use crate::{make, session::SessionInfo, Metadata, Report, Rule, Suggestion};

use if_chain::if_chain;
use macros::lint;
use rnix::{types::TypedNode, NodeOrToken, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind};

/// ## What it does
/// Checks for URI expressions that are not quoted.
/// ## Why is this bad?
/// The Nix language has a special syntax for URLs even though quoted
/// strings can also be used to represent them. Unlike paths, URLs do
/// not have any special properties in the Nix expression language
/// that would make the difference useful. Moreover, using variable
/// expansion in URLs requires some URLs to be quoted strings anyway.
/// So the most consistent approach is to always use quoted strings to
/// represent URLs. Additionally, a semicolon immediately after the
/// URL can be mistaken for a part of URL by language-agnostic tools
/// such as terminal emulators.
/// See RFC 00045 [1] for more.
/// [1]:
/// ## Example
/// ```nix
/// inputs = {
///   gitignore.url = github:hercules-ci/gitignore.nix;
/// }
/// ```
/// Quote the URI expression:
/// ```nix
/// inputs = {
///   gitignore.url = "github:hercules-ci/gitignore.nix";
/// }
/// ```
    name = "unquoted_uri",
    note = "Found unquoted URI expression",
    code = 12,
    match_with = SyntaxKind::TOKEN_URI
struct UnquotedUri;

impl Rule for UnquotedUri {
    fn validate(&self, node: &SyntaxElement, _sess: &SessionInfo) -> Option<Report> {
        if_chain! {
            if let NodeOrToken::Token(token) = node;
            then {
                let parent_node = token.parent();
                let at = token.text_range();
                let replacement = make::quote(&parent_node).node().clone();
                let message = "Consider quoting this URI expression";
                Some(, message, Suggestion::new(at, replacement)))
            } else {