diff options
21 files changed, 1058 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/crates/hir/src/display.rs b/crates/hir/src/display.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44cdcc296
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/hir/src/display.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
1//! HirDisplay implementations for various hir types.
2use hir_def::{
3 adt::VariantData,
4 generics::{TypeParamProvenance, WherePredicate, WherePredicateTypeTarget},
5 type_ref::{TypeBound, TypeRef},
6 AdtId, GenericDefId,
8use hir_ty::display::{
9 write_bounds_like_dyn_trait_with_prefix, write_visibility, HirDisplay, HirDisplayError,
10 HirFormatter,
12use syntax::ast::{self, NameOwner};
14use crate::{
15 Const, ConstParam, Enum, Field, Function, HasVisibility, Module, Static, Struct, Substs, Trait,
16 Type, TypeAlias, TypeParam, Union, Variant,
19impl HirDisplay for Function {
20 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
21 let data = f.db.function_data(self.id);
22 write_visibility(self.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
23 let qual = &data.qualifier;
24 if qual.is_default {
25 write!(f, "default ")?;
26 }
27 if qual.is_const {
28 write!(f, "const ")?;
29 }
30 if qual.is_async {
31 write!(f, "async ")?;
32 }
33 if qual.is_unsafe {
34 write!(f, "unsafe ")?;
35 }
36 if let Some(abi) = &qual.abi {
37 // FIXME: String escape?
38 write!(f, "extern \"{}\" ", abi)?;
39 }
40 write!(f, "fn {}", data.name)?;
42 write_generic_params(GenericDefId::FunctionId(self.id), f)?;
44 write!(f, "(")?;
46 let write_self_param = |ty: &TypeRef, f: &mut HirFormatter| match ty {
47 TypeRef::Path(p) if p.is_self_type() => write!(f, "self"),
48 TypeRef::Reference(inner, lifetime, mut_) if matches!(&**inner,TypeRef::Path(p) if p.is_self_type()) =>
49 {
50 write!(f, "&")?;
51 if let Some(lifetime) = lifetime {
52 write!(f, "{} ", lifetime.name)?;
53 }
54 if let hir_def::type_ref::Mutability::Mut = mut_ {
55 write!(f, "mut ")?;
56 }
57 write!(f, "self")
58 }
59 _ => {
60 write!(f, "self: ")?;
61 ty.hir_fmt(f)
62 }
63 };
65 let mut first = true;
66 for (param, type_ref) in self.assoc_fn_params(f.db).into_iter().zip(&data.params) {
67 if !first {
68 write!(f, ", ")?;
69 } else {
70 first = false;
71 if data.has_self_param {
72 write_self_param(type_ref, f)?;
73 continue;
74 }
75 }
76 match param.pattern_source(f.db) {
77 Some(ast::Pat::IdentPat(p)) if p.name().is_some() => {
78 write!(f, "{}: ", p.name().unwrap())?
79 }
80 _ => write!(f, "_: ")?,
81 }
82 // FIXME: Use resolved `param.ty` or raw `type_ref`?
83 // The former will ignore lifetime arguments currently.
84 type_ref.hir_fmt(f)?;
85 }
86 write!(f, ")")?;
88 // `FunctionData::ret_type` will be `::core::future::Future<Output = ...>` for async fns.
89 // Use ugly pattern match to strip the Future trait.
90 // Better way?
91 let ret_type = if !qual.is_async {
92 &data.ret_type
93 } else {
94 match &data.ret_type {
95 TypeRef::ImplTrait(bounds) => match &bounds[0] {
96 TypeBound::Path(path) => {
97 path.segments().iter().last().unwrap().args_and_bindings.unwrap().bindings
98 [0]
99 .type_ref
100 .as_ref()
101 .unwrap()
102 }
103 _ => panic!("Async fn ret_type should be impl Future"),
104 },
105 _ => panic!("Async fn ret_type should be impl Future"),
106 }
107 };
109 match ret_type {
110 TypeRef::Tuple(tup) if tup.is_empty() => {}
111 ty => {
112 write!(f, " -> ")?;
113 ty.hir_fmt(f)?;
114 }
115 }
117 write_where_clause(GenericDefId::FunctionId(self.id), f)?;
119 Ok(())
120 }
123impl HirDisplay for Struct {
124 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
125 write_visibility(self.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
126 write!(f, "struct ")?;
127 write!(f, "{}", self.name(f.db))?;
128 let def_id = GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::StructId(self.id));
129 write_generic_params(def_id, f)?;
130 write_where_clause(def_id, f)?;
131 Ok(())
132 }
135impl HirDisplay for Enum {
136 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
137 write_visibility(self.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
138 write!(f, "enum ")?;
139 write!(f, "{}", self.name(f.db))?;
140 let def_id = GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::EnumId(self.id));
141 write_generic_params(def_id, f)?;
142 write_where_clause(def_id, f)?;
143 Ok(())
144 }
147impl HirDisplay for Union {
148 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
149 write_visibility(self.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
150 write!(f, "union ")?;
151 write!(f, "{}", self.name(f.db))?;
152 let def_id = GenericDefId::AdtId(AdtId::UnionId(self.id));
153 write_generic_params(def_id, f)?;
154 write_where_clause(def_id, f)?;
155 Ok(())
156 }
159impl HirDisplay for Field {
160 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
161 write_visibility(self.parent.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
162 write!(f, "{}: ", self.name(f.db))?;
163 self.signature_ty(f.db).hir_fmt(f)
164 }
167impl HirDisplay for Variant {
168 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
169 write!(f, "{}", self.name(f.db))?;
170 let data = self.variant_data(f.db);
171 match &*data {
172 VariantData::Unit => {}
173 VariantData::Tuple(fields) => {
174 write!(f, "(")?;
175 let mut first = true;
176 for (_, field) in fields.iter() {
177 if first {
178 first = false;
179 } else {
180 write!(f, ", ")?;
181 }
182 // Enum variant fields must be pub.
183 field.type_ref.hir_fmt(f)?;
184 }
185 write!(f, ")")?;
186 }
187 VariantData::Record(fields) => {
188 write!(f, " {{")?;
189 let mut first = true;
190 for (_, field) in fields.iter() {
191 if first {
192 first = false;
193 write!(f, " ")?;
194 } else {
195 write!(f, ", ")?;
196 }
197 // Enum variant fields must be pub.
