//! Defines input for code generation process. pub(crate) struct KindsSrc<'a> { pub(crate) punct: &'a [(&'a str, &'a str)], pub(crate) keywords: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) contextual_keywords: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) literals: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) tokens: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) nodes: &'a [&'a str], } pub(crate) const KINDS_SRC: KindsSrc = KindsSrc { punct: &[ (";", "SEMICOLON"), (",", "COMMA"), ("(", "L_PAREN"), (")", "R_PAREN"), ("{", "L_CURLY"), ("}", "R_CURLY"), ("[", "L_BRACK"), ("]", "R_BRACK"), ("<", "L_ANGLE"), (">", "R_ANGLE"), ("@", "AT"), ("#", "POUND"), ("~", "TILDE"), ("?", "QUESTION"), ("$", "DOLLAR"), ("&", "AMP"), ("|", "PIPE"), ("+", "PLUS"), ("*", "STAR"), ("/", "SLASH"), ("^", "CARET"), ("%", "PERCENT"), ("_", "UNDERSCORE"), (".", "DOT"), ("..", "DOT2"), ("...", "DOT3"), ("..=", "DOT2EQ"), (":", "COLON"), ("::", "COLON2"), ("=", "EQ"), ("==", "EQ2"), ("=>", "FAT_ARROW"), ("!", "BANG"), ("!=", "NEQ"), ("-", "MINUS"), ("->", "THIN_ARROW"), ("<=", "LTEQ"), (">=", "GTEQ"), ("+=", "PLUSEQ"), ("-=", "MINUSEQ"), ("|=", "PIPEEQ"), ("&=", "AMPEQ"), ("^=", "CARETEQ"), ("/=", "SLASHEQ"), ("*=", "STAREQ"), ("%=", "PERCENTEQ"), ("&&", "AMP2"), ("||", "PIPE2"), ("<<", "SHL"), (">>", "SHR"), ("<<=", "SHLEQ"), (">>=", "SHREQ"), ], keywords: &[ "as", "async", "await", "box", "break", "const", "continue", "crate", "dyn", "else", "enum", "extern", "false", "fn", "for", "if", "impl", "in", "let", "loop", "macro", "match", "mod", "move", "mut", "pub", "ref", "return", "self", "static", "struct", "super", "trait", "true", "try", "type", "unsafe", "use", "where", "while", ], contextual_keywords: &["auto", "default", "existential", "union", "raw"], literals: &[ "INT_NUMBER", "FLOAT_NUMBER", "CHAR", "BYTE", "STRING", "RAW_STRING", "BYTE_STRING", "RAW_BYTE_STRING", ], tokens: &[ "ERROR", "IDENT", "WHITESPACE", "LIFETIME", "COMMENT", "SHEBANG", "L_DOLLAR", "R_DOLLAR", ], nodes: &[ "SOURCE_FILE", "STRUCT_DEF", "UNION_DEF", "ENUM_DEF", "FN_DEF", "RET_TYPE", "EXTERN_CRATE_ITEM", "MODULE", "USE_ITEM", "STATIC_DEF", "CONST_DEF", "TRAIT_DEF", "IMPL_DEF", "TYPE_ALIAS_DEF", "MACRO_CALL", "TOKEN_TREE", "MACRO_DEF", "PAREN_TYPE", "TUPLE_TYPE", "NEVER_TYPE", "PATH_TYPE", "POINTER_TYPE", "ARRAY_TYPE", "SLICE_TYPE", "REFERENCE_TYPE", "PLACEHOLDER_TYPE", "FN_POINTER_TYPE", "FOR_TYPE", "IMPL_TRAIT_TYPE", "DYN_TRAIT_TYPE", "OR_PAT", "PAREN_PAT", "REF_PAT", "BOX_PAT", "BIND_PAT", "PLACEHOLDER_PAT", "DOT_DOT_PAT", "PATH_PAT", "RECORD_PAT", "RECORD_FIELD_PAT_LIST", "RECORD_FIELD_PAT", "TUPLE_STRUCT_PAT", "TUPLE_PAT", "SLICE_PAT", "RANGE_PAT", "LITERAL_PAT", "MACRO_PAT", // atoms "TUPLE_EXPR", "ARRAY_EXPR", "PAREN_EXPR", "PATH_EXPR", "LAMBDA_EXPR", "IF_EXPR", "WHILE_EXPR", "CONDITION", "LOOP_EXPR", "FOR_EXPR", "CONTINUE_EXPR", "BREAK_EXPR", "LABEL", "BLOCK_EXPR", "RETURN_EXPR", "MATCH_EXPR", "MATCH_ARM_LIST", "MATCH_ARM", "MATCH_GUARD", "RECORD_LIT", "RECORD_FIELD_LIST", "RECORD_FIELD", "EFFECT_EXPR", "BOX_EXPR", // postfix "CALL_EXPR", "INDEX_EXPR", "METHOD_CALL_EXPR", "FIELD_EXPR", "AWAIT_EXPR", "TRY_EXPR", "CAST_EXPR", // unary "REF_EXPR", "PREFIX_EXPR", "RANGE_EXPR", // just weird "BIN_EXPR", "EXTERN_BLOCK", "EXTERN_ITEM_LIST", "ENUM_VARIANT", "RECORD_FIELD_DEF_LIST", "RECORD_FIELD_DEF", "TUPLE_FIELD_DEF_LIST", "TUPLE_FIELD_DEF", "ENUM_VARIANT_LIST", "ITEM_LIST", "ATTR", "META_ITEM", // not an item actually "USE_TREE", "USE_TREE_LIST", "PATH", "PATH_SEGMENT", "LITERAL", "ALIAS", "VISIBILITY", "WHERE_CLAUSE", "WHERE_PRED", "ABI", "NAME", "NAME_REF", "LET_STMT", "EXPR_STMT", "TYPE_PARAM_LIST", "LIFETIME_PARAM", "TYPE_PARAM", "CONST_PARAM", "TYPE_ARG_LIST", "LIFETIME_ARG", "TYPE_ARG", "ASSOC_TYPE_ARG", "CONST_ARG", "PARAM_LIST", "PARAM", "SELF_PARAM", "ARG_LIST", "TYPE_BOUND", "TYPE_BOUND_LIST", // macro related "MACRO_ITEMS", "MACRO_STMTS", ], }; pub(crate) struct AstSrc<'a> { pub(crate) tokens: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) nodes: &'a [AstNodeSrc<'a>], pub(crate) enums: &'a [AstEnumSrc<'a>], } pub(crate) struct AstNodeSrc<'a> { pub(crate) doc: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) name: &'a str, pub(crate) traits: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) fields: &'a [Field<'a>], } pub(crate) enum Field<'a> { Token(&'a str), Node { name: &'a str, src: FieldSrc<'a> }, } pub(crate) enum FieldSrc<'a> { Shorthand, Optional(&'a str), Many(&'a str), } pub(crate) struct AstEnumSrc<'a> { pub(crate) doc: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) name: &'a str, pub(crate) traits: &'a [&'a str], pub(crate) variants: &'a [&'a str], } macro_rules! ast_nodes { ($( $(#[doc = $doc:expr])+ struct $name:ident$(: $($trait:ident),*)? { $($field_name:ident $(![$token:tt])? $(: $ty:tt)?),*$(,)? } )*) => { [$( AstNodeSrc { doc: &[$($doc),*], name: stringify!($name), traits: &[$($(stringify!($trait)),*)?], fields: &[ $(field!($(T![$token])? $field_name $($ty)?)),* ], } ),*] }; } macro_rules! field { (T![$token:tt] T) => { Field::Token(stringify!($token)) }; ($field_name:ident) => { Field::Node { name: stringify!($field_name), src: FieldSrc::Shorthand } }; ($field_name:ident [$ty:ident]) => { Field::Node { name: stringify!($field_name), src: FieldSrc::Many(stringify!($ty)) } }; ($field_name:ident $ty:ident) => { Field::Node { name: stringify!($field_name), src: FieldSrc::Optional(stringify!($ty)) } }; } macro_rules! ast_enums { ($( $(#[doc = $doc:expr])+ enum $name:ident $(: $($trait:ident),*)? { $($variant:ident),*$(,)? } )*) => { [$( AstEnumSrc { doc: &[$($doc),*], name: stringify!($name), traits: &[$($(stringify!($trait)),*)?], variants: &[$(stringify!