extern crate serde; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate file; extern crate ron; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::fmt::Write; fn main() { let grammar = Grammar::read(); let text = grammar.to_syntax_kinds(); let target = generated_file(); if text != file::get_text(&target).unwrap_or_default() { file::put_text(&target, &text).unwrap(); } } #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Grammar { keywords: Vec, contextual_keywords: Vec, tokens: Vec, nodes: Vec, } impl Grammar { fn read() -> Grammar { let text = file::get_text(&grammar_file()).unwrap(); ron::de::from_str(&text).unwrap() } fn to_syntax_kinds(&self) -> String { let mut acc = String::new(); acc.push_str("#![allow(bad_style, missing_docs, unreachable_pub)]\n"); acc.push_str("#![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]\n"); acc.push_str("//! Generated from grammar.ron\n"); acc.push_str("use super::SyntaxInfo;\n"); acc.push_str("\n"); let syntax_kinds: Vec = self.tokens .iter() .cloned() .chain(self.keywords.iter().map(|kw| kw_token(kw))) .chain(self.contextual_keywords.iter().map(|kw| kw_token(kw))) .chain(self.nodes.iter().cloned()) .collect(); // enum SyntaxKind acc.push_str("/// The kind of syntax node, e.g. `IDENT`, `USE_KW`, or `STRUCT_DEF`.\n"); acc.push_str("#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]\n"); acc.push_str("pub enum SyntaxKind {\n"); for kind in syntax_kinds.iter() { write!(acc, " {},\n", scream(kind)).unwrap(); } acc.push_str("\n"); acc.push_str(" // Technical SyntaxKinds: they appear temporally during parsing,\n"); acc.push_str(" // but never end up in the final tree\n"); acc.push_str(" #[doc(hidden)]\n"); acc.push_str(" TOMBSTONE,\n"); acc.push_str(" #[doc(hidden)]\n"); acc.push_str(" EOF,\n"); acc.push_str("}\n"); acc.push_str("pub(crate) use self::SyntaxKind::*;\n"); acc.push_str("\n"); // fn info acc.push_str("impl SyntaxKind {\n"); acc.push_str(" pub(crate) fn info(self) -> &'static SyntaxInfo {\n"); acc.push_str(" match self {\n"); for kind in syntax_kinds.iter() { let sname = scream(kind); write!( acc, " {sname} => &SyntaxInfo {{ name: \"{sname}\" }},\n", sname = sname ).unwrap(); } acc.push_str("\n"); acc.push_str(" TOMBSTONE => &SyntaxInfo { name: \"TOMBSTONE\" },\n"); acc.push_str(" EOF => &SyntaxInfo { name: \"EOF\" },\n"); acc.push_str(" }\n"); acc.push_str(" }\n"); // fn from_keyword acc.push_str(" pub(crate) fn from_keyword(ident: &str) -> Option {\n"); acc.push_str(" match ident {\n"); // NB: no contextual_keywords here! for kw in self.keywords.iter() { write!(acc, " {:?} => Some({}),\n", kw, kw_token(kw)).unwrap(); } acc.push_str(" _ => None,\n"); acc.push_str(" }\n"); acc.push_str(" }\n"); acc.push_str("}\n"); acc.push_str("\n"); acc } } fn grammar_file() -> PathBuf { base_dir().join("src/grammar.ron") } fn generated_file() -> PathBuf { base_dir().join("src/syntax_kinds/generated.rs") } fn scream(word: &str) -> String { word.chars().map(|c| c.to_ascii_uppercase()).collect() } fn kw_token(keyword: &str) -> String { format!("{}_KW", scream(keyword)) } fn base_dir() -> PathBuf { let dir = env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"); PathBuf::from(dir).parent().unwrap().to_owned() }