module Product exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Css exposing (..) import Html import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (..) import Http import Icons exposing (..) import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as Encode import Styles exposing (..) import Url import Url.Parser as P exposing ((), Parser, int, oneOf, s, string) import Utils exposing (..) type SubmitStatus = SubmitSuccess | SubmitFail | Submitting | NotSubmitted type alias Product = { id : Int , name : String , kind : Maybe String , price : Float , description : Maybe String , src : String , iosSrc : String } emptyProduct = Product -1 "" Nothing 0 Nothing "" "" type alias Rating = { commentDate : String , commentText : Maybe String , customerName : String , productName : String , stars : Int } type alias Model = { pageStatus : Status , listing : Product , ratings : List Rating , ratingStars : Int , ratingText : String , addRatingStatus : SubmitStatus } type Status = Loading | Loaded | NotLoaded type Msg = ListingLoaded (Result Http.Error Product) | RatingsLoaded (Result Http.Error (List Rating)) | FetchProduct Int | FetchRatings Int | AddRatingStars Int | AddRatingComment String | AddRatingPressed | AddRatingSuccess (Result Http.Error ()) | AddRatingFail | AddToCartSuccess (Result Http.Error ()) | AddToCartPressed init : Model init = Model NotLoaded emptyProduct [] 5 "" NotSubmitted update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ListingLoaded res -> case res of Ok s -> ( { model | listing = s, pageStatus = Loaded }, Cmd.none ) Err e -> let _ = Debug.log "error" e in ( { model | pageStatus = NotLoaded }, Cmd.none ) RatingsLoaded res -> case res of Ok s -> ( { model | ratings = s, pageStatus = Loaded }, Cmd.none ) Err e -> let _ = Debug.log "error" e in ( { model | pageStatus = NotLoaded }, Cmd.none ) FetchProduct id -> ( { model | pageStatus = Loading }, fetchListing id ) FetchRatings id -> ( { model | pageStatus = Loading }, fetchRatings id ) AddRatingStars i -> ( { model | ratingStars = i }, Cmd.none ) AddRatingComment s -> ( { model | ratingText = s }, Cmd.none ) AddRatingPressed -> ( { model | addRatingStatus = Submitting } , submitRating model ) AddRatingSuccess res -> case res of Ok _ -> ( { model | addRatingStatus = SubmitSuccess }, fetchRatings ) Err _ -> ( { model | addRatingStatus = SubmitFail }, Cmd.none ) AddRatingFail -> ( { model | addRatingStatus = SubmitFail }, Cmd.none ) AddToCartPressed -> ( model, addToCart model ) AddToCartSuccess _ -> ( model, Cmd.none ) decodeProduct : D.Decoder Product decodeProduct = D.map7 Product (D.field "id" (D.field "name" D.string) (D.field "kind" (D.nullable D.string)) (D.field "price" D.float) (D.field "description" (D.nullable D.string)) (D.field "src" D.string) (D.field "ios_src" D.string) decodeRating : D.Decoder Rating decodeRating = D.map5 Rating (D.field "comment_date" D.string) (D.field "comment_text" (D.nullable D.string)) (D.field "customer_name" D.string) (D.field "product_name" D.string) (D.field "stars" decodeRatings : D.Decoder (List Rating) decodeRatings = D.list decodeRating fetchListing : Int -> Cmd Msg fetchListing id = let _ = Debug.log "err" <| "fetching listing " ++ String.fromInt id in Http.get { url = "" ++ String.fromInt id , expect = Http.expectJson ListingLoaded decodeProduct } fetchRatings : Int -> Cmd Msg fetchRatings id = let _ = Debug.log "err" <| "fetching ratings " ++ String.fromInt id in Http.get { url = "" ++ String.fromInt id , expect = Http.expectJson RatingsLoaded decodeRatings } encodeRatingForm : Model -> Encode.Value encodeRatingForm model = Encode.object [ ( "product_id", ) , ( "stars", model.ratingStars ) , ( "comment_text", Encode.string model.ratingText ) ] submitRating : Model -> Cmd Msg submitRating model = let _ = Debug.log "err" <| "submitting rating for" ++ String.fromInt in Http.riskyRequest { method = "POST" , headers = [] , url = "" , body = model |> encodeRatingForm |> Http.jsonBody , expect = Http.expectWhatever AddRatingSuccess , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } addToCart : Model -> Cmd Msg addToCart model = let _ = Debug.log "err" <| "adding to cart: " ++ String.fromInt in Http.riskyRequest { method = "POST" , headers = [] , url = "" , body = Http.stringBody "applcation/json" <| String.fromInt <| , expect = Http.expectWhatever AddToCartSuccess , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } viewStatus : Status -> String viewStatus s = case s of Loading -> "Loading" Loaded -> "Ready!" NotLoaded -> "Not loaded ..." viewProduct : Product -> Html Msg viewProduct p = div [ css [ marginBottom (px 20) , paddingTop (px 20) , Css.width (pct 100) ] ] [ div [ css [ float left , Css.width (pct 50) , Css.height (px 400) ] ] [ modelViewer [ cameraControls , autoRotate , arSrc p.src , arIosSrc p.iosSrc , loading "eager" , arModes "webxr" , css [ Css.height (pct 100), Css.width (pct 100) ] ] [] ] , div [ css [ float left , Css.width (pct 50) ] ] [ div [ css [ cardSecondaryText , paddingBottom (px 3) , textTransform uppercase ] ] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" p.kind ] , div [ css [ cardPrimaryText , paddingBottom (px 12) ] ] [ text ] , div [ css [ cardSupportingText , paddingBottom (px 6) ] ] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "No description provided" p.description ] , div [ css [ fontWeight bold , fontSize (px 14) , money ] ] [ text <| String.fromFloat p.price ] ] , div [ css [ textAlign center, float bottom ] ] [ furbyButton [ onClick AddToCartPressed, style "width" "100%" ] [ text "Add To Cart" ] ] , div [ style "clear" "both" ] [] ] viewStarRating : Int -> Html Msg viewStarRating i = div [] (List.repeat i starIcon) viewRating : Rating -> Html Msg viewRating r = -- div [] -- [ text <| r.customerName ++ " posted on " -- , text <| r.commentDate ++ " " -- , text <| Maybe.withDefault "" r.commentText -- , text <| " Stars: " ++ String.fromInt r.stars -- ] div [ css [ border3 (px 1) solid theme.primary , borderRadius (px 4) , marginBottom (px 20) , padding (px 20) ] ] [ div [ css [ fontSize (px 16) , fontWeight bold , paddingBottom (px 3) ] ] [ text r.customerName ] , viewStarRating r.stars , div [ css [ cardSecondaryText , paddingBottom (px 12) ] ] [ text <| "Reviewed on " ++ r.commentDate ] , if r.commentText /= Nothing then div [ css [ cardSupportingText ] ] [ text <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| r.commentText ] else text "" ] viewInput : String -> String -> String -> (String -> msg) -> Html msg viewInput t p v toMsg = input [ type_ t , placeholder p , value v , onInput toMsg , css [ Css.width (pct 100) ] ] [] viewStars : Model -> Html Msg viewStars model = let activeStyle = [ border3 (px 3) solid theme.fg ] inactiveStyle = [ border3 (px 3) solid theme.primary ] buttonStyle = [ borderRadius (px 6), margin (px 6), backgroundColor, padding2 (px 4) (px 8) ] in div [ css [ Css.width (pct 100) , margin auto , padding (px 12) , textAlign center ] ] ( (\i -> button [ onClick (AddRatingStars i) , (if i == model.ratingStars then activeStyle else inactiveStyle ) ++ buttonStyle |> css ] [ text <| String.fromInt i ] ) [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ) view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.pageStatus of Loading -> div [] [ text <| viewStatus Loading ] _ -> div [ css [ Css.width (pct 50) , margin auto ] ] [ div [] [ viewProduct model.listing ] , div [ css [ cardPrimaryText ] ] [ text "User Reviews" ] , if model.ratings == [] then text "Be the first to add a review." else ul [ css [ padding (px 0) , listStyle Css.none ] ] ( viewRating model.ratings) , div [ css [ cardPrimaryText, margin2 (px 20) (px 0) ] ] [ text "Rate this product" ] , div [] [ viewStars model , div [] [ textarea [ onInput AddRatingComment , rows 5 , placeholder "Enter comment text" , css [ Css.width (pct 100) ] ] [ text model.ratingText ] ] , div [ css [ textAlign center ] ] [ furbyButton [ onClick AddRatingPressed ] [ text "Submit Rating" ] ] ] ]