198 write!(f, "{}: ", field.name)?;
199 field.type_ref.hir_fmt(f)?;
200 }
201 write!(f, " }}")?;
202 }
203 }
204 Ok(())
205 }
208impl HirDisplay for Type {
209 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
210 self.ty.value.hir_fmt(f)
211 }
214impl HirDisplay for TypeParam {
215 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
216 write!(f, "{}", self.name(f.db))?;
217 let bounds = f.db.generic_predicates_for_param(self.id);
218 let substs = Substs::type_params(f.db, self.id.parent);
219 let predicates = bounds.iter().cloned().map(|b| b.subst(&substs)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
220 if !(predicates.is_empty() || f.omit_verbose_types()) {
221 write_bounds_like_dyn_trait_with_prefix(":", &predicates, f)?;
222 }
223 Ok(())
224 }
227impl HirDisplay for ConstParam {
228 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
229 write!(f, "const {}: ", self.name(f.db))?;
230 self.ty(f.db).hir_fmt(f)
231 }
234fn write_generic_params(def: GenericDefId, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
235 let params = f.db.generic_params(def);
236 if params.lifetimes.is_empty()
237 && params.consts.is_empty()
238 && params
239 .types
240 .iter()
241 .all(|(_, param)| !matches!(param.provenance, TypeParamProvenance::TypeParamList))
242 {
243 return Ok(());
244 }
245 write!(f, "<")?;
247 let mut first = true;
248 let mut delim = |f: &mut HirFormatter| {
249 if first {
250 first = false;
251 Ok(())
252 } else {
253 write!(f, ", ")
254 }
255 };
256 for (_, lifetime) in params.lifetimes.iter() {
257 delim(f)?;
258 write!(f, "{}", lifetime.name)?;
259 }
260 for (_, ty) in params.types.iter() {
261 if ty.provenance != TypeParamProvenance::TypeParamList {
262 continue;
263 }
264 if let Some(name) = &ty.name {
265 delim(f)?;
266 write!(f, "{}", name)?;
267 if let Some(default) = &ty.default {
268 write!(f, " = ")?;
269 default.hir_fmt(f)?;
270 }
271 }
272 }
273 for (_, konst) in params.consts.iter() {
274 delim(f)?;
275 write!(f, "const {}: ", konst.name)?;
276 konst.ty.hir_fmt(f)?;
277 }
279 write!(f, ">")?;
280 Ok(())
283fn write_where_clause(def: GenericDefId, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
284 let params = f.db.generic_params(def);
285 if params.where_predicates.is_empty() {
286 return Ok(());
287 }
289 let write_target = |target: &WherePredicateTypeTarget, f: &mut HirFormatter| match target {
290 WherePredicateTypeTarget::TypeRef(ty) => ty.hir_fmt(f),
291 WherePredicateTypeTarget::TypeParam(id) => match &params.types[*id].name {
292 Some(name) => write!(f, "{}", name),
293 None => write!(f, "{{unnamed}}"),
294 },
295 };
297 write!(f, "\nwhere")?;
299 for (pred_idx, pred) in params.where_predicates.iter().enumerate() {
300 let prev_pred =
301 if pred_idx == 0 { None } else { Some(&params.where_predicates[pred_idx - 1]) };
303 let new_predicate = |f: &mut HirFormatter| {
304 write!(f, "{}", if pred_idx == 0 { "\n " } else { ",\n " })
305 };
307 match pred {
308 WherePredicate::TypeBound { target, bound } => {
309 if matches!(prev_pred, Some(WherePredicate::TypeBound { target: target_, .. }) if target_ == target)
310 {
311 write!(f, " + ")?;
312 } else {
313 new_predicate(f)?;
314 write_target(target, f)?;
315 write!(f, ": ")?;
316 }
317 bound.hir_fmt(f)?;
318 }
319 WherePredicate::Lifetime { target, bound } => {
320 if matches!(prev_pred, Some(WherePredicate::Lifetime { target: target_, .. }) if target_ == target)
321 {
322 write!(f, " + {}", bound.name)?;
323 } else {
324 new_predicate(f)?;
325 write!(f, "{}: {}", target.name, bound.name)?;
326 }
327 }
328 WherePredicate::ForLifetime { lifetimes, target, bound } => {
329 if matches!(
330 prev_pred,
331 Some(WherePredicate::ForLifetime { lifetimes: lifetimes_, target: target_, .. })
332 if lifetimes_ == lifetimes && target_ == target,
333 ) {
334 write!(f, " + ")?;
335 } else {
336 new_predicate(f)?;
337 write!(f, "for<")?;
338 for (idx, lifetime) in lifetimes.iter().enumerate() {
339 if idx != 0 {
340 write!(f, ", ")?;
341 }
342 write!(f, "{}", lifetime)?;
343 }
344 write!(f, "> ")?;
345 write_target(target, f)?;
346 write!(f, ": ")?;
347 }
348 bound.hir_fmt(f)?;
349 }
350 }
351 }
353 // End of final predicate. There must be at least one predicate here.
354 write!(f, ",")?;
356 Ok(())
359impl HirDisplay for Const {
360 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
361 write_visibility(self.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
362 let data = f.db.const_data(self.id);
363 write!(f, "const ")?;
364 match &data.name {
365 Some(name) => write!(f, "{}: ", name)?,
366 None => write!(f, "_: ")?,
367 }
368 data.type_ref.hir_fmt(f)?;
369 Ok(())
370 }
373impl HirDisplay for Static {
374 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
375 write_visibility(self.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
376 let data = f.db.static_data(self.id);
377 write!(f, "static ")?;
378 if data.mutable {
379 write!(f, "mut ")?;
380 }
381 match &data.name {
382 Some(name) => write!(f, "{}: ", name)?,
383 None => write!(f, "_: ")?,
384 }
385 data.type_ref.hir_fmt(f)?;
386 Ok(())
387 }
390impl HirDisplay for Trait {
391 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
392 write_visibility(self.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
393 let data = f.db.trait_data(self.id);
394 if data.is_unsafe {
395 write!(f, "unsafe ")?;
396 }
397 if data.is_auto {
398 write!(f, "auto ")?;
399 }
400 write!(f, "trait {}", data.name)?;
401 let def_id = GenericDefId::TraitId(self.id);
402 write_generic_params(def_id, f)?;
403 if !data.bounds.is_empty() {
404 write!(f, ": ")?;
405 f.write_joined(&*data.bounds, " + ")?;
406 }
407 write_where_clause(def_id, f)?;
408 Ok(())
409 }
412impl HirDisplay for TypeAlias {
413 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
414 write_visibility(self.module(f.db).id, self.visibility(f.db), f)?;
415 let data = f.db.type_alias_data(self.id);
416 write!(f, "type {}", data.name)?;
417 if !data.bounds.is_empty() {
418 write!(f, ": ")?;
419 f.write_joined(&data.bounds, " + ")?;
420 }
421 if let Some(ty) = &data.type_ref {
422 write!(f, " = ")?;
423 ty.hir_fmt(f)?;
424 }
425 Ok(())
426 }
429impl HirDisplay for Module {
430 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
431 // FIXME: Module doesn't have visibility saved in data.