($variant)),*], } ),*] }; } pub(crate) const AST_SRC: AstSrc = AstSrc { tokens: &["Whitespace", "Comment", "String", "RawString"], nodes: &ast_nodes! { /// The entire Rust source file. Includes all top-level inner attributes and module items. /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/crates-and-source-files.html) struct SourceFile: ModuleItemOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner { modules: [Module], } /// Function definition either with body or not. /// Includes all of its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub extern "C" fn foo(#[attr] Patern {p}: Pattern) -> u32 /// where /// T: Debug /// { /// 42 /// } /// ❱ /// /// extern "C" { /// ❰ fn fn_decl(also_variadic_ffi: u32, ...) -> u32; ❱ /// } /// ``` /// /// - [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/functions.html) /// - [Nomicon](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/ffi.html#variadic-functions) struct FnDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner, DocCommentsOwner, AttrsOwner { Abi, T![const], T![default], T![async], T![unsafe], T![fn], ParamList, RetType, body: BlockExpr, // TODO: maybe it makes sense to make it `Block` instead, T![;] // Or what if there may be a posibility of tryblocks as function body? } // But try blocks are not `BlockExpr` /// Return type annotation. /// /// ``` /// fn foo(a: u32) ❰ -> Option ❱ { Some(a) } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/functions.html) struct RetType { T![->], TypeRef } /// Struct definition. /// Includes all of its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// struct Foo where T: Debug { /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub a: u32, /// b: T, /// } /// ❱ /// /// ❰ struct Foo; ❱ /// ❰ struct Foo(#[attr] T) where T: Debug; ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/structs.html) struct StructDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner { T![struct], FieldDefList, T![;] } /// Union definition. /// Includes all of its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub union Foo where T: Debug { /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// a: T, /// b: u32, /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/unions.html) struct UnionDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner { T![union], RecordFieldDefList, } /// Record field definition list including enclosing curly braces. /// /// ``` /// struct Foo // same for union /// ❰ /// { /// a: u32, /// b: bool, /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/structs.html) struct RecordFieldDefList { T!['{'], fields: [RecordFieldDef], T!['}'] } /// Record field definition including its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ` `` /// same for union /// struct Foo { /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub a: u32 /// ❱ /// /// ❰ b: bool ❱ /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/structs.html) struct RecordFieldDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner, TypeAscriptionOwner { } /// Tuple field definition list including enclosing parens. /// /// ``` /// struct Foo ❰ (u32, String, Vec) ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/structs.html) struct TupleFieldDefList { T!['('], fields: [TupleFieldDef], T![')'] } /// Tuple field definition including its attributes. /// /// ``` /// struct Foo(❰ #[attr] u32 ❱); /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/structs.html) struct TupleFieldDef: VisibilityOwner, AttrsOwner { TypeRef, } /// Enum definition. /// Includes all of its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub enum Foo where T: Debug { /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// Bar, /// Baz(#[attr] u32), /// Bruh { /// a: u32, /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// b: T, /// } /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/enumerations.html) struct EnumDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner { T![enum], variant_list: EnumVariantList, } /// Enum variant definition list including enclosing curly braces. /// /// ``` /// enum Foo /// ❰ /// { /// Bar, /// Baz(u32), /// Bruh { /// a: u32 /// } /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/enumerations.html) struct EnumVariantList { T!['{'], variants: [EnumVariant], T!['}'] } /// Enum variant definition including its attributes and discriminant value definition. /// /// ``` /// enum Foo { /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// Bar /// ❱ /// /// // same for tuple and record variants /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/enumerations.html) struct EnumVariant: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, DocCommentsOwner, AttrsOwner { FieldDefList, T![=], Expr } /// Trait definition. /// Includes all of its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub unsafe trait Foo: Debug where T: Debug { /// // ... /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/traits.html) struct TraitDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner, TypeParamsOwner, TypeBoundsOwner { T![unsafe], T![auto], T![trait], ItemList, } /// Module definition either with body or not. /// Includes all of its inner and outer attributes, module items, doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub mod foo; /// ❱ /// /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub mod bar { /// //! Inner docs /// #![inner_attr] /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/modules.html) struct Module: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner { T![mod], ItemList, T![;] } /// Item defintion list. /// This is used for both top-level items and impl block items. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// fn foo {} /// struct Bar; /// enum Baz; /// trait Bruh; /// const BRUUH: u32 = 42; /// ❱ /// /// impl Foo /// ❰ /// { /// fn bar() {} /// const BAZ: u32 = 42; /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items.html) struct ItemList: ModuleItemOwner { T!['{'], assoc_items: [AssocItem], T!