module Main exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, main, subscriptions, update, view, viewLink) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Cart import Catalog import Checkout import Css exposing (..) import Html import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (..) import Http import Json.Encode as Encode import Login import Product import Profile import Signup import Styles exposing (..) import Url import Url.Parser as P exposing ((), Parser, int, oneOf, s, string) -- MAIN main : Program () Model Msg main = Browser.application { init = init , view = view , update = update , subscriptions = subscriptions , onUrlChange = UrlChanged , onUrlRequest = LinkClicked } -- MODEL type Route = LoginPage | SignupPage | HomePage | CatalogPage | CartPage | ProductPage Int | CheckoutPage | ProfilePage | NotFoundPage parseRoute : Parser (Route -> a) a parseRoute = oneOf [ LoginPage (P.s "login") , HomePage , CatalogPage (P.s "catalog") , CartPage (P.s "cart") , SignupPage (P.s "signup") , CheckoutPage (P.s "checkout") , ProductPage (P.s "product" , ProfilePage (P.s "profile") ] type alias Model = { key : Nav.Key , url : Url.Url , location : Route , loginModel : Login.Model , catalogModel : Catalog.Model , productModel : Product.Model , signupModel : Signup.Model , cartModel : Cart.Model , checkoutModel : Checkout.Model , profileModel : Profile.Model } init : () -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags url key = let start = HomePage login = Login.init catalog = Catalog.init product = Product.init signup = Signup.init cart = Cart.init checkout = Checkout.init profile = Profile.init in ( Model key url start login catalog product signup cart checkout profile, Cmd.none ) -- UPDATE type Msg = LinkClicked Browser.UrlRequest | UrlChanged Url.Url | LoginMessage Login.Msg | CatalogMessage Catalog.Msg | ProductMessage Product.Msg | SignupMessage Signup.Msg | CartMessage Cart.Msg | CheckoutMessage Checkout.Msg | ProfileMessage Profile.Msg | LogoutPressed | LogoutSuccess (Result Http.Error ()) update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of LinkClicked urlRequest -> case urlRequest of Browser.Internal url -> ( model, Nav.pushUrl model.key (Url.toString url) ) Browser.External href -> ( model, Nav.load href ) LogoutPressed -> ( model, tryLogout ) LogoutSuccess _ -> ( { model | loginModel = Login.init }, Nav.replaceUrl model.key "/login" ) UrlChanged url -> let parsedUrl = P.parse parseRoute url in case parsedUrl of Just CatalogPage -> ( { model | location = CatalogPage }, CatalogMessage Catalog.fetchProducts ) Just (ProductPage id) -> let cmds = ( ProductMessage) [ Product.fetchListing id , Product.fetchRatings id ] in ( { model | location = ProductPage id }, Cmd.batch cmds ) Just CartPage -> let cmd = CartMessage Cart.fetchCartItems in ( { model | location = CartPage }, cmd ) Just CheckoutPage -> let _ = Debug.log "err" "loading checkout page ..." cmd = CheckoutMessage Checkout.fetchAmount in ( { model | location = CheckoutPage }, cmd ) Just ProfilePage -> let cmd = ProfileMessage Profile.tryFetchProfile in ( { model | location = ProfilePage }, cmd ) Just p -> ( { model | location = p }, Cmd.none ) Nothing -> ( { model | location = NotFoundPage }, Cmd.none ) LoginMessage lm -> let ( lmn, cmd ) = Login.update lm model.loginModel redir = case lmn.loginStatus of Login.LoggedIn -> Nav.replaceUrl model.key "/catalog" _ -> Cmd.none in ( { model | loginModel = lmn }, Cmd.batch [ LoginMessage cmd, redir ] ) SignupMessage sm -> let ( smn, cmd ) = Signup.update sm model.signupModel redir = case smn.status of Signup.CreatedSuccessfully -> Nav.replaceUrl model.key "/login" _ -> Cmd.none