" Name: plain.vim " Version: 0.1 " Maintainer: github.com/andreypopp " License: The MIT License (MIT) " " Based on " " https://github.com/pbrisbin/vim-colors-off (MIT License) " " which in turn based on " " https://github.com/reedes/vim-colors-pencil (MIT License) " """ hi clear if exists('syntax on') syntax reset endif let g:colors_name='plain' let s:black = { "gui": "#222222", "cterm": "0" } let s:medium_gray = { "gui": "#767676", "cterm": "8" } let s:white = { "gui": "#F1F1F1", "cterm": "7" } let s:actual_white = { "gui": "#FFFFFF", "cterm": "15" } let s:light_black = { "gui": "#424242", "cterm": "8" } let s:lighter_black = { "gui": "#545454", "cterm": "8" } let s:subtle_black = { "gui": "#303030", "cterm": "11" } let s:light_gray = { "gui": "#999999", "cterm": "12" } let s:lighter_gray = { "gui": "#CCCCCC", "cterm": "7" } let s:lightest_gray = { "gui": "#E5E5E5", "cterm": "13" } let s:pink = { "gui": "#FB007A", "cterm": "5" } let s:dark_red = { "gui": "#C30771", "cterm": "1" } let s:light_red = { "gui": "#E32791", "cterm": "1" } let s:orange = { "gui": "#D75F5F", "cterm": "9" } let s:darker_blue = { "gui": "#005F87", "cterm": "4" } let s:dark_blue = { "gui": "#008EC4", "cterm": "4" } let s:blue = { "gui": "#20BBFC", "cterm": "4" } let s:light_blue = { "gui": "#B6D6FD", "cterm": "4" } let s:dark_cyan = { "gui": "#20A5BA", "cterm": "6" } let s:light_cyan = { "gui": "#4FB8CC", "cterm": "6" } let s:dark_green = { "gui": "#10A778", "cterm": "6" } let s:light_green = { "gui": "#5FD7A7", "cterm": "6" } let s:dark_purple = { "gui": "#523C79", "cterm": "5" } let s:light_purple = { "gui": "#6855DE", "cterm": "5" } let s:light_yellow = { "gui": "#F3E430", "cterm": "3" } let s:dark_yellow = { "gui": "#A89C14", "cterm": "3" } if &background == "dark" let s:bg = s:black let s:bg_subtle = s:light_black let s:bg_very_subtle = s:subtle_black let s:norm = s:lighter_gray let s:norm_subtle = s:light_gray let s:purple = s:light_purple let s:cyan = s:light_cyan let s:green = s:light_green let s:red = s:light_red let s:yellow = s:light_yellow let s:visual = s:subtle_black let s:cursor_line = s:subtle_black let s:status_line = s:medium_gray let s:status_line_nc = s:light_black let s:constant = s:light_green let s:comment = s:lighter_black let s:selection = s:light_purple let s:warning = s:yellow else let s:bg = s:white let s:bg_subtle = s:lighter_gray let s:bg_very_subtle = s:light_gray let s:norm = s:light_black let s:norm_subtle = s:lighter_black let s:purple = s:dark_purple let s:cyan = s:dark_cyan let s:green = s:dark_green let s:red = s:dark_red let s:yellow = s:dark_yellow let s:visual = s:light_blue let s:cursor_line = s:medium_gray let s:status_line = s:medium_gray let s:status_line_nc = s:light_gray let s:constant = s:dark_blue let s:comment = s:light_gray let s:selection = s:light_yellow let s:warning = s:yellow endif " https://github.com/noahfrederick/vim-hemisu/ function! s:h(group, style) execute "highlight" a:group \ "guifg=" (has_key(a:style, "fg") ? a:style.fg.gui : "NONE") \ "guibg=" (has_key(a:style, "bg") ? a:style.bg.gui : "NONE") \ "guisp=" (has_key(a:style, "sp") ? a:style.sp.gui : "NONE") \ "gui=" (has_key(a:style, "gui") ? a:style.gui : "NONE") \ "ctermfg=" (has_key(a:style, "fg") ? a:style.fg.cterm : "NONE") \ "ctermbg=" (has_key(a:style, "bg") ? a:style.bg.cterm : "NONE") \ "cterm=" (has_key(a:style, "cterm") ? a:style.cterm : "NONE") endfunction call s:h("firstAccent", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:cyan,}) call s:h("secondAccent", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:purple,}) call s:h("Normal", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm,}) call s:h("Noise", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm_subtle}) call s:h("Cursor", {"bg": s:green, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("Comment", {"fg": s:comment, "cterm": "italic"}) call