module Profile exposing (..) import Browser import Browser.Navigation as Nav import Css exposing (..) import Html import Html.Styled exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Styled.Events exposing (..) import Http import Icons exposing (..) import Json.Decode as D import Json.Encode as Encode import Styles exposing (..) import Utils exposing (..) emptyProfile = UserProfile "" "" "" Nothing 0 [] type alias Transaction = { amount : Float , transactionId : Int , orderDate : String , paymentMode : String } type alias UserProfile = { username : String , phoneNumber : String , emailId : String , address : Maybe String , ratingsGiven : Int , transactions : List Transaction } type alias Model = { profile : UserProfile , status : Status } type Status = Loading | Loaded | NotLoaded type Msg = ProfileLoaded (Result Http.Error UserProfile) | FetchProfile init : Model init = Model emptyProfile NotLoaded update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of ProfileLoaded res -> case res of Ok p -> ( { model | profile = p }, Cmd.none ) Err _ -> ( { model | status = NotLoaded }, Cmd.none ) FetchProfile -> ( { model | status = Loading }, tryFetchProfile ) decodeProfile : D.Decoder UserProfile decodeProfile = D.map6 UserProfile (D.field "username" D.string) (D.field "phone_number" D.string) (D.field "email_id" D.string) (D.field "address" (D.nullable D.string)) (D.field "ratings_given" (D.field "transactions" (D.list decodeTransaction)) decodeTransaction : D.Decoder Transaction decodeTransaction = D.map4 Transaction (D.field "amount" D.float) (D.field "id" (D.field "order_date" D.string) (D.field "payment_type" D.string) tryFetchProfile : Cmd Msg tryFetchProfile = let _ = Debug.log "err" <| "fetching user profile" in Http.riskyRequest { method = "GET" , headers = [] , url = "" , body = Http.emptyBody , expect = Http.expectJson ProfileLoaded decodeProfile , timeout = Nothing , tracker = Nothing } viewStatus : Status -> String viewStatus s = case s of Loading -> "Loading" Loaded -> "Ready!" NotLoaded -> "Not loaded ..." viewTransactions : List Transaction -> Html Msg viewTransactions ts = let headings = [ "Order ID", "Date", "Amount (₹)", "Payment Mode" ] |> (th [] << List.singleton << text) transactionRow t = (td [] << List.singleton) [ text <| String.fromInt t.transactionId , text t.orderDate , text <| String.fromFloat t.amount , text t.paymentMode ] in div [] [ div [ css [ bigHeading, marginTop (px 20), marginBottom (px 12) ] ] [ text "Transactions" ] , Html.Styled.table [ css [ Css.width (pct 100) , maxWidth (px 650) ] ] ([ tr [ style "text-align" "right" ] headings ] ++ (tr [ style "text-align" "right" ] << transactionRow) ts ) ] profileField : String -> String -> Html Msg profileField fieldName entry = div [] [ div [ css [ cardSecondaryText , textTransform uppercase , paddingBottom (px 3) ] ] [ text fieldName ] , div [ css [ cardPrimaryText , paddingBottom (px 12) ] ] [ text entry ] ] viewProfile : UserProfile -> Html Msg viewProfile u = div [] [ div [ css [ bigHeading, marginTop (px 20), marginBottom (px 12) ] ] [ text "Profile" ] , profileField "name" u.username , profileField "email" u.emailId , profileField "contact number" u.phoneNumber , profileField "address" <| Maybe.withDefault "No address provided" u.address , profileField "Total Reviews" <| String.fromInt u.ratingsGiven , hr [] [] , viewTransactions u.transactions ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = case model.status of Loading -> div [] [ text <| viewStatus Loading ] _ -> div [ css [ margin auto , marginTop (pct 5) , Css.width (pct 40) ] ] [ viewProfile model.profile ]