use crate::{Metadata, Report, Rule, Suggestion}; use if_chain::if_chain; use macros::lint; use rnix::{ types::{Apply, Ident, Lambda, TokenWrapper, TypedNode}, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind, SyntaxNode, }; /// ## What it does /// Checks for eta-reducible functions, i.e.: converts lambda /// expressions into free standing functions where applicable. /// /// ## Why is this bad? /// Oftentimes, eta-reduction results in code that is more natural /// to read. /// /// ## Example /// /// ``` /// let /// double = i: 2 * i; /// in /// map (x: double x) [ 1 2 3 ] /// ``` /// /// The lambda passed to the `map` function is eta-reducible, and the /// result reads more naturally: /// /// ``` /// let /// double = i: 2 * i; /// in /// map double [ 1 2 3 ] /// ``` #[lint( name = "eta reduction", note = "This function expression is eta reducible", code = 7, match_with = SyntaxKind::NODE_LAMBDA )] struct EtaReduction; impl Rule for EtaReduction { fn validate(&self, node: &SyntaxElement) -> Option { if_chain! { if let NodeOrToken::Node(node) = node; if let Some(lambda_expr) = Lambda::cast(node.clone()); if let Some(arg_node) = lambda_expr.arg(); if let Some(arg) = Ident::cast(arg_node); if let Some(body_node) = lambda_expr.body(); if let Some(body) = Apply::cast(body_node); if let Some(value_node) = body.value(); if let Some(value) = Ident::cast(value_node); if arg.as_str() == value.as_str() ; if let Some(lambda_node) = body.lambda(); if !mentions_ident(&arg, &lambda_node); then { let at = node.text_range(); let replacement = body.lambda()?; let message = format!( "Found eta-reduction: `{}`", replacement.text().to_string() ); Some(, message, Suggestion::new(at, replacement))) } else { None } } } } fn mentions_ident(ident: &Ident, node: &SyntaxNode) -> bool { if let Some(node_ident) = Ident::cast(node.clone()) { node_ident.as_str() == ident.as_str() } else { node.children().any(|child| mentions_ident(&ident, &child)) } }