['}'] } /// Constant variable definition. /// Includes all of its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub const FOO: u32 = 42; /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/constant-items.html) struct ConstDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner, TypeAscriptionOwner { T![default], T![const], T![=], body: Expr, T![;] } /// Static variable definition. /// Includes all of its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub static mut FOO: u32 = 42; /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/static-items.html) struct StaticDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner, TypeAscriptionOwner { T![static], T![mut], T![=], body: Expr, T![;] } /// Type alias definition. /// Includes associated type clauses with type bounds. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// pub type Foo where T: Debug = T; /// ❱ /// /// trait Bar { /// ❰ type Baz: Debug; ❱ /// ❰ type Bruh = String; ❱ /// ❰ type Bruuh: Debug = u32; ❱ /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/type-aliases.html) struct TypeAliasDef: VisibilityOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner, TypeBoundsOwner { T![default], T![type], T![=], TypeRef, T![;] } /// Inherent and trait impl definition. /// Includes all of its inner and outer attributes. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// #[attr] /// unsafe impl !Foo for Bar where T: Debug { /// #![inner_attr] /// // ... /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/implementations.html) struct ImplDef: TypeParamsOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner { T![default], T![const], // TODO: wat? T![unsafe], T![impl], T![!], T![for], ItemList, } /// Parenthesized type reference. /// Note: parens are only used for grouping, this is not a tuple type. /// /// ``` /// // This is effectively just `u32`. /// // Single-item tuple must be defined with a trailing comma: `(u32,)` /// type Foo = ❰ (u32) ❱; /// /// let bar: &'static ❰ (dyn Debug) ❱ = "bruh"; /// ``` struct ParenType { T!['('], TypeRef, T![')'] } /// Unnamed tuple type. /// /// ``` /// let foo: ❰ (u32, bool) ❱ = (42, true); /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/tuple.html) struct TupleType { T!['('], fields: [TypeRef], T![')'] } /// The never type (i.e. the exclamation point). /// /// ``` /// type T = ❰ ! ❱; /// /// fn no_return() -> ❰ ! ❱ { /// loop {} /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/never.html) struct NeverType { T![!] } /// Path to a type. /// Includes single identifier type names and elaborate paths with /// generic parameters. /// /// ``` /// type Foo = ❰ String ❱; /// type Bar = ❰ std::vec::Vec ❱; /// type Baz = ❰ ::bruh::::Item ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/paths.html) struct PathType { Path } /// Raw pointer type. /// /// ``` /// type Foo = ❰ *const u32 ❱; /// type Bar = ❰ *mut u32 ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/pointer.html#raw-pointers-const-and-mut) struct PointerType { T![*], T![const], T![mut], TypeRef } /// Array type. /// /// ``` /// type Foo = ❰ [u32; 24 - 3] ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/array.html) struct ArrayType { T!['['], TypeRef, T![;], Expr, T![']'] } /// Slice type. /// /// ``` /// type Foo = ❰ [u8] ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/slice.html) struct SliceType { T!['['], TypeRef, T![']'] } /// Reference type. /// /// ``` /// type Foo = ❰ &'static str ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/pointer.html) struct ReferenceType { T![&], T![lifetime], T![mut], TypeRef } /// Placeholder type (i.e. the underscore). /// /// ``` /// let foo: ❰ _ ❱ = 42_u32; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/inferred.html) struct PlaceholderType { T![_] } /// Function pointer type (not to be confused with `Fn*` family of traits). /// /// ``` /// type Foo = ❰ async fn(#[attr] u32, named: bool) -> u32 ❱; /// /// type Bar = ❰ extern "C" fn(variadic: u32, #[attr] ...) ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/function-pointer.html) struct FnPointerType { Abi, T![unsafe], T![fn], ParamList, RetType } /// Higher order type. /// /// ``` /// type Foo = ❰ for<'a> fn(&'a str) ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/nomicon/hrtb.html) struct ForType { T![for], TypeParamList, TypeRef } /// Opaque `impl Trait` type. /// /// ``` /// fn foo(bar: ❰ impl Debug + Eq ❱) {} /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/impl-trait.html) struct ImplTraitType: TypeBoundsOwner { T![impl] } /// Trait object type. /// /// ``` /// type Foo = ❰ dyn Debug ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/types/trait-object.html) struct DynTraitType: TypeBoundsOwner { T![dyn] } /// Tuple literal. /// /// ``` /// ❰ (42, true) ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/tuple-expr.html) struct TupleExpr: AttrsOwner { T!['('], exprs: [Expr], T![')'] } /// Array literal. /// /// ``` /// ❰ [#![inner_attr] true, false, true] ❱; /// /// ❰ ["baz"; 24] ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/array-expr.html) struct ArrayExpr: AttrsOwner { T!['['], exprs: [Expr], T![;], T![']'] } /// Parenthesized expression. /// Note: parens are only used for grouping, this is not a tuple literal. /// /// ``` /// ❰ (#![inner_attr] 2 + 2) ❱ * 2; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/grouped-expr.html) struct ParenExpr: AttrsOwner { T!