module Catalog exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Css exposing (..) import Html import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as Encode import Set import Styles exposing (..) import Tuple exposing (..) import Utils exposing (..) type Order = Rating | Price type alias Product = { id : Int , name : String , kind : Maybe String , price : Float , description : Maybe String , averageRating : Maybe Float , src : String , iosSrc : String } type alias Filters = { price : ( Float, Float ) , rating : ( Float, Float ) , kinds : Set.Set String } defaultFilters : Filters defaultFilters = Filters ( -1, 100000 ) ( 0, 5 ) (Set.fromList [ "Chair", "Sofa", "Bed", "Table", "Lamp" ]) type alias Model = { pageStatus : Status , products : List Product , filters : Filters } type Status = Loading | Loaded | NotLoaded type Msg = ProductsLoaded (Result Http.Error (List Product)) | FetchProducts | ChangePriceLower Float | ChangePriceUpper Float | ChangeRatingLower Float | ChangeRatingUpper Float | FilterCheck String Bool init : Model init = Model NotLoaded [] defaultFilters update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ProductsLoaded res -> case res of Ok s -> ( { model | products = s, pageStatus = Loaded }, Cmd.none ) Err e -> let _ = Debug.log "error" e in ( { model | pageStatus = NotLoaded }, Cmd.none ) FetchProducts -> ( { model | pageStatus = Loading }, fetchProducts ) ChangePriceLower v -> let fs = model.filters nfs = { fs | price = mapFirst (always v) fs.price } in ( { model | filters = nfs }, Cmd.none ) ChangePriceUpper v -> let fs = model.filters nfs = { fs | price = mapSecond (always v) fs.price } in ( { model | filters = nfs }, Cmd.none ) ChangeRatingLower v -> let fs = model.filters nfs = { fs | rating = mapFirst (always v) fs.rating } in ( { model | filters = nfs }, Cmd.none ) ChangeRatingUpper v -> let fs = model.filters nfs = { fs | rating = mapSecond (always v) fs.rating } in ( { model | filters = nfs }, Cmd.none ) FilterCheck field val -> case val of True -> let fs = model.filters nfs = { fs | kinds = Set.insert field fs.kinds } in ( { model | filters = nfs }, Cmd.none ) False -> let fs = model.filters nfs = { fs | kinds = Set.remove field fs.kinds } in ( { model | filters = nfs }, Cmd.none ) decodeProduct : D.Decoder Product decodeProduct = D.map8 Product (D.field "id" (D.field "name" D.string) (D.field "kind" (D.nullable D.string)) (D.field "price" D.float) (D.field "description" (D.nullable D.string)) (D.field "average_rating" (D.nullable D.float)) (D.field "src" D.string) (D.field "ios_src" D.string) decodeResponse : D.Decoder (List Product) decodeResponse = D.list decodeProduct fetchProducts : Cmd Msg fetchProducts = let _ = Debug.log "err" "fetching products" in Http.get { url = "" , expect = Http.expectJson ProductsLoaded decodeResponse } viewStatus : Status -> String viewStatus s = case s of Loading -> "Loading" Loaded -> "Ready!" NotLoaded -> "Not loaded ..." viewProduct : Product -> Html Msg viewProduct p = div [ css [ marginBottom (px 20) , border3 (px 1) solid theme.primary , borderRadius (px 4) , padding (px 20) , Css.width (pct 100) , maxWidth (px 350) ] ] [ div [ css [ Css.width (pct 100) , Css.height (px 350) ] ] [ modelViewer [ cameraControls , autoRotate , arSrc p.src , arIosSrc p.iosSrc , loading "eager" , arModes "webxr" , css [ Css.width (pct 100), Css.height (pct 100) ] ] [] ] , div [ css [ Css.width (pct 100) ] ] [ div [ css [ cardSecondaryText , paddingBottom (px 3) , textTransform uppercase ] ] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" p.kind ] , div [ css [ cardPrimaryText , paddingBottom (px 3) ] ] [ furbyLink [ href ("/product/" ++ String.fromInt ] [ text ] ] , div [ css [ cardSecondaryText , paddingBottom (px 12) ] ] [ case p.averageRating of Just v -> text <| "Avg Rating: " ++ String.fromFloat v Nothing -> text "No Ratings" ] , div [ css [ cardSupportingText , paddingBottom (px 6) ] ] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "No description provided" p.description ] , div [ css [ fontWeight bold , fontSize (px 14) , money ] ] [ text <| String.fromFloat p.price ] ] , div [ style "clear" "both" ] [] ] viewFilters : Model -> Html Msg viewFilters model = let priceRange = range 0 55000 5000 ratingRange = range 1 6 1 viewRange default scale = (\i -> option [ selected (i == default) ] [ text <| String.fromInt i ]) scale inp = Maybe.withDefault 0 << String.toFloat in div [] [ div [ css [ bigHeading , paddingBottom (px 18) ] ] [ text "Filters" ] , div [ css [ paddingBottom (px 12) ] ] [ div [] [ text "Price" ] , furbySelect [ onInput (ChangePriceLower << inp), style "appearance" "none" ] (viewRange 0 priceRange) , text "to" , furbySelect [ onInput (ChangePriceUpper << inp), style "appearance" "none" ] (viewRange 50000 priceRange) ] , div [ css [ paddingBottom (px 12) ] ] [ div [] [ text "Rating" ] , furbySelect [ onInput (ChangeRatingLower << inp), style "appearance" "none" ] (viewRange 1 ratingRange) , text "to" , furbySelect [ onInput (ChangeRatingUpper << inp), style "appearance" "none" ] (viewRange 5 ratingRange) ] , let kinds = [ "Chair", "Sofa", "Bed", "Table", "Lamp" ] in div [] ([ div [ css [ paddingBottom (px 12) ] ] [ text "Furniture Kind" ] ] ++ (\k -> div [] [ input [ type_ "checkbox" , onCheck (FilterCheck k) , Html.Styled.Attributes.checked (Set.member k model.filters.kinds) ] [] , text k ] ) kinds ) ] filterProducts : Model -> List Product filterProducts model = model.products |> List.filter (between model.filters.price << .price) |> List.filter (flip Set.member model.filters.kinds << Maybe.withDefault "Chair" << .kind) |> List.filter (\p -> p.averageRating |> Maybe.withDefault 5.0 |> between model.filters.rating ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.pageStatus of Loading -> div [] [ text <| viewStatus Loading ] _ -> div [ css [ padding (px 40) ] ] [ div [ css [ float left , Css.width (pct 20) ] ] [ viewFilters model ] , div [ css [ float left , Css.width (pct 80) ] ] [ div [ css [ bigHeading ] ] [ text "Products" ] , div [ style "display" "grid" , style "grid-template-columns" "auto auto auto" ] (filterProducts model |> viewProduct) ] ]