module Cart exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Css exposing (..) import Html import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as Encode import Styles exposing (..) import Utils exposing (..) type alias Product = { id : Int , name : String , kind : Maybe String , price : Float , description : Maybe String } type alias CartListing = { productItem : Product , quantity : Int } type alias Model = { pageStatus : Status , products : List CartListing } type Status = Loading | Loaded | NotLoaded type Msg = CartLoaded (Result Http.Error (List CartListing)) | FetchCartItems | RemoveFromCart Int | CartItemRemoved (Result Http.Error ()) | AddToCartSuccess (Result Http.Error ()) | AddToCartPressed Int init : Model init = Model NotLoaded [] update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of CartLoaded res -> case res of Ok s -> ( { model | products = s, pageStatus = Loaded }, Cmd.none ) Err e -> let _ = Debug.log "error" e in ( { model | pageStatus = NotLoaded }, Cmd.none ) RemoveFromCart id -> ( model, removeProduct id ) CartItemRemoved _ -> ( { model | pageStatus = Loading }, fetchCartItems ) FetchCartItems -> ( { model | pageStatus = Loading }, fetchCartItems ) AddToCartPressed id -> ( model, addToCart id ) AddToCartSuccess _ -> ( { model | pageStatus = Loading }, fetchCartItems ) decodeProduct : D.Decoder Product decodeProduct = D.map5 Product (D.field "id" (D.field "name" D.string) (D.field "kind" (D.nullable D.string)) (D.field "price" D.float) (D.field "description" (D.nullable D.string)) decodeResponse : D.Decoder (List CartListing) decodeResponse = D.list (D.map2 CartListing (D.field "product_item" decodeProduct) (D.field "quantity" ) removeProduct : Int -> Cmd Msg removeProduct id = let _ = Debug.log "cart" "fetching cart items" in Http.riskyRequest { method = "POST" , headers = [] , url = "" , body = Http.stringBody "application/json" <| String.fromInt id , expect = Http.expectWhatever CartItemRemoved , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } fetchCartItems : Cmd Msg fetchCartItems = let _ = Debug.log "cart" "fetching cart items" in Http.riskyRequest { method = "GET" , headers = [] , url = "" , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson CartLoaded decodeResponse , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } viewStatus : Status -> String viewStatus s = case s of Loading -> "Loading" Loaded -> "Ready!" NotLoaded -> "Not loaded ..." addToCart : Int -> Cmd Msg addToCart id = let _ = Debug.log "err" <| "adding to cart: " ++ String.fromInt id in Http.riskyRequest { method = "POST" , headers = [] , url = "" , body = Http.stringBody "applcation/json" <| String.fromInt <| id , expect = Http.expectWhatever AddToCartSuccess , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } calculateTotal : Model -> Float calculateTotal model = let items = model.products in items |> (\i -> toFloat i.quantity * i.productItem.price) |> List.foldl (+) 0 viewCartItemListing : CartListing -> Html Msg viewCartItemListing listing = -- div [] -- [ text -- , div [] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" listing.productItem.kind ] -- , div [] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" listing.productItem.description ] -- , div [] [ text <| String.fromFloat listing.productItem.price ] -- , div [] [ text <| String.fromInt listing.quantity ] -- , div [] [ button [ onClick (AddToCartPressed ] [ text "Add" ] ] -- , div [] [ button [ onClick (RemoveFromCart ] [ text "Remove" ] ] -- , div [] [ a [ href ("/product/" ++ String.fromInt ] [ text "View Product" ] ] -- ] tr [] [ td [] [ furbyLink [ href ("/product/" ++ String.fromInt ] [ text ] ] , td [] [ text <| String.fromFloat listing.productItem.price ] , td [] [ furbyButton [ onClick (RemoveFromCart ] [ div [ style "font-family" "monospace" ] [ text "-" ] ] , text <| String.fromInt listing.quantity , furbyButton [ onClick (AddToCartPressed ] [ div [ style "font-family" "monospace" ] [ text "+" ] ] ] ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.pageStatus of Loading -> div [] [ text <| viewStatus Loading ] _ -> let cart = viewCartItemListing model.products headings = [ "Product Name", "Price (₹)", "Quantity" ] |> (th [] << List.singleton << text) in if List.isEmpty cart then text "No items in cart" else div [ css [ margin auto , marginTop (pct 5) , Css.width (pct 40) ] ] [ div [ css [ bigHeading, marginBottom (px 20) ] ] [ text "Cart" ] , Html.Styled.table [ css [ Css.width (pct 100) , maxWidth (px 650) , textAlign right ] ] (tr [] headings :: cart ++ [ tr [ style "padding-top" "20px" ] [ td [ style "border-top" "1px solid black" ] [] , td [ style "border-top" "1px solid black" ] [ div [] [ text "Cart total: " ] ] , td [ style "border-top" "1px solid black" ] [ calculateTotal model |> String.fromFloat |> text ] ] ] ) , div [ css [ textAlign right ] ] [ furbyButton [] [ furbyLink [ href "/checkout" ] [ text "Checkout" ] ] ] ]