# vim-colors-plain This is a fork of [vim-colors-off][] which is being developed based on my personal taste. ![Screenshot](screenshots/plain-dark.png) ![Screenshot](screenshots/plain-light.png) ## Motivation Minimalistic colorscheme which uses bold to highlight keywords and a distinguished color for constant literals (string, numbers, JSX tags). ## Installation & Usage With [vim-plug][] you add this to the `.vimrc`: ``` Plug 'andreypopp/vim-colors-plain' ``` Then: ``` set background=light " Set to dark for a dark variant colorscheme plain ``` ## FAQ - What terminal emulator is shown on screenshots? This is [kitty][]. Fast and highly configurable. - Is this Vim or Neovim on screenshots and why? This is Neovim. [vim-colors-off]: https://github.com/pbrisbin/vim-colors-off [vim-plug]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug [kitty]: https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty