use crate::{make, Metadata, Report, Rule, Suggestion}; use if_chain::if_chain; use macros::lint; use rnix::{ types::{Dynamic, TypedNode}, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind, }; /// ## What it does /// Checks for antiquote/splice expressions that are not quoted. /// /// ## Why is this bad? /// An *anti*quoted expression should always occur within a *quoted* /// expression. /// /// ## Example /// /// ```nix /// let /// pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}; /// in /// pkgs /// ``` /// /// Quote the splice expression: /// /// ```nix /// let /// pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages."${system}"; /// in /// pkgs /// ``` #[lint( name = "unquoted splice", note = "Found unquoted splice expression", code = 9, match_with = SyntaxKind::NODE_DYNAMIC )] struct UnquotedSplice; impl Rule for UnquotedSplice { fn validate(&self, node: &SyntaxElement) -> Option<Report> { if_chain! { if let NodeOrToken::Node(node) = node; if Dynamic::cast(node.clone()).is_some(); then { let at = node.text_range(); let replacement = make::quote(node).node().clone(); let message = "Consider quoting this splice expression"; Some(, message, Suggestion::new(at, replacement))) } else { None } } } }