in ( { model | signupModel = smn }, Cmd.batch [ SignupMessage cmd, redir ] ) CatalogMessage cm -> let ( cmn, cmd ) = Catalog.update cm model.catalogModel in ( { model | catalogModel = cmn }, CatalogMessage cmd ) CartMessage cm -> let ( cmn, cmd ) = Cart.update cm model.cartModel in ( { model | cartModel = cmn }, CartMessage cmd ) CheckoutMessage cm -> let ( cmn, cmd ) = Checkout.update cm model.checkoutModel redir = case cmn.pageStatus of Checkout.CheckedOut -> Nav.replaceUrl model.key "/profile" _ -> Cmd.none _ = Debug.log "err" "received checkout message ..." in ( { model | checkoutModel = cmn }, Cmd.batch [ CheckoutMessage cmd, redir ] ) ProfileMessage pm -> let ( pmn, cmd ) = Profile.update pm model.profileModel _ = Debug.log "err" "recieved profile message" in ( { model | profileModel = pmn }, ProfileMessage cmd ) ProductMessage pm -> let ( pmn, cmd ) = Product.update pm model.productModel redir = case pm of Product.AddToCartSuccess _ -> Nav.replaceUrl model.key "/cart" _ -> Cmd.none in ( { model | productModel = pmn }, Cmd.batch [ ProductMessage cmd, redir ] ) tryLogout : Cmd Msg tryLogout = Http.riskyRequest { method = "POST" , headers = [] , url = "" , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectWhatever LogoutSuccess , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } -- SUBSCRIPTIONS subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions _ = Sub.none -- VIEW view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg view model = case model.location of HomePage -> { title = "Login" , body = -- model.loginModel -- |> Login.view -- |> LoginMessage -- |> toUnstyled -- |> List.singleton div [] [ ul [] ( (\l -> li [] [ a [ href l ] [ text l ] ] ) [ "/login", "/catalog", "/cart" ] ) ] |> toUnstyled |> List.singleton } LoginPage -> { title = "Login" , body = model.loginModel |> Login.view |> LoginMessage |> toUnstyled |> List.singleton } SignupPage -> { title = "Signup" , body = model.signupModel |> Signup.view |> SignupMessage |> toUnstyled |> List.singleton } NotFoundPage -> { title = "404 - Not Found" , body = div [] [ text "404 - Not Found" , a [ href "/" ] [ text "Go back >" ] ] |> toUnstyled |> List.singleton } CatalogPage -> { title = "Catalog" , body = model.catalogModel |> Catalog.view |> CatalogMessage |> pageWrap model } CartPage -> { title = "Cart" , body = model.cartModel |> Cart.view |> CartMessage |> pageWrap model } CheckoutPage -> { title = "Checkout" , body = model.checkoutModel |> Checkout.view |> CheckoutMessage |> pageWrap model } ProfilePage -> { title = "Profile" , body = model.profileModel |> Profile.view |> ProfileMessage |> pageWrap model } ProductPage item -> { title = "Product " ++ String.fromInt item , body = model.productModel |> Product.view |> ProductMessage |> pageWrap model } viewHeader : Model -> Html Msg viewHeader model = let links = [ ( "Catalog", "/catalog" ) , ( "Cart", "/cart" ) ] in div [ css [ padding (px 30) , paddingTop (px 3) , paddingBottom (px 3) , textAlign left , backgroundColor theme.secondary ] ] [ (\( name, loc ) -> li [ css [ display inline ] ] [ headerLink [ href loc ] [ text name ] ] ) links ++ (if model.loginModel.loginStatus /= Login.LoggedIn then [ furbyButton [] [ headerLink [ href "/login" ] [ text "Login" ] ] ] else [ headerLink [ href "/profile" ] [ text "Profile" ] , furbyButton [ onClick LogoutPressed ] [ text "Logout" ] ] ) |> ul [ css [ listStyle Css.none , padding (px 0) , margin (px 12) ] ] ] pageWrap : Model -> Html Msg -> List (Html.Html Msg) pageWrap model page = div [] [ viewHeader model , page ] |> toUnstyled |> List.singleton viewLink : String -> Html msg viewLink path = li [] [ a [ href path ] [ text path ] ]