['('], Expr, T![')'] } /// Path to a symbol in expression context. /// Includes single identifier variable names and elaborate paths with /// generic parameters. /// /// ``` /// ❰ Some:: ❱; /// ❰ foo ❱ + 42; /// ❰ Vec::::push ❱; /// ❰ <[i32]>::reverse ❱; /// ❰ >::borrow ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/path-expr.html) struct PathExpr { Path } /// Anonymous callable object literal a.k.a. closure, lambda or functor. /// /// ``` /// ❰ || 42 ❱; /// ❰ |a: u32| val + 1 ❱; /// ❰ async |#[attr] Pattern(_): Pattern| { bar } ❱; /// ❰ move || baz ❱; /// ❰ || -> u32 { closure_with_ret_type_annotation_requires_block_expr } ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/closure-expr.html) struct LambdaExpr: AttrsOwner { // T![static], // TODO: what's this? T![async], T![move], ParamList, RetType, body: Expr, } /// If expression. Includes both regular `if` and `if let` forms. /// Beware that `else if` is a special case syntax sugar, because in general /// there has to be block expression after `else`. /// /// ``` /// ❰ if bool_cond { 42 } ❱ /// ❰ if bool_cond { 42 } else { 24 } ❱ /// ❰ if bool_cond { 42 } else if bool_cond2 { 42 } ❱ /// /// ❰ /// if let Pattern(foo) = bar { /// foo /// } else { /// panic!(); /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/if-expr.html) struct IfExpr: AttrsOwner { T![if], Condition } /// Unconditional loop expression. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// loop { /// // yeah, it's that simple... /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/loop-expr.html) struct LoopExpr: AttrsOwner, LoopBodyOwner { T![loop] } /// Block expression with an optional prefix (label, try ketword, /// unsafe keyword, async keyword...). /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// 'label: try { /// None? /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// - [try block](https://doc.rust-lang.org/unstable-book/language-features/try-blocks.html) /// - [unsafe block](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/block-expr.html#unsafe-blocks) /// - [async block](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/block-expr.html#async-blocks) struct EffectExpr: AttrsOwner { Label, T![try], T![unsafe], T![async], BlockExpr } /// For loop expression. /// Note: record struct literals are not valid as iterable expression /// due to ambiguity. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// for i in (0..4) { /// dbg!(i); /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#iterator-loops) struct ForExpr: AttrsOwner, LoopBodyOwner { T![for], Pat, T![in], iterable: Expr, } /// While loop expression. Includes both regular `while` and `while let` forms. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// while bool_cond { /// 42; /// } /// ❱ /// ❰ /// while let Pattern(foo) = bar { /// bar += 1; /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#predicate-loops) struct WhileExpr: AttrsOwner, LoopBodyOwner { T![while], Condition } /// Continue expression. /// /// ``` /// while bool_cond { /// ❰ continue ❱; /// } /// /// 'outer: loop { /// loop { /// ❰ continue 'outer ❱; /// } /// } /// /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#continue-expressions) struct ContinueExpr: AttrsOwner { T![continue], T![lifetime] } /// Break expression. /// /// ``` /// while bool_cond { /// ❰ break ❱; /// } /// 'outer: loop { /// for foo in bar { /// ❰ break 'outer ❱; /// } /// } /// 'outer: loop { /// loop { /// ❰ break 'outer 42 ❱; /// } /// } /// ``` /// /// [Refernce](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#break-expressions) struct BreakExpr: AttrsOwner { T![break], T![lifetime], Expr } /// Label. /// /// ``` /// ❰ 'outer: ❱ loop {} /// /// let foo = ❰ 'bar: ❱ loop {} /// /// ❰ 'baz: ❱ { /// break 'baz; /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/loop-expr.html?highlight=label#loop-labels) /// [Labels for blocks RFC](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2046-label-break-value.md) struct Label { T![lifetime] } /// Block expression. Includes unsafe blocks and block labels. /// /// ``` /// let foo = ❰ /// { /// #![inner_attr] /// ❰ { } ❱ /// /// ❰ 'label: { break 'label } ❱ /// } /// ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/block-expr.html) /// [Labels for blocks RFC](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2046-label-break-value.md) struct BlockExpr: AttrsOwner, ModuleItemOwner { T!['{'], statements: [Stmt], Expr, T!['}'], } /// Return expression. /// /// ``` /// || ❰ return 42 ❱; /// /// fn bar() { /// ❰ return ❱; /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/return-expr.html) struct ReturnExpr: AttrsOwner { Expr } /// Call expression (not to be confused with method call expression, it is /// a separate ast node). /// /// ``` /// ❰ foo() ❱; /// ❰ &str::len("bar") ❱; /// ❰ <&str as PartialEq<&str>>::eq(&"", &"") ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/call-expr.html) struct CallExpr: ArgListOwner { Expr } /// Method call expression. /// /// ``` /// ❰ receiver_expr.method() ❱; /// ❰ receiver_expr.method::(42, true) ❱; /// /// ❰ ❰ ❰ foo.bar() ❱ .baz() ❱ .bruh() ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/method-call-expr.html) struct MethodCallExpr: AttrsOwner, ArgListOwner { Expr, T![.], NameRef, TypeArgList, } /// Index expression a.k.a. subscript operator call. /// /// ``` /// ❰ foo[42] ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/array-expr.html) struct IndexExpr: AttrsOwner { T!['['], T![']'] } /// Field access expression. /// /// ``` /// ❰ expr.bar ❱; /// /// ❰ ❰ ❰ foo.bar ❱ .baz ❱ .bruh ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/field-expr.html) struct FieldExpr: AttrsOwner { Expr, T![.], NameRef } /// Await operator call expression. /// /// ``` /// ❰ expr.await ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/await-expr.html) struct AwaitExpr: AttrsOwner { Expr, T![.], T![await] } /// The question mark operator call. /// /// ``` /// ❰ expr? ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/operator-expr.html#the-question-mark-operator) struct TryExpr: AttrsOwner { Expr, T![?] } /// Type cast expression. /// /// ``` /// ❰ expr as T ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/operator-expr.html#type-cast-expressions) struct CastExpr: AttrsOwner { Expr, T![as], TypeRef } /// Borrow operator call. /// /// ``` /// ❰ &foo ❱; /// ❰ &mut bar ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/operator-expr.html#borrow-operators) struct RefExpr: AttrsOwner { T![&], T![raw], T![mut], Expr } /// Prefix operator call. This is either `!