//! We use code generation heavily in rust-analyzer. //! //! Rather then doing it via proc-macros, we use old-school way of just dumping //! the source code. //! //! This module's submodules define specific bits that we generate. mod gen_syntax; mod gen_parser_tests; mod gen_lint_completions; mod gen_assists_docs; mod gen_feature_docs; mod gen_diagnostic_docs; use std::{ fmt, mem, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use xshell::{cmd, pushenv}; use crate::{ensure_rustfmt, project_root, Result}; pub(crate) use self::{ gen_assists_docs::generate_assists_tests, gen_lint_completions::generate_lint_completions, gen_parser_tests::generate_parser_tests, gen_syntax::generate_syntax, }; pub(crate) fn docs() -> Result<()> { // We don't commit docs to the repo, so we can just overwrite them. gen_assists_docs::generate_assists_docs()?; gen_feature_docs::generate_feature_docs()?; gen_diagnostic_docs::generate_diagnostic_docs()?; Ok(()) } #[allow(unused)] fn used() { generate_parser_tests(); generate_assists_tests(); generate_syntax(); generate_lint_completions(); } /// Checks that the `file` has the specified `contents`. If that is not the /// case, updates the file and then fails the test. pub(crate) fn ensure_file_contents(file: &Path, contents: &str) -> Result<()> { match std::fs::read_to_string(file) { Ok(old_contents) if normalize_newlines(&old_contents) == normalize_newlines(contents) => { return Ok(()) } _ => (), } let display_path = file.strip_prefix(&project_root()).unwrap_or(file); eprintln!( "\n\x1b[31;1merror\x1b[0m: {} was not up-to-date, updating\n", display_path.display() ); if std::env::var("CI").is_ok() { eprintln!(" NOTE: run `cargo test` locally and commit the updated files\n"); } if let Some(parent) = file.parent() { let _ = std::fs::create_dir_all(parent); } std::fs::write(file, contents).unwrap(); anyhow::bail!("some file were not up to date") } fn normalize_newlines(s: &str) -> String { s.replace("\r\n", "\n") } const PREAMBLE: &str = "Generated file, do not edit by hand, see `xtask/src/codegen`"; fn reformat(text: &str) -> Result { let _e = pushenv("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "stable"); ensure_rustfmt()?; let rustfmt_toml = project_root().join("rustfmt.toml"); let stdout = cmd!("rustfmt --config-path {rustfmt_toml} --config fn_single_line=true") .stdin(text) .read()?; Ok(format!("//! {}\n\n{}\n", PREAMBLE, stdout)) } fn extract_comment_blocks(text: &str) -> Vec> { do_extract_comment_blocks(text, false).into_iter().map(|(_line, block)| block).collect() } fn extract_comment_blocks_with_empty_lines(tag: &str, text: &str) -> Vec { assert!(tag.starts_with(char::is_uppercase)); let tag = format!("{}:", tag); let mut res = Vec::new(); for (line, mut block) in do_extract_comment_blocks(text, true) { let first = block.remove(0); if first.starts_with(&tag) { let id = first[tag.len()..].trim().to_string(); let block = CommentBlock { id, line, contents: block }; res.push(block); } } res } struct CommentBlock { id: String, line: usize, contents: Vec, } fn do_extract_comment_blocks( text: &str, allow_blocks_with_empty_lines: bool, ) -> Vec<(usize, Vec)> { let mut res = Vec::new(); let prefix = "// "; let lines = text.lines().map(str::trim_start); let mut block = (0, vec![]); for (line_num, line) in lines.enumerate() { if line == "//" && allow_blocks_with_empty_lines { block.1.push(String::new()); continue; } let is_comment = line.starts_with(prefix); if is_comment { block.1.push(line[prefix.len()..].to_string()); } else { if !block.1.is_empty() { res.push(mem::take(&mut block)); } block.0 = line_num + 2; } } if !block.1.is_empty() { res.push(block) } res } #[derive(Debug)] struct Location { file: PathBuf, line: usize, } impl Location { fn new(file: PathBuf, line: usize) -> Self { Self { file, line } } } impl fmt::Display for Location { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let path = self.file.strip_prefix(&project_root()).unwrap().display().to_string(); let path = path.replace('\\', "/"); let name = self.file.file_name().unwrap(); write!( f, "https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/master/{}#L{}[{}]", path, self.line, name.to_str().unwrap() ) } }