use super::*; pub(super) fn mod_contents(p: &mut Parser, stop_on_r_curly: bool) { attributes::inner_attributes(p); while ! && !(stop_on_r_curly && { item(p); } } pub(super) const ITEM_FIRST: TokenSet = token_set![EXTERN_KW, MOD_KW, USE_KW, STRUCT_KW, FN_KW, PUB_KW, POUND,]; fn item(p: &mut Parser) { let item = p.start(); attributes::outer_attributes(p); visibility(p); let la = p.raw_lookahead(1); let item_kind = match p.current() { EXTERN_KW if la == CRATE_KW => { extern_crate_item(p); EXTERN_CRATE_ITEM } MOD_KW => { mod_item(p); MOD_ITEM } USE_KW => { use_item(p); USE_ITEM } STRUCT_KW => { struct_item(p); STRUCT_ITEM } FN_KW => { fn_item(p); FN_ITEM } err_token => { item.abandon(p); let message = if err_token == SEMI { //TODO: if the item is incomplete, this message is misleading "expected item, found `;`\n\ consider removing this semicolon" } else { "expected item" }; p.err_and_bump(message); return; } }; item.complete(p, item_kind); } fn struct_item(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); if !p.expect(IDENT) { return; } generic_parameters(p); match p.current() { WHERE_KW => { where_clause(p); match p.current() { SEMI => { p.bump(); return; } L_CURLY => named_fields(p), _ => { //TODO: special case `(` error message p.error().message("expected `;` or `{`").emit(); return; } } } SEMI => { p.bump(); return; } L_CURLY => named_fields(p), L_PAREN => { pos_fields(p); p.expect(SEMI); } _ => { p.error().message("expected `;`, `{`, or `(`").emit(); return; } } } fn named_fields(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); while ! && ! { named_field(p); if ! { p.expect(COMMA); } } p.expect(R_CURLY); fn named_field(p: &mut Parser) { let field = p.start(); visibility(p); if p.expect(IDENT) { p.expect(COLON); types::type_ref(p); field.complete(p, NAMED_FIELD); } else { field.abandon(p); p.err_and_bump("expected field declaration"); } } } fn pos_fields(p: &mut Parser) { if !p.expect(L_PAREN) { return; } while ! && ! { let pos_field = p.start(); visibility(p); types::type_ref(p); pos_field.complete(p, POS_FIELD); if ! { p.expect(COMMA); } } p.expect(R_PAREN); } fn generic_parameters(_: &mut Parser) {} fn where_clause(_: &mut Parser) {} fn extern_crate_item(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); assert!(; p.bump(); p.expect(IDENT) && alias(p) && p.expect(SEMI); } fn mod_item(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); if p.expect(IDENT) && ! { if p.expect(L_CURLY) { mod_contents(p, true); p.expect(R_CURLY); } } } pub(super) fn is_use_tree_start(kind: SyntaxKind) -> bool { kind == STAR || kind == L_CURLY } fn use_item(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); use_tree(p); p.expect(SEMI); fn use_tree(p: &mut Parser) { let la = p.raw_lookahead(1); let m = p.start(); match (p.current(), la) { (STAR, _) => { p.bump(); } (COLONCOLON, STAR) => { p.bump(); p.bump(); } (L_CURLY, _) | (COLONCOLON, L_CURLY) => { if { p.bump(); } nested_trees(p); } _ if paths::is_path_start(p) => { paths::use_path(p); match p.current() { AS_KW => { alias(p); } COLONCOLON => { p.bump(); match p.current() { STAR => { p.bump(); } L_CURLY => nested_trees(p), _ => { // is this unreachable? p.error().message("expected `{` or `*`").emit(); } } } _ => (), } } _ => { m.abandon(p); p.err_and_bump("expected one of `*`, `::`, `{`, `self`, `super`, `indent`"); return; } } m.complete(p, USE_TREE); } fn nested_trees(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); while ! && ! { use_tree(p); if ! { p.expect(COMMA); } } p.expect(R_CURLY); } } fn fn_item(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); p.expect(IDENT); if { fn_value_parameters(p); } else { p.error().message("expected function arguments").emit(); } if { p.expect(L_CURLY); p.expect(R_CURLY); } fn fn_value_parameters(p: &mut Parser) { assert!(; p.bump(); p.expect(R_PAREN); } }