use std::{ io::{self, Write}, str, }; use crate::{config::OutFormat, lint::LintResult}; use ariadne::{ CharSet, Color, Config as CliConfig, Fmt, Label, LabelAttach, Report as CliReport, ReportKind as CliReportKind, Source, }; use lib::Severity; use rnix::{TextRange, TextSize}; use vfs::ReadOnlyVfs; pub trait WriteDiagnostic { fn write( &mut self, report: &LintResult, vfs: &ReadOnlyVfs, format: OutFormat, ) -> io::Result<()>; } impl<T> WriteDiagnostic for T where T: Write, { fn write( &mut self, lint_result: &LintResult, vfs: &ReadOnlyVfs, format: OutFormat, ) -> io::Result<()> { match format { #[cfg(feature = "json")] OutFormat::Json => json::write_json(self, lint_result, vfs), OutFormat::StdErr => write_stderr(self, lint_result, vfs), OutFormat::Errfmt => write_errfmt(self, lint_result, vfs), } } } fn write_stderr<T: Write>( writer: &mut T, lint_result: &LintResult, vfs: &ReadOnlyVfs, ) -> io::Result<()> { let file_id = lint_result.file_id; let src = str::from_utf8(vfs.get(file_id)).unwrap(); let path = vfs.file_path(file_id); let range = |at: TextRange| at.start().into(); let src_id = path.to_str().unwrap_or("<unknown>"); for report in lint_result.reports.iter() { let offset = report .diagnostics .iter() .map(|d| .min() .unwrap_or(0usize); let report_kind = match report.severity { Severity::Warn => CliReportKind::Warning, Severity::Error => CliReportKind::Error, Severity::Hint => CliReportKind::Advice, }; report .diagnostics .iter() .fold( CliReport::build(report_kind, src_id, offset) .with_config( CliConfig::default() .with_cross_gap(true) .with_multiline_arrows(false) .with_label_attach(LabelAttach::Middle) .with_char_set(CharSet::Unicode), ) .with_message(report.note) .with_code(report.code), |cli_report, diagnostic| { cli_report.with_label( Label::new((src_id, range( .with_message(&colorize(&diagnostic.message)) .with_color(Color::Magenta), ) }, ) .finish() .write((src_id, Source::from(src)), &mut *writer)?; } Ok(()) } fn write_errfmt<T: Write>( writer: &mut T, lint_result: &LintResult, vfs: &ReadOnlyVfs, ) -> io::Result<()> { let file_id = lint_result.file_id; let src = str::from_utf8(vfs.get(file_id)).unwrap(); let path = vfs.file_path(file_id); for report in lint_result.reports.iter() { for diagnostic in report.diagnostics.iter() { let line = line(, src); let col = column(, src); writeln!( writer, "{filename}>{linenumber}:{columnnumber}:{errortype}:{errornumber}:{errormessage}", filename = path.to_str().unwrap_or("<unknown>"), linenumber = line, columnnumber = col, errortype = match report.severity { Severity::Warn => "W", Severity::Error => "E", Severity::Hint => "I", /* "info" message */ }, errornumber = report.code, errormessage = diagnostic.message )?; } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(feature = "json")] mod json { use crate::lint::LintResult; use std::io::{self, Write}; use lib::Severity; use rnix::TextRange; use serde::Serialize; use vfs::ReadOnlyVfs; #[derive(Serialize)] struct Out<'μ> { #[serde(rename = "file")] path: &'μ std::path::Path, report: Vec<JsonReport<'μ>>, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct JsonReport<'μ> { note: &'static str, code: u32, severity: &'μ Severity, diagnostics: Vec<JsonDiagnostic<'μ>>, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct JsonDiagnostic<'μ> { at: JsonSpan, message: &'μ String, suggestion: Option<JsonSuggestion>, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct JsonSuggestion { at: JsonSpan, fix: String, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct JsonSpan { from: Position, to: Position, } #[derive(Serialize)] struct Position { line: usize, column: usize, } impl JsonSpan { fn from_textrange(at: TextRange, src: &str) -> Self { let start = at.start(); let end = at.end(); let from = Position { line: super::line(start, src), column: super::column(start, src), }; let to = Position { line: super::line(end, src), column: super::column(end, src), }; Self { from, to } } } pub fn write_json<T: Write>( writer: &mut T, lint_result: &LintResult, vfs: &ReadOnlyVfs, ) -> io::Result<()> { let file_id = lint_result.file_id; let path = vfs.file_path(file_id); let src = vfs.get_str(file_id); let report = lint_result .reports .iter() .map(|r| { let note = r.note; let code = r.code; let severity = &r.severity; let diagnostics = r .diagnostics .iter() .map(|d| JsonDiagnostic { at: JsonSpan::from_textrange(, src), message: &d.message, suggestion: d.suggestion.as_ref().map(|s| JsonSuggestion { at: JsonSpan::from_textrange(, src), fix: s.fix.to_string(), }), }) .collect::<Vec<_>>(); JsonReport { note, code, severity, diagnostics, } }) .collect(); writeln!( writer, "{}", serde_json::to_string_pretty(&Out { path, report }).unwrap() )?; Ok(()) } } fn line(at: TextSize, src: &str) -> usize { let at = at.into(); src[].chars().filter(|&c| c == '\n').count() + 1 } fn column(at: TextSize, src: &str) -> usize { let at = at.into(); src[].rfind('\n').map(|c| at - c).unwrap_or(at + 1) } // everything within backticks is colorized, backticks are removed fn colorize(message: &str) -> String { message .split('`') .enumerate() .map(|(idx, part)| { if idx % 2 == 1 { part.fg(Color::Cyan).to_string() } else { part.to_string() } }) .collect::<Vec<_>>() .join("") }