432 match self.name(f.db) {
433 Some(name) => write!(f, "mod {}", name),
434 None if self.crate_root(f.db) == *self => match self.krate().display_name(f.db) {
435 Some(name) => write!(f, "extern crate {}", name),
436 None => write!(f, "extern crate {{unknown}}"),
437 },
438 None => write!(f, "mod {{unnamed}}"),
439 }
440 }
diff --git a/crates/hir/src/lib.rs b/crates/hir/src/lib.rs
index 52939e990..f0bc2c7b9 100644
--- a/crates/hir/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/hir/src/lib.rs
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ mod has_source;
29pub mod diagnostics; 29pub mod diagnostics;
30pub mod db; 30pub mod db;
31 31
32mod display;
32use std::{iter, sync::Arc}; 34use std::{iter, sync::Arc};
33 35
34use arrayvec::ArrayVec; 36use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
@@ -50,7 +52,6 @@ use hir_def::{
50use hir_expand::{diagnostics::DiagnosticSink, name::name, MacroDefKind}; 52use hir_expand::{diagnostics::DiagnosticSink, name::name, MacroDefKind};
51use hir_ty::{ 53use hir_ty::{
52 autoderef, 54 autoderef,
53 display::{write_bounds_like_dyn_trait_with_prefix, HirDisplayError, HirFormatter},
54 method_resolution::{self, TyFingerprint}, 55 method_resolution::{self, TyFingerprint},
55 primitive::UintTy, 56 primitive::UintTy,
56 to_assoc_type_id, 57 to_assoc_type_id,
@@ -572,6 +573,12 @@ impl Struct {
572 } 573 }
573} 574}
574 575
576impl HasVisibility for Struct {
577 fn visibility(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Visibility {
578 db.struct_data(self.id).visibility.resolve(db.upcast(), &self.id.resolver(db.upcast()))
579 }
575#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] 582#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
576pub struct Union { 583pub struct Union {
577 pub(crate) id: UnionId, 584 pub(crate) id: UnionId,
@@ -604,6 +611,12 @@ impl Union {
604 } 611 }
605} 612}
606 613
614impl HasVisibility for Union {
615 fn visibility(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Visibility {
616 db.union_data(self.id).visibility.resolve(db.upcast(), &self.id.resolver(db.upcast()))
617 }
607#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] 620#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
608pub struct Enum { 621pub struct Enum {
609 pub(crate) id: EnumId, 622 pub(crate) id: EnumId,
@@ -631,6 +644,12 @@ impl Enum {
631 } 644 }
632} 645}
633 646
647impl HasVisibility for Enum {
648 fn visibility(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Visibility {
649 db.enum_data(self.id).visibility.resolve(db.upcast(), &self.id.resolver(db.upcast()))
650 }
634#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] 653#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
635pub struct Variant { 654pub struct Variant {
636 pub(crate) parent: Enum, 655 pub(crate) parent: Enum,
@@ -822,7 +841,8 @@ impl Function {
822 db.function_data(self.id) 841 db.function_data(self.id)
823 .params 842 .params
824 .iter() 843 .iter()
825 .map(|type_ref| { 844 .enumerate()
845 .map(|(idx, type_ref)| {
826 let ty = Type { 846 let ty = Type {
827 krate, 847 krate,
828 ty: InEnvironment { 848 ty: InEnvironment {
@@ -830,7 +850,7 @@ impl Function {
830 environment: environment.clone(), 850 environment: environment.clone(),
831 }, 851 },
832 }; 852 };
833 Param { ty } 853 Param { func: self, ty, idx }
834 }) 854 })
835 .collect() 855 .collect()
836 } 856 }
@@ -844,7 +864,7 @@ impl Function {
844 } 864 }
845 865
846 pub fn is_unsafe(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> bool { 866 pub fn is_unsafe(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> bool {
847 db.function_data(self.id).is_unsafe 867 db.function_data(self.id).qualifier.is_unsafe
848 } 868 }
849 869
850 pub fn diagnostics(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, sink: &mut DiagnosticSink) { 870 pub fn diagnostics(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase, sink: &mut DiagnosticSink) {
@@ -893,6 +913,9 @@ impl From<hir_ty::Mutability> for Access {
893 913
894#[derive(Debug)] 914#[derive(Debug)]
895pub struct Param { 915pub struct Param {
916 func: Function,
917 /// The index in parameter list, including self parameter.
