use crate::models::{AddRating, Customer, Rating}; use crate::schema::rating::dsl as rating; use crate::schema::{customer::dsl::*, product::dsl::*}; use crate::TPool; use actix_identity::Identity; use actix_web::{web, HttpResponse, Responder}; use diesel::prelude::*; use log::{error, info}; use serde::Deserialize; #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct AddRatingJson { pub comment_text: Option, pub stars: Option, pub product_id: i32, } pub async fn add_rating( cookie: Identity, rating_details: web::Json, pool: web::Data, ) -> impl Responder { info!("Add rating hit: {:?}", rating_details.product_id); let conn = pool.get().unwrap(); if let Some(uname) = cookie.identity() { let selected_user = customer .filter(username.eq(&uname)) .limit(1) .first::(&conn) .expect("Couldn't connect to DB"); let rating_details = rating_details.into_inner(); let new_rating = AddRating { comment_text: rating_details.comment_text, stars: rating_details.stars, product_id: rating_details.product_id, customer_id:, }; diesel::insert_into(rating::rating) .values(new_rating) .execute(&conn) .expect("Coundn't connect to DB"); HttpResponse::Ok().body("Inserted rating successfully!") } else { error!("Unauthorized add rating action!"); return HttpResponse::Unauthorized() .body("Need to be logged in to add rating!"); } } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct RemoveRating { rating_id: i32, } pub async fn remove_rating( cookie: Identity, rating_details: web::Json, pool: web::Data, ) -> impl Responder { info!("Remove rating hit: {:?}", rating_details.rating_id); let conn = pool.get().unwrap(); if let Some(uname) = cookie.identity() { let selected_user = customer .filter(username.eq(&uname)) .limit(1) .first::(&conn) .expect("Couldn't connect to DB"); diesel::delete( rating::rating .filter(rating::customer_id.eq( .filter(rating::id.eq(rating_details.rating_id)), ) .execute(&conn) .expect("Coundn't connect to DB"); HttpResponse::Ok().body("Removed successfully!") } else { error!("Unauthorized add to cart action!"); return HttpResponse::Unauthorized() .body("Need to be logged in to add to cart!"); } } // pub async fn get_product_reviews( // product: web::Json, // pool: web::Data, // ) -> impl Responder { // unimplemented!() // }