use std::{ fs, io::{self, Error, ErrorKind}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use crate::dirs; use ignore::{ gitignore::{Gitignore, GitignoreBuilder}, Error as IgnoreError, Match, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Walker { dirs: Vec, files: Vec, ignore: Gitignore, } impl Walker { pub fn new>(target: P, ignore: Gitignore) -> io::Result { let target = target.as_ref().to_path_buf(); if !target.exists() { Err(Error::new( ErrorKind::NotFound, format!("file not found: {}", target.display()), )) } else if target.is_dir() { Ok(Self { dirs: vec![target], files: vec![], ignore, }) } else { Ok(Self { dirs: vec![], files: vec![target], ignore, }) } } } impl Iterator for Walker { type Item = PathBuf; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if let Some(dir) = self.dirs.pop() { if dir.is_dir() { if let Match::None | Match::Whitelist(_) = self.ignore.matched(&dir, true) { for entry in fs::read_dir(&dir).ok()? { let entry = entry.ok()?; let path = entry.path(); if path.is_dir() { self.dirs.push(path); } else if path.is_file() { self.files.push(path); } } } } } self.files.pop() } } pub fn build_ignore_set>( ignore: &[String], target: P, unrestricted: bool, ) -> Result { let gitignore_path = target.as_ref().join(".gitignore"); // Looks like GitignoreBuilder::new does not source globs // within gitignore_path by default, we have to enforce that // using GitignoreBuilder::add. Probably a bug in the ignore // crate? let mut gitignore = GitignoreBuilder::new(&gitignore_path); // if we are to "restrict" aka "respect" .gitignore, then // add globs from gitignore path as well if !unrestricted { gitignore.add(&gitignore_path); } for i in ignore { gitignore.add_line(None, i.as_str())?; } } pub fn walk_nix_files>( ignore: Gitignore, target: P, ) -> Result, io::Error> { let walker = dirs::Walker::new(target, ignore)?; Ok(walker.filter(|path: &PathBuf| matches!(path.extension(), Some(e) if e == "nix"))) }