918 idx: usize,
896 ty: Type, 919 ty: Type,
897} 920}
898 921
@@ -900,6 +923,15 @@ impl Param {
900 pub fn ty(&self) -> &Type { 923 pub fn ty(&self) -> &Type {
901 &self.ty 924 &self.ty
902 } 925 }
927 pub fn pattern_source(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Option<ast::Pat> {
928 let params = self.func.source(db)?.value.param_list()?;
929 if params.self_param().is_some() {
930 params.params().nth(self.idx.checked_sub(1)?)?.pat()
931 } else {
932 params.params().nth(self.idx)?.pat()
933 }
934 }
903} 935}
904 936
905#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] 937#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
@@ -922,6 +954,14 @@ impl SelfParam {
922 }) 954 })
923 .unwrap_or(Access::Owned) 955 .unwrap_or(Access::Owned)
924 } 956 }
958 pub fn display(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> &'static str {
959 match self.access(db) {
960 Access::Shared => "&self",
961 Access::Exclusive => "&mut self",
962 Access::Owned => "self",
963 }
964 }
925} 965}
926 966
927impl HasVisibility for Function { 967impl HasVisibility for Function {
@@ -949,6 +989,10 @@ impl Const {
949 pub fn name(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Option<Name> { 989 pub fn name(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Option<Name> {
950 db.const_data(self.id).name.clone() 990 db.const_data(self.id).name.clone()
951 } 991 }
993 pub fn type_ref(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> TypeRef {
994 db.const_data(self.id).type_ref.clone()
995 }
952} 996}
953 997
954impl HasVisibility for Const { 998impl HasVisibility for Const {
@@ -982,6 +1026,12 @@ impl Static {
982 } 1026 }
983} 1027}
984 1028
1029impl HasVisibility for Static {
1030 fn visibility(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Visibility {
1031 db.static_data(self.id).visibility.resolve(db.upcast(), &self.id.resolver(db.upcast()))
1032 }
985#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] 1035#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
986pub struct Trait { 1036pub struct Trait {
987 pub(crate) id: TraitId, 1037 pub(crate) id: TraitId,
@@ -1001,7 +1051,13 @@ impl Trait {
1001 } 1051 }
1002 1052
1003 pub fn is_auto(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> bool { 1053 pub fn is_auto(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> bool {
1004 db.trait_data(self.id).auto 1054 db.trait_data(self.id).is_auto
1055 }
1058impl HasVisibility for Trait {
1059 fn visibility(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> Visibility {
1060 db.trait_data(self.id).visibility.resolve(db.upcast(), &self.id.resolver(db.upcast()))
1005 } 1061 }
1006} 1062}
1007 1063
@@ -1413,19 +1469,6 @@ impl TypeParam {
1413 } 1469 }
1414} 1470}
1415 1471
1416impl HirDisplay for TypeParam {
1417 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
1418 write!(f, "{}", self.name(f.db))?;
1419 let bounds = f.db.generic_predicates_for_param(self.id);
1420 let substs = Substs::type_params(f.db, self.id.parent);
1421 let predicates = bounds.iter().cloned().map(|b| b.subst(&substs)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
1422 if !(predicates.is_empty() || f.omit_verbose_types()) {
1423 write_bounds_like_dyn_trait_with_prefix(":", &predicates, f)?;
1424 }
1425 Ok(())
1426 }
1429#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] 1472#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
1430pub struct LifetimeParam { 1473pub struct LifetimeParam {
1431 pub(crate) id: LifetimeParamId, 1474 pub(crate) id: LifetimeParamId,
@@ -2059,12 +2102,6 @@ impl Type {
2059 } 2102 }
2060} 2103}
2061 2104
2062impl HirDisplay for Type {
2063 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
2064 self.ty.value.hir_fmt(f)
2065 }
2068// FIXME: closures 2105// FIXME: closures
2069#[derive(Debug)] 2106#[derive(Debug)]
2070pub struct Callable { 2107pub struct Callable {
diff --git a/crates/hir_def/src/adt.rs b/crates/hir_def/src/adt.rs
index efbde17d8..1b9bb8235 100644
--- a/crates/hir_def/src/adt.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_def/src/adt.rs
@@ -31,12 +31,14 @@ pub struct StructData {
31 pub name: Name, 31 pub name: Name,
32 pub variant_data: Arc<VariantData>, 32 pub variant_data: Arc<VariantData>,
33 pub repr: Option<ReprKind>, 33 pub repr: Option<ReprKind>,
34 pub visibility: RawVisibility,
34} 35}
35 36
36#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] 37#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
37pub struct EnumData { 38pub struct EnumData {
38 pub name: Name, 39 pub name: Name,
39 pub variants: Arena<EnumVariantData>, 40 pub variants: Arena<EnumVariantData>,
41 pub visibility: RawVisibility,
40} 42}
41 43
42#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] 44#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
@@ -102,6 +104,7 @@ impl StructData {
102 name: strukt.name.clone(), 104 name: strukt.name.clone(),
103 variant_data: Arc::new(variant_data), 105 variant_data: Arc::new(variant_data),
104 repr, 106 repr,
107 visibility: item_tree[strukt.visibility].clone(),
105 }) 108 })
106 } 109 }
107 pub(crate) fn union_data_query(db: &dyn DefDatabase, id: UnionId) -> Arc<StructData> { 110 pub(crate) fn union_data_query(db: &dyn DefDatabase, id: UnionId) -> Arc<StructData> {
@@ -118,6 +121,7 @@ impl StructData {
118 name: union.name.clone(), 121 name: union.name.clone(),
119 variant_data: Arc::new(variant_data), 122 variant_data: Arc::new(variant_data),
120 repr, 123 repr,
124 visibility: item_tree[union.visibility].clone(),
121 }) 125 })
122 } 126 }
123} 127}
@@ -150,7 +154,11 @@ impl EnumData {
150 } 154 }
151 } 155 }
152 156
153 Arc::new(EnumData { name: enum_.name.clone(), variants }) 157 Arc::new(EnumData {
158 name: enum_.name.clone(),
159 variants,
160 visibility: item_tree[enum_.visibility].clone(),
161 })
154 } 162 }
155 163
156 pub fn variant(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<LocalEnumVariantId> { 164 pub fn variant(&self, name: &Name) -> Option<LocalEnumVariantId> {
diff --git a/crates/hir_def/src/data.rs b/crates/hir_def/src/data.rs
index aea53d527..74a2194e5 100644
--- a/crates/hir_def/src/data.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_def/src/data.rs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use crate::{
9 attr::Attrs, 9 attr::Attrs,
10 body::Expander, 10 body::Expander,
11 db::DefDatabase, 11 db::DefDatabase,
12 item_tree::{AssocItem, ItemTreeId, ModItem}, 12 item_tree::{AssocItem, FunctionQualifier, ItemTreeId, ModItem},
13 type_ref::{TypeBound, TypeRef}, 13 type_ref::{TypeBound, TypeRef},
14 visibility::RawVisibility, 14 visibility::RawVisibility,
15 AssocContainerId, AssocItemId, ConstId, ConstLoc, FunctionId, FunctionLoc, HasModule, ImplId, 15 AssocContainerId, AssocItemId, ConstId, ConstLoc, FunctionId, FunctionLoc, HasModule, ImplId,
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ pub struct FunctionData {
26 /// can be called as a method. 26 /// can be called as a method.
