18CS54 - network programming and security ============================================================ Q1: Write a networking program consisting of a client and server components. The client must request for a file by providing a file name, and the server must respond with the contents of the file or an appropriate error message. Modify the client to accept the filname via a command line argument. A1: https://u.peppe.rs/qt.png ------------------------------------------------------------ Q2: Write a program to illustrate the function of Distance-Vector routing using Bellman-Ford algorithm. Handle the situation where negative edges are present. A2: https://u.peppe.rs/LS.png https://u.peppe.rs/ep.png ------------------------------------------------------------ Q3: Write a program to showcase a) Checksum - error detection b) Hamming code - error detection and correction A3: https://u.peppe.rs/qQ.png https://u.peppe.rs/qr.png ------------------------------------------------------------ Q6: Write a networking program to demonstrate the following: a) Concurrent TCP server b) Iterative TCP server c) Connectionless UDP server A6: a) https://u.peppe.rs/E3.png b) https://u.peppe.rs/VA.png c) https://u.peppe.rs/ei.png ------------------------------------------------------------ Q7: Write a networking program that recieves a shell command from a client and returns the output of the command to the client. A7: https://u.peppe.rs/QD.png ============================================================ mirror of git.peppe.rs/university/nps