s:h("Function", {"fg": s:norm, "cterm": "bold"}) call s:h("Constant", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:constant}) hi! link Character Constant hi! link Number Constant hi! link Boolean Constant hi! link Float Constant hi! link String Constant "call s:h("Identifier", {"fg": s:dark_blue}) hi! link Identifier Normal "hi! link Statement Normal call s:h("Statement", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm, "cterm": "bold"}) hi! link Conditonal Statement hi! link Repeat Statement hi! link Label Statement hi! link Operator Noise hi! link Keyword Statement hi! link Exception Statement "call s:h("PreProc", {"fg": s:red}) hi! link PreProc Normal hi! link Include Statement hi! link Define PreProc hi! link Macro PreProc hi! link PreCondit PreProc "call s:h("Type", {"fg": s:purple}) hi! link Type Normal hi! link StorageClass Type hi! link Structure Type hi! link Typedef Type "call s:h("Special", {"fg": s:pink}) hi! link Special StatusLine hi! link SpecialChar Special hi! link Tag Special hi! link Delimiter Special hi! link SpecialComment Special hi! link Debug Special hi! link Conceal NonText call s:h("Underlined", {"fg": s:norm, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline"}) call s:h("Ignore", {"fg": s:bg}) call s:h("Error", {"fg": s:red, "bg": s:bg, "cterm": "bold"}) call s:h("Todo", {"fg": s:actual_white, "bg": s:black, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold"}) call s:h("SpecialKey", {"fg": s:subtle_black}) call s:h("NonText", {"fg": s:bg_very_subtle}) call s:h("Directory", {"fg": s:dark_green}) call s:h("ErrorMsg", {"fg": s:pink}) call s:h("IncSearch", {"bg": s:selection, "fg": s:black}) call s:h("Search", {"bg": s:selection, "fg": s:black}) call s:h("MoreMsg", {"fg": s:medium_gray, "cterm": "bold", "gui": "bold"}) hi! link ModeMsg MoreMsg call s:h("LineNr", {"fg": s:medium_gray}) call s:h("CursorLineNr", {"fg": s:green, "bg": s:bg_very_subtle}) call s:h("Question", {"fg": s:red}) call s:h("VertSplit", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:bg_very_subtle}) call s:h("Title", {"fg": s:dark_green}) call s:h("Visual", {"bg": s:visual}) call s:h("VisualNOS", {"bg": s:bg_subtle}) call s:h("WarningMsg", {"fg": s:warning}) call s:h("WildMenu", {"fg": s:white, "bg": s:bg}) call s:h("Folded", {"fg": s:medium_gray}) call s:h("FoldColumn", {"fg": s:bg_subtle}) call s:h("DiffAdd", {"fg": s:green}) call s:h("DiffDelete", {"fg": s:red}) call s:h("DiffChange", {"fg": s:dark_yellow}) call s:h("DiffText", {"fg": s:dark_green}) call s:h("SignColumn", {"fg": s:medium_gray}) if has("gui_running") call s:h("SpellBad", {"gui": "underline", "sp": s:red}) call s:h("SpellCap", {"gui": "underline", "sp": s:light_green}) call s:h("SpellRare", {"gui": "underline", "sp": s:pink}) call s:h("SpellLocal", {"gui": "underline", "sp": s:dark_green}) else call s:h("SpellBad", {"cterm": "underline", "fg": s:red}) call s:h("SpellCap", {"cterm": "underline", "fg": s:light_green}) call s:h("SpellRare", {"cterm": "underline", "fg": s:pink}) call s:h("SpellLocal", {"cterm": "underline", "fg": s:dark_green}) endif """ Help hi link helpHyperTextEntry Title hi link helpHyperTextJump String """ StatusLine call s:h("StatusLine", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:status_line}) call s:h("StatusLineNC", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:status_line_nc}) " Those are not standard but are useful to emphasis different parts of the " status line. call s:h("StatusLineOk", {"gui": "underline", "bg": s:bg, "fg": s:green}) call s:h("StatusLineError", {"gui": "underline", "bg": s:bg, "fg": s:pink}) call s:h("StatusLineWarning", {"gui": "underline", "bg": s:bg, "fg": s:warning}) call s:h("Pmenu", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg_very_subtle}) call