27 pub has_self_param: bool, 27 pub has_self_param: bool,
28 pub has_body: bool, 28 pub has_body: bool,
29 pub is_unsafe: bool, 29 pub qualifier: FunctionQualifier,
30 pub is_in_extern_block: bool,
30 pub is_varargs: bool, 31 pub is_varargs: bool,
31 pub is_extern: bool,
32 pub visibility: RawVisibility, 32 pub visibility: RawVisibility,
33} 33}
34 34
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ impl FunctionData {
46 attrs: item_tree.attrs(db, krate, ModItem::from(loc.id.value).into()), 46 attrs: item_tree.attrs(db, krate, ModItem::from(loc.id.value).into()),
47 has_self_param: func.has_self_param, 47 has_self_param: func.has_self_param,
48 has_body: func.has_body, 48 has_body: func.has_body,
49 is_unsafe: func.is_unsafe, 49 qualifier: func.qualifier.clone(),
50 is_in_extern_block: func.is_in_extern_block,
50 is_varargs: func.is_varargs, 51 is_varargs: func.is_varargs,
51 is_extern: func.is_extern,
52 visibility: item_tree[func.visibility].clone(), 52 visibility: item_tree[func.visibility].clone(),
53 }) 53 })
54 } 54 }
@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@ impl TypeAliasData {
87pub struct TraitData { 87pub struct TraitData {
88 pub name: Name, 88 pub name: Name,
89 pub items: Vec<(Name, AssocItemId)>, 89 pub items: Vec<(Name, AssocItemId)>,
90 pub auto: bool, 90 pub is_auto: bool,
91 pub is_unsafe: bool,
92 pub visibility: RawVisibility,
93 pub bounds: Box<[TypeBound]>,
91} 94}
92 95
93impl TraitData { 96impl TraitData {
@@ -96,10 +99,13 @@ impl TraitData {
96 let item_tree = db.item_tree(tr_loc.id.file_id); 99 let item_tree = db.item_tree(tr_loc.id.file_id);
97 let tr_def = &item_tree[tr_loc.id.value]; 100 let tr_def = &item_tree[tr_loc.id.value];
98 let name = tr_def.name.clone(); 101 let name = tr_def.name.clone();
99 let auto = tr_def.auto; 102 let is_auto = tr_def.is_auto;
103 let is_unsafe = tr_def.is_unsafe;
100 let module_id = tr_loc.container; 104 let module_id = tr_loc.container;
101 let container = AssocContainerId::TraitId(tr); 105 let container = AssocContainerId::TraitId(tr);
102 let mut expander = Expander::new(db, tr_loc.id.file_id, module_id); 106 let mut expander = Expander::new(db, tr_loc.id.file_id, module_id);
107 let visibility = item_tree[tr_def.visibility].clone();
108 let bounds = tr_def.bounds.clone();
103 109
104 let items = collect_items( 110 let items = collect_items(
105 db, 111 db,
@@ -111,7 +117,7 @@ impl TraitData {
111 100, 117 100,
112 ); 118 );
113 119
114 Arc::new(TraitData { name, items, auto }) 120 Arc::new(TraitData { name, items, is_auto, is_unsafe, visibility, bounds })
115 } 121 }
116 122
117 pub fn associated_types(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = TypeAliasId> + '_ { 123 pub fn associated_types(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = TypeAliasId> + '_ {
diff --git a/crates/hir_def/src/item_tree.rs b/crates/hir_def/src/item_tree.rs
index 86239d903..7bb22c4c4 100644
--- a/crates/hir_def/src/item_tree.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_def/src/item_tree.rs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use la_arena::{Arena, Idx, RawIdx};
24use profile::Count; 24use profile::Count;
25use rustc_hash::FxHashMap; 25use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
26use smallvec::SmallVec; 26use smallvec::SmallVec;
27use syntax::{ast, match_ast, SyntaxKind}; 27use syntax::{ast, match_ast, SmolStr, SyntaxKind};
28 28
29use crate::{ 29use crate::{
30 attr::{Attrs, RawAttrs}, 30 attr::{Attrs, RawAttrs},
@@ -556,16 +556,25 @@ pub struct Function {
556 pub generic_params: GenericParamsId, 556 pub generic_params: GenericParamsId,
557 pub has_self_param: bool, 557 pub has_self_param: bool,
558 pub has_body: bool, 558 pub has_body: bool,
559 pub is_unsafe: bool, 559 pub qualifier: FunctionQualifier,
560 /// Whether the function is located in an `extern` block (*not* whether it is an 560 /// Whether the function is located in an `extern` block (*not* whether it is an
561 /// `extern "abi" fn`). 561 /// `extern "abi" fn`).
562 pub is_extern: bool, 562 pub is_in_extern_block: bool,
563 pub params: Box<[Idx<TypeRef>]>, 563 pub params: Box<[Idx<TypeRef>]>,
564 pub is_varargs: bool, 564 pub is_varargs: bool,
565 pub ret_type: Idx<TypeRef>, 565 pub ret_type: Idx<TypeRef>,
566 pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::Fn>, 566 pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::Fn>,
567} 567}
568 568
569#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
570pub struct FunctionQualifier {
571 pub is_default: bool,
572 pub is_const: bool,
573 pub is_async: bool,
574 pub is_unsafe: bool,
575 pub abi: Option<SmolStr>,
569#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] 578#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
570pub struct Struct { 579pub struct Struct {
571 pub name: Name, 580 pub name: Name,
@@ -629,7 +638,9 @@ pub struct Trait {
629 pub name: Name, 638 pub name: Name,
630 pub visibility: RawVisibilityId, 639 pub visibility: RawVisibilityId,
631 pub generic_params: GenericParamsId, 640 pub generic_params: GenericParamsId,
632 pub auto: bool, 641 pub is_auto: bool,
642 pub is_unsafe: bool,
643 pub bounds: Box<[TypeBound]>,
633 pub items: Box<[AssocItem]>, 644 pub items: Box<[AssocItem]>,
634 pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::Trait>, 645 pub ast_id: FileAstId<ast::Trait>,
635} 646}
diff --git a/crates/hir_def/src/item_tree/lower.rs b/crates/hir_def/src/item_tree/lower.rs
index 240fdacf9..7e91b991d 100644
--- a/crates/hir_def/src/item_tree/lower.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_def/src/item_tree/lower.rs
@@ -391,14 +391,33 @@ impl Ctx {
391 let has_body = func.body().is_some(); 391 let has_body = func.body().is_some();
392 392
393 let ast_id = self.source_ast_id_map.ast_id(func); 393 let ast_id = self.source_ast_id_map.ast_id(func);
394 let qualifier = FunctionQualifier {
395 is_default: func.default_token().is_some(),
396 is_const: func.const_token().is_some(),
397 is_async: func.async_token().is_some(),
398 is_unsafe: func.unsafe_token().is_some(),
399 abi: func.abi().map(|abi| {
400 // FIXME: Abi::abi() -> Option<SyntaxToken>?
401 match abi.syntax().last_token() {
402 Some(tok) if tok.kind() == SyntaxKind::STRING => {
403 // FIXME: Better way to unescape?
404 tok.text().trim_matches('"').into()
405 }
406 _ => {
407 // `extern` default to be `extern "C"`.