` or `*` or `-`. /// /// ``` /// ❰ !foo ❱; /// ❰ *bar ❱; /// ❰ -42 ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/operator-expr.html) struct PrefixExpr: AttrsOwner { /*PrefixOp,*/ Expr } /// Box operator call. /// /// ``` /// ❰ box 42 ❱; /// ``` /// /// [RFC](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/0806be4f282144cfcd55b1d20284b43f87cbe1c6/text/0809-box-and-in-for-stdlib.md) struct BoxExpr: AttrsOwner { T![box], Expr } /// Range operator call. /// /// ``` /// ❰ 0..42 ❱; /// ❰ ..42 ❱; /// ❰ 0.. ❱; /// ❰ .. ❱; /// ❰ 0..=42 ❱; /// ❰ ..=42 ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/range-expr.html) struct RangeExpr: AttrsOwner { /*RangeOp*/ } /// Binary operator call. /// Includes all arithmetic, logic, bitwise and assignment operators. /// /// ``` /// ❰ 2 + ❰ 2 * 2 ❱ ❱; /// ❰ ❰ true && false ❱ || true ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/operator-expr.html#arithmetic-and-logical-binary-operators) struct BinExpr: AttrsOwner { /*BinOp*/ } /// [Raw] string, [raw] byte string, char, byte, integer, float or bool literal. /// /// ``` /// ❰ "str" ❱; /// ❰ br##"raw byte str"## ❱; /// ❰ 'c' ❱; /// ❰ b'c' ❱; /// ❰ 42 ❱; /// ❰ 1e9 ❱; /// ❰ true ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/literal-expr.html) struct Literal { /*LiteralToken*/ } /// Match expression. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// match expr { /// Pat1 => {} /// Pat2(_) => 42, /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/match-expr.html) struct MatchExpr: AttrsOwner { T![match], Expr, MatchArmList } /// Match arm list part of match expression. Includes its inner attributes. /// /// ``` /// match expr /// ❰ /// { /// #![inner_attr] /// Pat1 => {} /// Pat2(_) => 42, /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/match-expr.html) struct MatchArmList: AttrsOwner { T!['{'], arms: [MatchArm], T!['}'] } /// Match arm. /// Note: record struct literals are not valid as target match expression /// due to ambiguity. /// ``` /// match expr { /// ❰ #[attr] Pattern(it) if bool_cond => it ❱, /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/match-expr.html) struct MatchArm: AttrsOwner { pat: Pat, guard: MatchGuard, T![=>], Expr, } /// Match guard. /// /// ``` /// match expr { /// Pattern(it) ❰ if bool_cond ❱ => it, /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/match-expr.html#match-guards) struct MatchGuard { T![if], Expr } /// Record literal expression. The same syntax is used for structs, /// unions and record enum variants. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// foo::Bar { /// #![inner_attr] /// baz: 42, /// bruh: true, /// ..spread /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/struct-expr.html) struct RecordLit { Path, RecordFieldList} /// Record field list including enclosing curly braces. /// /// foo::Bar ❰ /// { /// baz: 42, /// ..spread /// } /// ❱ /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/struct-expr.html) struct RecordFieldList { T!['{'], fields: [RecordField], T![..], spread: Expr, T!['}'] } /// Record field. /// /// ``` /// foo::Bar { /// ❰ #[attr] baz: 42 ❱ /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/struct-expr.html) struct RecordField: AttrsOwner { NameRef, T![:], Expr } /// Disjunction of patterns. /// /// ``` /// let ❰ Foo(it) | Bar(it) | Baz(it) ❱ = bruh; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html) struct OrPat { pats: [Pat] } /// Parenthesized pattern. /// Note: parens are only used for grouping, this is not a tuple pattern. /// /// ``` /// if let ❰ &(0..=42) ❱ = foo {} /// ``` /// /// https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#grouped-patterns struct ParenPat { T!['('], Pat, T![')'] } /// Reference pattern. /// Note: this has nothing to do with `ref` keyword, the latter is used in bind patterns. /// /// ``` /// let ❰ &mut foo ❱ = bar; /// ``` /// // TODO: clarify on the special case of double reference pattern /// // described in the link bellow /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#reference-patterns) struct RefPat { T![&], T![mut], Pat } /// Box pattern. /// /// ``` /// let ❰ box foo ❱ = box 42; /// ``` /// /// [Unstable book](https://doc.rust-lang.org/unstable-book/language-features/box-patterns.html) struct BoxPat { T![box], Pat } /// Bind pattern. /// /// ``` /// match foo { /// Some(❰ ref mut bar ❱) => {} /// ❰ baz @ None ❱ => {} /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#identifier-patterns) struct BindPat: AttrsOwner, NameOwner { T![ref], T![mut], T![@], Pat } /// Placeholder pattern a.k.a. the wildcard pattern or the underscore. /// /// ``` /// let ❰ _ ❱ = foo; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#wildcard-pattern) struct PlaceholderPat { T![_] } /// Rest-of-the record/tuple pattern. /// Note: this is not the unbonded range pattern (even more: it doesn't exist). /// /// ``` /// let Foo { bar, ❰ .. ❱ } = baz; /// let (❰ .. ❱, bruh) = (42, 24, 42); /// let Bruuh(❰ .. ❱) = bruuuh; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#struct-patterns) struct DotDotPat { T![..] } /// Path pattern. /// Doesn't include the underscore pattern (it is a special case, namely `PlaceholderPat`). /// /// ``` /// let ❰ foo::bar::Baz ❱ { .. } = bruh; /// if let ❰ CONST ❱ = 42 {} /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#path-patterns) struct PathPat { Path } /// Slice pattern. /// /// ``` /// let ❰ [foo, bar, baz] ❱ = [1, 2, 3]; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#slice-patterns) struct SlicePat { T!['['], args: [Pat], T![']'] } /// Range pattern. /// /// ``` /// match foo { /// ❰ 0..42 ❱ => {} /// ❰ 0..=42 ❱ => {} /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#range-patterns) struct RangePat { /*RangeSeparator*/ } // TODO: where is RangeSeparator? /// Literal pattern. /// Includes only bool, number, char, and string literals. /// /// ``` /// match foo { /// Number(❰ 42 ❱) => {} /// String(❰ "42" ❱) => {} /// Bool(❰ true ❱) => {} /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#literal-patterns) struct LiteralPat { Literal } /// Macro invocation in pattern position. /// /// ``` /// let ❰ foo!(my custom syntax) ❱ = baz; /// /// ``` /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/macros.html#macro-invocation) struct MacroPat { MacroCall } /// Record literal pattern. /// /// ``` /// let ❰ foo::Bar { baz, .. } ❱ = bruh; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#struct-patterns) struct RecordPat { RecordFieldPatList, Path } /// Record literal's field patterns list including enclosing curly braces. /// /// ``` /// let foo::Bar ❰ { baz, bind @ bruh, .. } ❱ = bruuh; /// `` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#struct-patterns) struct RecordFieldPatList { T!['{'], pats: [RecordInnerPat], record_field_pats: [RecordFieldPat], bind_pats: [BindPat], T![..], T!['}'] } /// Record literal's field pattern. /// Note: record literal can also match tuple structs. /// /// ``` /// let Foo { ❰ bar: _ ❱ } = baz; /// let TupleStruct { ❰ 0: _ ❱ } = bruh; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#struct-patterns) struct RecordFieldPat: AttrsOwner { NameRef, T![:], Pat } /// Tuple struct literal pattern. /// /// ``` /// let ❰ foo::Bar(baz, bruh) ❱ = bruuh; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#tuple-struct-patterns) struct TupleStructPat { Path, T!['('], args: [Pat], T![')'] } /// Tuple pattern. /// Note: this doesn't include tuple structs (see `TupleStructPat`) /// /// ``` /// let ❰ (foo, bar, .., baz) ❱ = bruh; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/patterns.html#tuple-patterns) struct TuplePat { T!['('], args: [Pat], T![')'] } /// Visibility. /// /// ``` /// ❰ pub mod ❱ foo; /// ❰ pub(crate) ❱ struct Bar; /// ❰ pub(self) ❱ enum Baz {} /// ❰ pub(super) ❱ fn bruh() {} /// ❰ pub(in bruuh::bruuuh) ❱ type T = u64; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/visibility-and-privacy.html) struct Visibility { T![pub], T![super], T![self], T![crate] } /// Single identifier. /// // TODO: clarify the difference between Name and NameRef /// /// ``` /// let ❰ foo ❱ = bar; /// struct ❰ Baz ❱; /// fn ❰ bruh ❱() {} /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/identifiers.html) struct Name { T![ident] } /// Reference to a name. /// /// ``` /// let foo = ❰ bar ❱(❰ Baz(❰ bruh ❱) ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/identifiers.html) struct NameRef { /*NameRefToken*/ } // TODO: where is NameRefToken? /// Macro call. /// Includes all of its attributes and doc comments. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// /// Docs /// #[attr] /// macro_rules! foo { // macro rules is also a macro call /// ($bar: tt) => {} /// } /// ❱ /// /// ❰ foo!() ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/macros.html) struct MacroCall: NameOwner, AttrsOwner, DocCommentsOwner { Path, T![!], TokenTree, T![;] // TODO: what is the meaning of the semicolon here? } /// Attribute. /// /// ``` /// ❰ #![inner_attr] ❱ /// /// ❰ #[attr] ❱ /// ❰ #[foo = "bar"] ❱ /// ❰ #[baz(bruh::bruuh = "42")] ❱ /// struct Foo; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/attributes.html) struct Attr { T![#], T![!], T!['['], Path, T![=], input: AttrInput, T![']'] } /// Stores a list of lexer tokens and other `TokenTree`s. /// It appears in attributes, macro_rules and macro call (foo!) /// /// ``` /// macro_call! ❰ { my syntax here } ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/macros.html) struct TokenTree {} // TODO: clarify this param vs arg i.e. delcaration vs instantiation // TODO: arg vs param doesn't really make a difference, the naming here is very confusing // This one is not so obvious as pattern vs template (@matklad) // /// Generic lifetime, type and constants parameters list **declaration**. /// /// ``` /// fn foo❰ <'a, 'b, T, U, const BAR: u64> ❱() {} /// /// struct Baz❰ ❱(T); /// /// impl❰ ❱ Bruh {} /// /// type Bruuh = for❰ <'a> ❱ fn(&'a str) -> &'a str; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/generics.html) struct TypeParamList { T![<], generic_params: [GenericParam], type_params: [TypeParam], lifetime_params: [LifetimeParam], const_params: [ConstParam], T![>] } /// Single type parameter **declaration**. /// /// ``` /// fn foo<❰ K ❱, ❰ I ❱, ❰ E: Debug ❱, ❰ V = DefaultType ❱>() {} /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/generics.html) struct TypeParam: NameOwner, AttrsOwner, TypeBoundsOwner { T![=], default_type: TypeRef, } /// Const generic parameter **declaration**. /// ``` /// fn foo() {} /// ``` /// /// [RFC](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2000-const-generics.md#declaring-a-const-parameter) struct ConstParam: NameOwner, AttrsOwner, TypeAscriptionOwner { T![=], default_val: Expr, } /// Lifetime parameter **declaration**. /// /// ``` /// fn foo<❰ 'a ❱, ❰ 'b ❱, V, G, D>(bar: &'a str, baz: &'b mut str) {} /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/generics.html) struct LifetimeParam: AttrsOwner { T![lifetime] } // TODO: better clarify where is the colon token and what `const` pertains to. // TODO: add example with `const` /// Type bound declaration clause. /// /// ``` /// fn foo() {} /// /// trait Bar /// where /// T: ❰ Send ❱ + ❰ Sync ❱ /// { /// type Baz: ❰ !Sync ❱ + ❰ Debug ❱; /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/trait-bounds.html) struct TypeBound { T![lifetime], /* Question, */ T![const], /* Question, */ TypeRef } /// Type bounds list. /// /// ``` /// /// fn