s:h("PmenuSel", {"fg": s:green, "bg": s:bg_very_subtle, "gui": "bold"}) call s:h("PmenuSbar", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg_subtle}) call s:h("PmenuThumb", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg_subtle}) call s:h("TabLine", {"fg": s:norm_subtle, "bg": s:bg}) call s:h("TabLineSel", {"fg": s:norm, "bg": s:bg, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold"}) call s:h("TabLineFill", {"fg": s:norm_subtle, "bg": s:bg}) call s:h("CursorColumn", {"bg": s:bg_very_subtle}) call s:h("CursorLine", {"bg": s:cursor_line}) call s:h("ColorColumn", {"bg": s:bg_subtle}) call s:h("MatchParen", {"bg": s:bg_very_subtle, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("qfLineNr", {"fg": s:medium_gray}) call s:h("htmlH1", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlH2", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlH3", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlH4", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlH5", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlH6", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlBold", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlItalic", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlEndTag", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlTag", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlTagName", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlArg", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("htmlError", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:red}) " JavaScript highlighting " call s:h("javaScript", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("javaScriptBraces", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:norm}) call s:h("javaScriptNumber", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:green}) hi link diffRemoved DiffDelete hi link diffAdded DiffAdd " Signify, git-gutter hi link SignifySignAdd LineNr hi link SignifySignDelete LineNr hi link SignifySignChange LineNr hi link GitGutterAdd LineNr hi link GitGutterDelete LineNr hi link GitGutterChange LineNr hi link GitGutterChangeDelete LineNr hi link jsFlowTypeKeyword Statement hi link jsFlowImportType Statement hi link jsFunction Function hi link jsGlobalObjects Noise hi link jsGlobalNodeObjects Normal hi link jsSwitchCase Constant call s:h("jsSpreadOperator ", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:selection}) hi link jsReturn jsSpreadOperator hi link jsExport jsSpreadOperator call s:h("rustModPath ", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:lightest_gray}) hi link rustMacro secondAccent hi link rustKeyword Noise hi link rustDerive secondAccent hi link rustDeriveTrait secondAccent hi link rustAttribute secondAccent hi link rustLifetime secondAccent hi link schemeSyntax Normal hi link schemeParentheses Noise hi link schemeIdentifier Noise hi link haskellType secondAccent hi link elmType secondAccent hi link shCommandSub secondAccent hi link cFormat secondAccent hi link nixBuiltin secondAccent hi link nixNamespacedBuiltin secondAccent hi link sqlSpecial firstAccent hi link sqlKeyword secondAccent hi link helpExample Noise hi link helpCommand secondAccent hi link helpBacktick secondAccent hi link helpSpecial Noise hi link StorageClass Statement call s:h("xmlTag", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:constant}) hi link xmlTagName xmlTag hi link xmlEndTag xmlTag hi link xmlAttrib xmlTag hi link markdownH1 Statement hi link markdownH2 Statement hi link markdownH3 Statement hi link markdownH4 Statement hi link markdownH5 Statement hi link markdownH6 Statement hi link markdownListMarker Constant hi link markdownCode Constant hi link markdownCodeBlock Constant hi link markdownCodeDelimiter Constant hi link markdownHeadingDelimiter Constant call s:h("cssBraces", {"bg": s:bg, "fg": s:selection}) hi link cssTextProp Noise hi link cssTagName Normal