//! Support library for `cargo xtask` command. //! //! See https://github.com/matklad/cargo-xtask/ pub mod not_bash; pub mod install; pub mod dist; pub mod pre_commit; pub mod codegen; mod ast_src; use std::{ env, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use walkdir::{DirEntry, WalkDir}; use crate::{ codegen::Mode, not_bash::{date_iso, fs2, pushd, pushenv, rm_rf, run}, }; pub use anyhow::{bail, Context as _, Result}; pub fn project_root() -> PathBuf { Path::new( &env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap_or_else(|_| env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").to_owned()), ) .ancestors() .nth(1) .unwrap() .to_path_buf() } pub fn rust_files(path: &Path) -> impl Iterator { let iter = WalkDir::new(path); return iter .into_iter() .filter_entry(|e| !is_hidden(e)) .map(|e| e.unwrap()) .filter(|e| !e.file_type().is_dir()) .map(|e| e.into_path()) .filter(|path| path.extension().map(|it| it == "rs").unwrap_or(false)); fn is_hidden(entry: &DirEntry) -> bool { entry.file_name().to_str().map(|s| s.starts_with('.')).unwrap_or(false) } } pub fn run_rustfmt(mode: Mode) -> Result<()> { let _dir = pushd(project_root()); let _e = pushenv("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "stable"); ensure_rustfmt()?; match mode { Mode::Overwrite => run!("cargo fmt"), Mode::Verify => run!("cargo fmt -- --check"), }?; Ok(()) } fn reformat(text: impl std::fmt::Display) -> Result { let _e = pushenv("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "stable"); ensure_rustfmt()?; let stdout = run!( "rustfmt --config-path {} --config fn_single_line=true", project_root().join("rustfmt.toml").display(); Result<()> { let out = run!("rustfmt --version")?; if !out.contains("stable") { bail!( "Failed to run rustfmt from toolchain 'stable'. \ Please run `rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain stable` to install it.", ) } Ok(()) } pub fn run_clippy() -> Result<()> { if run!("cargo clippy --version").is_err() { bail!( "Failed run cargo clippy. \ Please run `rustup component add clippy` to install it.", ) } let allowed_lints = [ "clippy::collapsible_if", "clippy::needless_pass_by_value", "clippy::nonminimal_bool", "clippy::redundant_pattern_matching", ]; run!("cargo clippy --all-features --all-targets -- -A {}", allowed_lints.join(" -A "))?; Ok(()) } pub fn run_fuzzer() -> Result<()> { let _d = pushd("./crates/ra_syntax"); let _e = pushenv("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN", "nightly"); if run!("cargo fuzz --help").is_err() { run!("cargo install cargo-fuzz")?; }; // Expecting nightly rustc let out = run!("rustc --version")?; if !out.contains("nightly") { bail!("fuzz tests require nightly rustc") } run!("cargo fuzz run parser")?; Ok(()) } /// Cleans the `./target` dir after the build such that only /// dependencies are cached on CI. pub fn run_pre_cache() -> Result<()> { let slow_tests_cookie = Path::new("./target/.slow_tests_cookie"); if !slow_tests_cookie.exists() { panic!("slow tests were skipped on CI!") } rm_rf(slow_tests_cookie)?; for entry in Path::new("./target/debug").read_dir()? { let entry = entry?; if entry.file_type().map(|it| it.is_file()).ok() == Some(true) { // Can't delete yourself on windows :-( if !entry.path().ends_with("xtask.exe") { rm_rf(&entry.path())? } } } fs2::remove_file("./target/.rustc_info.json")?; let to_delete = ["ra_", "heavy_test", "xtask"]; for &dir in ["./target/debug/deps", "target/debug/.fingerprint"].iter() { for entry in Path::new(dir).read_dir()? { let entry = entry?; if to_delete.iter().any(|&it| entry.path().display().to_string().contains(it)) { // Can't delete yourself on windows :-( if !entry.path().ends_with("xtask.exe") { rm_rf(&entry.path())? } } } } Ok(()) } pub fn run_release(dry_run: bool) -> Result<()> { if !dry_run { run!("git switch release")?; run!("git fetch upstream --tags --force")?; run!("git reset --hard tags/nightly")?; run!("git push")?; } let website_root = project_root().join("../rust-analyzer.github.io"); let changelog_dir = website_root.join("./thisweek/_posts"); let today = date_iso()?; let commit = run!("git rev-parse HEAD")?; let changelog_n = fs2::read_dir(changelog_dir.as_path())?.count(); let contents = format!( "\ = Changelog #{} :sectanchors: :page-layout: post Commit: commit:{}[] + Release: release:{}[] == New Features * pr:[] . == Fixes == Internal Improvements ", changelog_n, commit, today ); let path = changelog_dir.join(format!("{}-changelog-{}.adoc", today, changelog_n)); fs2::write(&path, &contents)?; for &adoc in ["manual.adoc", "generated_features.adoc"].iter() { let src = project_root().join("./docs/user/").join(adoc); let dst = website_root.join(adoc); fs2::copy(src, dst)?; } let tags = run!("git tag --list"; echo = false)?; let prev_tag = tags.lines().filter(|line| is_release_tag(line)).last().unwrap(); println!("\n git log {}..HEAD --merges --reverse", prev_tag); Ok(()) } fn is_release_tag(tag: &str) -> bool { tag.len() == "2020-02-24".len() && tag.starts_with(|c: char| c.is_ascii_digit()) }