foo() {} /// /// trait Bar /// where /// T: ❰ Send + Sync ❱ /// { /// type Baz: ❰ !Sync + Debug ❱; /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/trait-bounds.html) struct TypeBoundList { bounds: [TypeBound] } /// Single where predicate. /// /// ``` /// trait Foo<'a, 'b, T> /// where /// ❰ 'a: 'b ❱, /// ❰ T: IntoIterator ❱, /// ❰ for<'c> ::Item: Bar<'c> ❱ /// {} /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/generics.html#where-clauses) struct WherePred: TypeBoundsOwner { T![lifetime], TypeRef } /// Where clause. /// /// ``` /// trait Foo<'a, T> ❰ where 'a: 'static, T: Debug ❱ {} /// /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/generics.html#where-clauses) struct WhereClause { T![where], predicates: [WherePred] } /// Abi declaration. /// Note: the abi string is optional. /// /// ``` /// ❰ extern "C" ❱ { /// fn foo() {} /// } /// /// type Bar = ❰ extern ❱ fn() -> u32; /// /// type Baz = ❰ extern r#"stdcall"# ❱ fn() -> bool; /// ``` /// /// - [Extern blocks reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/external-blocks.html) /// - [FFI function pointers reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/functions.html#functions) struct Abi { /*String*/ } // TODO: clarify how empty statements are handled /// Expression statement. /// Note: may be empty (i.e. only semicolon). /// /// ``` /// ❰ 42; ❱ /// ❰ foo(); ❱ /// ❰ (); ❱ /// ❰ {}; ❱ /// ❰ /* empty */; ❱ /// /// // constructions with trailing curly brace can omit the semicolon // TODO: clarify /// ❰ if bool_cond { } ❱ /// ❰ loop {} ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/statements.html) struct ExprStmt: AttrsOwner { Expr, T![;] } /// Let statement. /// /// ``` /// ❰ #[attr] let foo; ❱ /// ❰ let bar: u64; ❱ /// ❰ let baz = 42; ❱ /// ❰ let bruh: bool = true; ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/statements.html#let-statements) struct LetStmt: AttrsOwner, TypeAscriptionOwner { T![let], Pat, T![=], initializer: Expr, T![;], } /// Condition of `if` or `while` expression. /// /// ``` /// if ❰ true ❱ {} /// if ❰ let Pat(foo) = bar ❱ {} /// /// while ❰ true ❱ {} /// while ❰ let Pat(baz) = bruh ❱ {} /// ``` /// /// [If expression reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/if-expr.html) /// [While expression reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/loop-expr.html#predicate-loops) struct Condition { T![let], Pat, T![=], Expr } // TODO: this one is used by closure expressions too, but hey use pipes instead of parens /// Parameter list **declaration**. /// /// ``` /// fn foo❰ (a: u32, b: bool) ❱ -> u32 {} /// let bar = ❰ |a, b| ❱ {}; /// /// impl Baz { /// fn bruh❰ (&self, a: u32) ❱ {} /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/functions.html)ocs to codegen script struct ParamList { T!['('], SelfParam, params: [Param], T![')'] } /// Self parameter **declaration**. /// /// ``` /// impl Bruh { /// fn foo(❰ self ❱) {} /// fn bar(❰ &self ❱) {} /// fn baz(❰ &mut self ❱) {} /// fn blah<'a>(❰ &'a self ❱) {} /// fn blin(❰ self: Box ❱) {} /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/functions.html) struct SelfParam: TypeAscriptionOwner, AttrsOwner { T![&], T![mut], T![lifetime], T![self] } /// Parameter **declaration**. /// /// ``` /// fn foo(❰ #[attr] Pat(bar): Pat(u32) ❱, ❰ #[attr] _: bool ❱) {} /// /// extern "C" { /// fn bar(❰ baz: u32 ❱, ❰ ... ❱) -> u32; /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/functions.html) struct Param: TypeAscriptionOwner, AttrsOwner { Pat, T![...] } /// Use declaration. /// /// ``` /// ❰ #[attr] pub use foo; ❱ /// ❰ use bar as baz; ❱ /// ❰ use bruh::{self, bruuh}; ❱ /// ❰ use { blin::blen, blah::* }; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/use-declarations.html) struct UseItem: AttrsOwner, VisibilityOwner { T![use], UseTree, } // TODO: verify example correctness /// Use tree. /// /// ``` /// pub use ❰ foo::❰ * ❱ ❱; /// use ❰ bar as baz ❱; /// use ❰ bruh::bruuh::{ ❰ self ❱, ❰ blin ❱ } ❱; /// use ❰ { ❰ blin::blen ❱ } ❱ // TODO: clarify if top-level curlies are `UseTree` /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/use-declarations.html) struct UseTree { Path, T![*], UseTreeList, Alias } /// Item alias. /// Note: this is not the type alias. /// /// ``` /// use foo ❰ as bar ❱; /// use baz::{bruh ❰ as _ ❱}; /// extern crate bruuh ❰ as blin ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/use-declarations.html) struct Alias: NameOwner { T![as] } /// Sublist of use trees. /// /// ``` /// use bruh::bruuh::❰ { ❰ self ❱, ❰ blin ❱ } ❱; /// use ❰ { blin::blen::❰ {} ❱ } ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/use-declarations.html) struct UseTreeList { T!['{'], use_trees: [UseTree], T!['}'] } /// Extern crate item. /// /// ``` /// ❰ #[attr] pub extern crate foo; ❱ /// ❰ extern crate self as bar; ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/extern-crates.html) struct ExternCrateItem: AttrsOwner, VisibilityOwner { T![extern], T![crate], NameRef, Alias, } /// Call site arguments list. /// /// ``` /// foo::❰ (42, true) ❱; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/expressions/call-expr.html) struct ArgList { T!['('], args: [Expr], T![')'] } // TODO: correct the example /// Path to a symbol. Includes single identifier names and elaborate paths with /// generic parameters. /// /// ``` /// (0..10).❰ collect ❰ ::> ❱ ❱(); /// ❰ Vec ❰ :: ❰ ::with_capacity ❱ ❱ ❱(1024); /// ❰ ❰ ::baz ❱ ❱(); /// ❰ ❰ ::bruuh ❱ ❱(); /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/paths.html) struct Path { segment: PathSegment, qualifier: Path, } // TODO: verify the example // TODO: what RetType is doing here? is this for Fn() -> T syntax? /// Segment of the path to a symbol. /// /// ``` /// (0..10).