408 "C".into()
409 }
410 }
411 }),
412 };
394 let mut res = Function { 413 let mut res = Function {
395 name, 414 name,
396 visibility, 415 visibility,
397 generic_params: GenericParamsId::EMPTY, 416 generic_params: GenericParamsId::EMPTY,
398 has_self_param, 417 has_self_param,
399 has_body, 418 has_body,
400 is_unsafe: func.unsafe_token().is_some(), 419 qualifier,
401 is_extern: false, 420 is_in_extern_block: false,
402 params, 421 params,
403 is_varargs, 422 is_varargs,
404 ret_type, 423 ret_type,
@@ -481,7 +500,9 @@ impl Ctx {
481 let visibility = self.lower_visibility(trait_def); 500 let visibility = self.lower_visibility(trait_def);
482 let generic_params = 501 let generic_params =
483 self.lower_generic_params_and_inner_items(GenericsOwner::Trait(trait_def), trait_def); 502 self.lower_generic_params_and_inner_items(GenericsOwner::Trait(trait_def), trait_def);
484 let auto = trait_def.auto_token().is_some(); 503 let is_auto = trait_def.auto_token().is_some();
504 let is_unsafe = trait_def.unsafe_token().is_some();
505 let bounds = self.lower_type_bounds(trait_def);
485 let items = trait_def.assoc_item_list().map(|list| { 506 let items = trait_def.assoc_item_list().map(|list| {
486 self.with_inherited_visibility(visibility, |this| { 507 self.with_inherited_visibility(visibility, |this| {
487 list.assoc_items() 508 list.assoc_items()
@@ -501,7 +522,9 @@ impl Ctx {
501 name, 522 name,
502 visibility, 523 visibility,
503 generic_params, 524 generic_params,
504 auto, 525 is_auto,
526 is_unsafe,
527 bounds: bounds.into(),
505 items: items.unwrap_or_default(), 528 items: items.unwrap_or_default(),
506 ast_id, 529 ast_id,
507 }; 530 };
@@ -608,8 +631,8 @@ impl Ctx {
608 ast::ExternItem::Fn(ast) => { 631 ast::ExternItem::Fn(ast) => {
609 let func_id = self.lower_function(&ast)?; 632 let func_id = self.lower_function(&ast)?;
610 let func = &mut self.data().functions[func_id.index]; 633 let func = &mut self.data().functions[func_id.index];
611 func.is_unsafe = is_intrinsic_fn_unsafe(&func.name); 634 func.qualifier.is_unsafe = is_intrinsic_fn_unsafe(&func.name);
612 func.is_extern = true; 635 func.is_in_extern_block = true;
613 func_id.into() 636 func_id.into()
614 } 637 }
615 ast::ExternItem::Static(ast) => { 638 ast::ExternItem::Static(ast) => {
diff --git a/crates/hir_def/src/path.rs b/crates/hir_def/src/path.rs
index 0e60dc2b6..8c923bb7b 100644
--- a/crates/hir_def/src/path.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_def/src/path.rs
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ use std::{
9 9
10use crate::{body::LowerCtx, type_ref::LifetimeRef}; 10use crate::{body::LowerCtx, type_ref::LifetimeRef};
11use base_db::CrateId; 11use base_db::CrateId;
12use hir_expand::{hygiene::Hygiene, name::Name}; 12use hir_expand::{
13 hygiene::Hygiene,
14 name::{name, Name},
13use syntax::ast; 16use syntax::ast;
14 17
15use crate::{ 18use crate::{
@@ -209,6 +212,12 @@ impl Path {
209 }; 212 };
210 Some(res) 213 Some(res)
211 } 214 }
216 pub fn is_self_type(&self) -> bool {
217 self.type_anchor.is_none()
218 && self.generic_args == &[None]
219 && self.mod_path.as_ident() == Some(&name!(Self))
220 }
212} 221}
213 222
214#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] 223#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
diff --git a/crates/hir_ty/src/diagnostics/decl_check.rs b/crates/hir_ty/src/diagnostics/decl_check.rs
index 3605ca581..982ad5b9e 100644
--- a/crates/hir_ty/src/diagnostics/decl_check.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_ty/src/diagnostics/decl_check.rs
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> DeclValidator<'a, 'b> {
91 91
92 fn validate_func(&mut self, func: FunctionId) { 92 fn validate_func(&mut self, func: FunctionId) {
93 let data = self.db.function_data(func); 93 let data = self.db.function_data(func);
94 if data.is_extern { 94 if data.is_in_extern_block {
95 cov_mark::hit!(extern_func_incorrect_case_ignored); 95 cov_mark::hit!(extern_func_incorrect_case_ignored);
96 return; 96 return;
97 } 97 }
diff --git a/crates/hir_ty/src/diagnostics/unsafe_check.rs b/crates/hir_ty/src/diagnostics/unsafe_check.rs
index 20bb64827..44a7e5506 100644
--- a/crates/hir_ty/src/diagnostics/unsafe_check.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_ty/src/diagnostics/unsafe_check.rs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> UnsafeValidator<'a, 'b> {
32 let def = self.owner.into(); 32 let def = self.owner.into();
33 let unsafe_expressions = unsafe_expressions(db, self.infer.as_ref(), def); 33 let unsafe_expressions = unsafe_expressions(db, self.infer.as_ref(), def);
34 let is_unsafe = match self.owner { 34 let is_unsafe = match self.owner {
35 DefWithBodyId::FunctionId(it) => db.function_data(it).is_unsafe, 35 DefWithBodyId::FunctionId(it) => db.function_data(it).qualifier.is_unsafe,
36 DefWithBodyId::StaticId(_) | DefWithBodyId::ConstId(_) => false, 36 DefWithBodyId::StaticId(_) | DefWithBodyId::ConstId(_) => false,
37 }; 37 };
38 if is_unsafe 38 if is_unsafe
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ fn walk_unsafe(
86 match expr { 86 match expr {
87 &Expr::Call { callee, .. } => { 87 &Expr::Call { callee, .. } => {
88 if let Some(func) = infer[callee].as_fn_def(db) { 88 if let Some(func) = infer[callee].as_fn_def(db) {
89 if db.function_data(func).is_unsafe { 89 if db.function_data(func).qualifier.is_unsafe {
90 unsafe_exprs.push(UnsafeExpr { expr: current, inside_unsafe_block }); 90 unsafe_exprs.push(UnsafeExpr { expr: current, inside_unsafe_block });
91 } 91 }
92 } 92 }
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ fn walk_unsafe(
103 Expr::MethodCall { .. } => { 103 Expr::MethodCall { .. } => {
104 if infer 104 if infer
105 .method_resolution(current) 105 .method_resolution(current)
106 .map(|func| db.function_data(func).is_unsafe) 106 .map(|func| db.function_data(func).qualifier.is_unsafe)
107 .unwrap_or(false) 107 .unwrap_or(false)
