use std::{ env, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use ariadne::{ CharSet, Color, Config as CliConfig, Label, Report as CliReport, ReportKind as CliReportKind, Source, LabelAttach }; use lib::{Report, LINTS}; use rnix::{TextRange, WalkEvent}; fn analyze(source: &str) -> Result<Vec<Report>> { let parsed = rnix::parse(source).as_result()?; Ok(parsed .node() .preorder_with_tokens() .filter_map(|event| match event { WalkEvent::Enter(child) => LINTS.get(&child.kind()).map(|rules| { rules .iter() .filter_map(|rule| rule.validate(&child)) .collect::<Vec<_>>() }), _ => None, }) .flatten() .collect()) } fn print_report(report: Report, file_src: &str, file_path: &Path) -> Result<()> { let range = |at: TextRange| at.start().into(); let src_id = file_path.to_str().unwrap_or("<unknown>"); let offset = report .diagnostics .iter() .map(|d| .min() .unwrap_or(0usize); report .diagnostics .iter() .fold( CliReport::build(CliReportKind::Warning, src_id, offset) .with_config( CliConfig::default() .with_cross_gap(true) .with_multiline_arrows(false) .with_label_attach(LabelAttach::Middle) .with_char_set(CharSet::Unicode), ) .with_message(report.note) .with_code(report.code), |cli_report, diagnostic| { let cli_report = cli_report.with_label( Label::new((src_id, range( .with_message(&diagnostic.message) .with_color(Color::Magenta), ); if let Some(s) = &diagnostic.suggestion { let replacement_msg = format!("Try: `{}`", s.fix); cli_report.with_label( Label::new((src_id, range( .with_message(replacement_msg) .with_color(Color::Yellow), ) } else { cli_report } }, ) .finish() .eprint((src_id, Source::from(file_src))) .context("failed to print report to stdout") } fn _main() -> Result<()> { // TODO: accept cli args, construct a CLI config with a list of files to analyze let args = env::args(); for (file_src, file_path, reports) in args .skip(1) .map(|s| PathBuf::from(&s)) .filter(|p| p.is_file()) .filter_map(|path| { let s = fs::read_to_string(&path).ok()?; analyze(&s) .map(|analysis_result| (s, path, analysis_result)) .ok() }) { for r in reports { print_report(r, &file_src, &file_path)? } } Ok(()) } fn main() { match _main() { Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e), _ => {} } }