❰ collect ❱ ❰ ::> ❱(); /// ❰ Vec >| ❰ :: ❱ ❰ ::with_capacity ❱(1024); /// ❰ ❱ ❰ ::baz ❱(); /// ❰ ❱ ❰ ::bruuh ❱(); /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/paths.html) struct PathSegment { T![::], T![crate], T![self], T![super], T![<], NameRef, TypeArgList, ParamList, RetType, PathType, T![>] } // TODO: verify the example /// List of type arguments that are passed at generic instantiation site. /// /// ``` /// use foo ❰ ::<'a, u64, Item = Bar, 42, true> ❱::bar; /// /// Vec❰ :: ❱::(); /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/paths.html#paths-in-expressions) struct TypeArgList { T![::], T![<], generic_args: [GenericArg], type_args: [TypeArg], lifetime_args: [LifetimeArg], assoc_type_args: [AssocTypeArg], const_args: [ConstArg], T![>] } /// Type argument that is passed at generic instantiation site. /// /// ``` /// use foo::<'a, ❰ u64 ❱, ❰ bool ❱, Item = Bar, 42>::baz; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/paths.html#paths-in-expressions) struct TypeArg { TypeRef } // TODO: verify inline type bounds example /// Associated type argument that is passed at generic instantiation site. /// ``` /// use foo::<'a, u64, bool, ❰ Item = Bar ❱, 42>::baz; /// /// trait Bruh: Iterator<❰ Item: Debug ❱> {} /// ``` /// struct AssocTypeArg : TypeBoundsOwner { NameRef, T![=], TypeRef } // TODO: verify? /// Lifetime argument that is passed at generic instantiation site. /// /// ``` /// fn foo<'a>(s: &'a str) { /// bar::<❰ 'a ❱>(s); /// } /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/paths.html#paths-in-expressions) struct LifetimeArg { T![lifetime] } // TODO: does this peratain to const generics? // What does equal sign do here? /// Constant value argument that is passed at generic instantiation site. /// /// ``` /// foo::<❰ u32 ❱, ❰ true ❱>(); /// /// bar::<❰ { 2 + 2} ❱>(); /// ``` /// /// [RFC](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/2000-const-generics.md#declaring-a-const-parameter) struct ConstArg { Literal, T![=], BlockExpr } // TODO: Idk what I am writing here, please don't believe these words. // TODO: clarify @matklad @edwin0cheng /// Macro items is a node that holds all the items created by expanding a macro. /// /// ``` /// foo!(); // expands into some items -v /// // ❰ struct Foo; impl Bar for Foo; ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/macros.html) struct MacroItems: ModuleItemOwner { } /// List of items in an extern block. /// /// ``` /// extern "C" ❰ /// { /// fn foo(); /// static var: u32; /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/external-blocks.html) struct ExternItemList: ModuleItemOwner { T!['{'], extern_items: [ExternItem], T!['}'] } /// Extern block. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// extern "C" { /// fn foo(); /// } /// ❱ /// /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/items/external-blocks.html) struct ExternBlock { Abi, ExternItemList } /// Meta item in an attribute. /// /// ``` /// #[❰ bar::baz = "42" ❱] /// #[❰ bruh(bruuh("true")) ❱] /// struct Foo; /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/attributes.html?highlight=meta,item#meta-item-attribute-syntax) struct MetaItem { Path, T![=], AttrInput, nested_meta_items: [MetaItem] } // TODO: is this a special case of `MacroCall` where `Name` = `macro_rules`? // It doesn't seem this ast node is used anywhere /// Macro definition. /// /// ``` /// ❰ /// macro_rules! foo { /// ($bar:tt) => {$bar} /// } /// ❱ /// ``` /// /// [Reference](https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/macros-by-example.html) struct MacroDef { Name, TokenTree } }, enums: &ast_enums! { /// Any kind of nominal type definition. enum NominalDef: NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner, AttrsOwner { StructDef, EnumDef, UnionDef, } /// Any kind of **declared** generic parameter enum GenericParam { LifetimeParam, TypeParam, ConstParam } /// Any kind of generic argument passed at instantiation site enum GenericArg { LifetimeArg, TypeArg, ConstArg, AssocTypeArg } /// Any kind of construct valid in type context enum TypeRef { ParenType, TupleType, NeverType, PathType, PointerType, ArrayType, SliceType, ReferenceType, PlaceholderType, FnPointerType, ForType, ImplTraitType, DynTraitType, } /// Any kind of top-level item that may appear in a module enum ModuleItem: NameOwner, AttrsOwner, VisibilityOwner { StructDef, UnionDef, EnumDef, FnDef, TraitDef, TypeAliasDef, ImplDef, UseItem, ExternCrateItem, ConstDef, StaticDef, Module, MacroCall, ExternBlock } /// Any kind of item that may appear in an impl block /// /// // TODO: is the following a fixme? /// impl blocks can also contain MacroCall enum AssocItem: NameOwner, AttrsOwner { FnDef, TypeAliasDef, ConstDef } /// Any kind of item that may appear in an extern block /// /// // TODO: is the following a fixme? /// extern blocks can also contain MacroCall enum ExternItem: NameOwner, AttrsOwner, VisibilityOwner { FnDef, StaticDef } /// Any kind of expression enum Expr: AttrsOwner { TupleExpr, ArrayExpr, ParenExpr, PathExpr, LambdaExpr, IfExpr, LoopExpr, ForExpr, WhileExpr, ContinueExpr, BreakExpr, Label, BlockExpr, ReturnExpr, MatchExpr, RecordLit, CallExpr, IndexExpr, MethodCallExpr, FieldExpr, AwaitExpr, TryExpr, EffectExpr, CastExpr, RefExpr, PrefixExpr, RangeExpr, BinExpr, Literal, MacroCall, BoxExpr, } /// Any kind of pattern enum Pat { OrPat, ParenPat, RefPat, BoxPat, BindPat, PlaceholderPat, DotDotPat, PathPat, RecordPat, TupleStructPat, TuplePat, SlicePat, RangePat, LiteralPat, MacroPat, } /// Any kind of pattern that appears directly inside of the curly /// braces of a record pattern enum RecordInnerPat { RecordFieldPat, BindPat } /// Any kind of input to an attribute enum AttrInput { Literal, TokenTree } /// Any kind of statement enum Stmt { LetStmt, ExprStmt, // macro calls are parsed as expression statements } /// Any kind of fields list (record or tuple field lists) enum FieldDefList { RecordFieldDefList, TupleFieldDefList, } }, };