108 { 108 {
109 unsafe_exprs.push(UnsafeExpr { expr: current, inside_unsafe_block }); 109 unsafe_exprs.push(UnsafeExpr { expr: current, inside_unsafe_block });
diff --git a/crates/hir_ty/src/display.rs b/crates/hir_ty/src/display.rs
index c1062387e..c572bb114 100644
--- a/crates/hir_ty/src/display.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_ty/src/display.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,13 @@ use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt};
5use arrayvec::ArrayVec; 5use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
6use chalk_ir::Mutability; 6use chalk_ir::Mutability;
7use hir_def::{ 7use hir_def::{
8 db::DefDatabase, find_path, generics::TypeParamProvenance, item_scope::ItemInNs, 8 db::DefDatabase,
9 find_path,
10 generics::TypeParamProvenance,
11 item_scope::ItemInNs,
12 path::{GenericArg, Path, PathKind},
13 type_ref::{TypeBound, TypeRef},
14 visibility::Visibility,
9 AssocContainerId, Lookup, ModuleId, TraitId, 15 AssocContainerId, Lookup, ModuleId, TraitId,
10}; 16};
11use hir_expand::name::Name; 17use hir_expand::name::Name;
@@ -232,7 +238,7 @@ where
232 238
233const TYPE_HINT_TRUNCATION: &str = "…"; 239const TYPE_HINT_TRUNCATION: &str = "…";
234 240
235impl HirDisplay for &Ty { 241impl<T: HirDisplay> HirDisplay for &'_ T {
236 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> { 242 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
237 HirDisplay::hir_fmt(*self, f) 243 HirDisplay::hir_fmt(*self, f)
238 } 244 }
@@ -761,12 +767,6 @@ impl HirDisplay for TraitRef {
761 } 767 }
762} 768}
763 769
764impl HirDisplay for &GenericPredicate {
765 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
766 HirDisplay::hir_fmt(*self, f)
767 }
770impl HirDisplay for GenericPredicate { 770impl HirDisplay for GenericPredicate {
771 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> { 771 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
772 if f.should_truncate() { 772 if f.should_truncate() {
@@ -825,3 +825,190 @@ impl HirDisplay for Obligation {
825 } 825 }
826 } 826 }
827} 827}
829pub fn write_visibility(
830 module_id: ModuleId,
831 vis: Visibility,
832 f: &mut HirFormatter,
833) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
834 match vis {
835 Visibility::Public => write!(f, "pub "),
836 Visibility::Module(vis_id) => {
837 let def_map = module_id.def_map(f.db.upcast());
838 let root_module_id = def_map.module_id(def_map.root());
839 if vis_id == module_id {
840 // pub(self) or omitted
841 Ok(())
842 } else if root_module_id == vis_id {
843 write!(f, "pub(crate) ")
844 } else if module_id.containing_module(f.db.upcast()) == Some(vis_id) {
845 write!(f, "pub(super) ")
846 } else {
847 write!(f, "pub(in ...) ")
848 }
849 }
850 }
853impl HirDisplay for TypeRef {
854 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
855 match self {
856 TypeRef::Never => write!(f, "!")?,
857 TypeRef::Placeholder => write!(f, "_")?,
858 TypeRef::Tuple(elems) => {
859 write!(f, "(")?;
860 f.write_joined(elems, ", ")?;
861 if elems.len() == 1 {
862 write!(f, ",")?;
863 }
864 write!(f, ")")?;
865 }
866 TypeRef::Path(path) => path.hir_fmt(f)?,
867 TypeRef::RawPtr(inner, mutability) => {
868 let mutability = match mutability {
869 hir_def::type_ref::Mutability::Shared => "*const ",
870 hir_def::type_ref::Mutability::Mut => "*mut ",
871 };
872 write!(f, "{}", mutability)?;
873 inner.hir_fmt(f)?;
874 }
875 TypeRef::Reference(inner, lifetime, mutability) => {
876 let mutability = match mutability {
877 hir_def::type_ref::Mutability::Shared => "",
878 hir_def::type_ref::Mutability::Mut => "mut ",
879 };
880 write!(f, "&")?;
881 if let Some(lifetime) = lifetime {
882 write!(f, "{} ", lifetime.name)?;
883 }
884 write!(f, "{}", mutability)?;
885 inner.hir_fmt(f)?;
886 }
887 TypeRef::Array(inner) => {
888 write!(f, "[")?;
889 inner.hir_fmt(f)?;
890 // FIXME: Array length?
891 write!(f, "; _]")?;
892 }
893 TypeRef::Slice(inner) => {
894 write!(f, "[")?;
895 inner.hir_fmt(f)?;
896 write!(f, "]")?;
897 }
898 TypeRef::Fn(tys, is_varargs) => {
899 // FIXME: Function pointer qualifiers.
900 write!(f, "fn(")?;
901 f.write_joined(&tys[..tys.len() - 1], ", ")?;
902 if *is_varargs {
903 write!(f, "{}...", if tys.len() == 1 { "" } else { ", " })?;
904 }
905 write!(f, ")")?;
906 let ret_ty = tys.last().unwrap();
907 match ret_ty {
908 TypeRef::Tuple(tup) if tup.is_empty() => {}
909 _ => {
910 write!(f, " -> ")?;
911 ret_ty.hir_fmt(f)?;
912 }
913 }
914 }
915 TypeRef::ImplTrait(bounds) => {
916 write!(f, "impl ")?;
917 f.write_joined(bounds, " + ")?;
918 }
919 TypeRef::DynTrait(bounds) => {
920 write!(f, "dyn ")?;
921 f.write_joined(bounds, " + ")?;
922 }
923 TypeRef::Error => write!(f, "{{error}}")?,
924 }
925 Ok(())
926 }
929impl HirDisplay for TypeBound {
930 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
931 match self {
932 TypeBound::Path(path) => path.hir_fmt(f),
933 TypeBound::Lifetime(lifetime) => write!(f, "{}", lifetime.name),
934 TypeBound::Error => write!(f, "{{error}}"),
935 }
936 }
939impl HirDisplay for Path {
940 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
941 match (self.type_anchor(), self.kind()) {
942 (Some(anchor), _) => {
943 write!(f, "<")?;
944 anchor.hir_fmt(f)?;
945 write!(f, ">")?;
946 }
947 (_, PathKind::Plain) => {}
948 (_, PathKind::Abs) => write!(f, "::")?,
949 (_, PathKind::Crate) => write!(f, "crate")?,
950 (_, PathKind::Super(0)) => write!(f, "self")?,
951 (_, PathKind::Super(n)) => {
952 write!(f, "super")?;
953 for _ in 0..*n {
954 write!(f, "::super")?;
955 }
956 }
957 (_, PathKind::DollarCrate(_)) => write!(f, "{{extern_crate}}")?,
958 }
960 for (seg_idx, segment) in self.segments().iter().enumerate() {
961 if seg_idx != 0 {
962 write!(f, "::")?;
963 }
964 write!(f, "{}", segment.name)?;
965 if let Some(generic_args) = segment.args_and_bindings {
966 // We should be in type context, so format as `Foo<Bar>` instead of `Foo::<Bar>`.
