute(p, true)) } fn attribute(p: &mut Parser, inner: bool) -> bool { let attr_start = inner && p.lookahead(&[POUND, EXCL, L_BRACK]) || !inner && p.lookahead(&[POUND, L_BRACK]); if !attr_start { return false; } node(p, ATTR, |p| { p.bump_n(if inner { 3 } else { 2 }); meta_item(p) && p.expect(R_BRACK); }); true } fn meta_item(p: &mut Parser) -> bool { node_if(p, IDENT, META_ITEM, |p| { if { if !literal(p) { p.error() .message("expected literal") .emit(); } } else if { comma_list(p, R_PAREN, meta_item_inner); p.expect(R_PAREN); } }) } fn meta_item_inner(p: &mut Parser) -> bool { meta_item(p) || literal(p) } fn literal(p: &mut Parser) -> bool { || } fn outer_attributes(_: &mut Parser) { } fn visibility(_: &mut Parser) { } // Expressions // // Error recovery and high-order utils // fn node_if( p: &mut Parser, first: SyntaxKind, node_kind: SyntaxKind, rest: F ) -> bool { p.current() == first && { node(p, node_kind, |p| { p.bump(); rest(p); }); true } } fn node(p: &mut Parser, node_kind: SyntaxKind, rest: F) { p.start(node_kind); rest(p); p.finish(); } fn many bool>(p: &mut Parser, f: F) { while f(p) { } } fn comma_list bool>(p: &mut Parser, end: SyntaxKind, f: F) { many(p, |p| { if !f(p) || p.current() == end { false } else { p.expect(COMMA); true } }) } fn skip_to_first(p: &mut Parser, cond: C, f: F, message: &str) -> bool where C: Fn(&Parser) -> bool, F: FnOnce(&mut Parser), { let mut skipped = false; loop { if cond(p) { if skipped { p.finish(); } f(p); return true; } if p.current() == EOF { if skipped { p.finish(); } return false; } if !skipped { p.start(ERROR); p.error() .message(message) .emit(); } p.bump(); skipped = true; } } impl<'p> Parser<'p> { pub(crate) fn expect(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool { if self.current() == kind { self.bump(); true } else { self.error() .message(format!("expected {:?}", kind)) .emit(); false } } fn optional(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind) { if self.current() == kind { self.bump(); } } fn bump_n(&mut self, n: u8) { for _ in 0..n { self.bump(); } } fn eat(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool { self.current() == kind && { self.bump(); true } } }