//! Generates `assists.md` documentation. use std::{fmt, path::Path}; use crate::{ codegen::{self, extract_comment_blocks_with_empty_lines, reformat, Location, Mode, PREAMBLE}, project_root, rust_files_in, Result, }; pub fn generate_assists_tests(mode: Mode) -> Result<()> { let assists = Assist::collect()?; generate_tests(&assists, mode) } pub fn generate_assists_docs(mode: Mode) -> Result<()> { let assists = Assist::collect()?; let contents = assists.into_iter().map(|it| it.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>().join("\n\n"); let contents = format!("//{}\n{}\n", PREAMBLE, contents.trim()); let dst = project_root().join("docs/user/generated_assists.adoc"); codegen::update(&dst, &contents, mode) } #[derive(Debug)] struct Assist { id: String, location: Location, doc: String, before: String, after: String, } impl Assist { fn collect() -> Result<Vec<Assist>> { let mut res = Vec::new(); for path in rust_files_in(&project_root().join("crates/assists/src/handlers")) { collect_file(&mut res, path.as_path())?; } res.sort_by(|lhs, rhs| lhs.id.cmp(&rhs.id)); return Ok(res); fn collect_file(acc: &mut Vec<Assist>, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { let text = xshell::read_file(path)?; let comment_blocks = extract_comment_blocks_with_empty_lines("Assist", &text); for block in comment_blocks { // FIXME: doesn't support blank lines yet, need to tweak // `extract_comment_blocks` for that. let id = block.id; assert!( id.chars().all(|it| it.is_ascii_lowercase() || it == '_'), "invalid assist id: {:?}", id ); let mut lines = block.contents.iter(); let doc = take_until(lines.by_ref(), "```").trim().to_string(); assert!( doc.chars().next().unwrap().is_ascii_uppercase() && doc.ends_with('.'), "\n\n{}: assist docs should be proper sentences, with capitalization and a full stop at the end.\n\n{}\n\n", id, doc, ); let before = take_until(lines.by_ref(), "```"); assert_eq!(lines.next().unwrap().as_str(), "->"); assert_eq!(lines.next().unwrap().as_str(), "```"); let after = take_until(lines.by_ref(), "```"); let location = Location::new(path.to_path_buf(), block.line); acc.push(Assist { id, location, doc, before, after }) } fn take_until<'a>(lines: impl Iterator<Item = &'a String>, marker: &str) -> String { let mut buf = Vec::new(); for line in lines { if line == marker { break; } buf.push(line.clone()); } buf.join("\n") } Ok(()) } } } impl fmt::Display for Assist { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let before = self.before.replace("$0", "┃"); // Unicode pseudo-graphics bar let after = self.after.replace("$0", "┃"); writeln!( f, "[discrete]\n=== `{}` **Source:** {} {} .Before ```rust {}``` .After ```rust {}```", self.id, self.location, self.doc, hide_hash_comments(&before), hide_hash_comments(&after) ) } } fn generate_tests(assists: &[Assist], mode: Mode) -> Result<()> { let mut buf = String::from("use super::check_doc_test;\n"); for assist in assists.iter() { let test = format!( r######" #[test] fn doctest_{}() {{ check_doc_test( "{}", r#####" {}"#####, r#####" {}"#####) }} "######, assist.id, assist.id, reveal_hash_comments(&assist.before), reveal_hash_comments(&assist.after) ); buf.push_str(&test) } let buf = reformat(&buf)?; codegen::update(&project_root().join("crates/assists/src/tests/generated.rs"), &buf, mode) } fn hide_hash_comments(text: &str) -> String { text.split('\n') // want final newline .filter(|&it| !(it.starts_with("# ") || it == "#")) .map(|it| format!("{}\n", it)) .collect() } fn reveal_hash_comments(text: &str) -> String { text.split('\n') // want final newline .map(|it| { if it.starts_with("# ") { &it[2..] } else if it == "#" { "" } else { it } }) .map(|it| format!("{}\n", it)) .collect() }