967 // Do we actually format expressions?
968 write!(f, "<")?;
969 let mut first = true;
970 for arg in &generic_args.args {
971 if first {
972 first = false;
973 if generic_args.has_self_type {
974 // FIXME: Convert to `<Ty as Trait>` form.
975 write!(f, "Self = ")?;
976 }
977 } else {
978 write!(f, ", ")?;
979 }
980 arg.hir_fmt(f)?;
981 }
982 for binding in &generic_args.bindings {
983 if first {
984 first = false;
985 } else {
986 write!(f, ", ")?;
987 }
988 write!(f, "{}", binding.name)?;
989 match &binding.type_ref {
990 Some(ty) => {
991 write!(f, " = ")?;
992 ty.hir_fmt(f)?
993 }
994 None => {
995 write!(f, ": ")?;
996 f.write_joined(&binding.bounds, " + ")?;
997 }
998 }
999 }
1000 write!(f, ">")?;
1001 }
1002 }
1003 Ok(())
1004 }
1007impl HirDisplay for GenericArg {
1008 fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
1009 match self {
1010 GenericArg::Type(ty) => ty.hir_fmt(f),
1011 GenericArg::Lifetime(lifetime) => write!(f, "{}", lifetime.name),
1012 }
1013 }
diff --git a/crates/hir_ty/src/traits/chalk.rs b/crates/hir_ty/src/traits/chalk.rs
index 232cf9cd0..4bd8ba303 100644
--- a/crates/hir_ty/src/traits/chalk.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_ty/src/traits/chalk.rs
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ pub(crate) fn trait_datum_query(
429 let generic_params = generics(db.upcast(), trait_.into()); 429 let generic_params = generics(db.upcast(), trait_.into());
430 let bound_vars = Substs::bound_vars(&generic_params, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST); 430 let bound_vars = Substs::bound_vars(&generic_params, DebruijnIndex::INNERMOST);
431 let flags = rust_ir::TraitFlags { 431 let flags = rust_ir::TraitFlags {
432 auto: trait_data.auto, 432 auto: trait_data.is_auto,
433 upstream: trait_.lookup(db.upcast()).container.krate() != krate, 433 upstream: trait_.lookup(db.upcast()).container.krate() != krate,
434 non_enumerable: true, 434 non_enumerable: true,
435 coinductive: false, // only relevant for Chalk testing 435 coinductive: false, // only relevant for Chalk testing
diff --git a/crates/ide/src/display.rs b/crates/ide/src/display.rs
index bae9e40df..1f7b665c0 100644
--- a/crates/ide/src/display.rs
+++ b/crates/ide/src/display.rs
@@ -5,6 +5,5 @@ pub(crate) mod navigation_target;
5mod short_label; 5mod short_label;
6 6
7pub(crate) use navigation_target::{ToNav, TryToNav}; 7pub(crate) use navigation_target::{ToNav, TryToNav};
8pub(crate) use short_label::ShortLabel;
9 8
10pub(crate) use syntax::display::{function_declaration, macro_label}; 9pub(crate) use syntax::display::{function_declaration, macro_label};
diff --git a/crates/ide/src/display/navigation_target.rs b/crates/ide/src/display/navigation_target.rs
index 198243466..69c3751a1 100644
--- a/crates/ide/src/display/navigation_target.rs
+++ b/crates/ide/src/display/navigation_target.rs
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
3use std::fmt; 3use std::fmt;
4 4
5use either::Either; 5use either::Either;
6use hir::{AssocItem, Documentation, FieldSource, HasAttrs, HasSource, InFile, ModuleSource}; 6use hir::{
7 AssocItem, Documentation, FieldSource, HasAttrs, HasSource, HirDisplay, InFile, ModuleSource,
7use ide_db::{ 9use ide_db::{
8 base_db::{FileId, FileRange, SourceDatabase}, 10 base_db::{FileId, FileRange, SourceDatabase},
9 symbol_index::FileSymbolKind, 11 symbol_index::FileSymbolKind,
@@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ impl NavigationTarget {
98 SymbolKind::Module, 100 SymbolKind::Module,
99 ); 101 );
100 res.docs = module.attrs(db).docs(); 102 res.docs = module.attrs(db).docs();
101 res.description = src.value.short_label(); 103 res.description = Some(module.display(db).to_string());
102 return res; 104 return res;
103 } 105 }
104 module.to_nav(db) 106 module.to_nav(db)
@@ -251,8 +253,8 @@ impl ToNavFromAst for hir::Trait {
251 253
252impl<D> TryToNav for D 254impl<D> TryToNav for D
253where 255where
254 D: HasSource + ToNavFromAst + Copy + HasAttrs, 256 D: HasSource + ToNavFromAst + Copy + HasAttrs + HirDisplay,
255 D::Ast: ast::NameOwner + ShortLabel, 257 D::Ast: ast::NameOwner,
256{ 258{
257 fn try_to_nav(&self, db: &RootDatabase) -> Option<NavigationTarget> { 259 fn try_to_nav(&self, db: &RootDatabase) -> Option<NavigationTarget> {
258 let src = self.source(db)?; 260 let src = self.source(db)?;
@@ -262,7 +264,7 @@ where
262 D::KIND, 264 D::KIND,
263 ); 265 );
264 res.docs = self.docs(db); 266 res.docs = self.docs(db);
265 res.description = src.value.short_label(); 267 res.description = Some(self.display(db).to_string());
266 Some(res) 268 Some(res)
267 } 269 }
268} 270}
@@ -317,7 +319,7 @@ impl TryToNav for hir::Field {
317 let mut res = 319 let mut res =
318 NavigationTarget::from_named(db, src.with_value(it), SymbolKind::Field); 320 NavigationTarget::from_named(db, src.with_value(it), SymbolKind::Field);
319 res.docs = self.docs(db); 321 res.docs = self.docs(db);
320 res.description = it.short_label(); 322 res.description = Some(self.display(db).to_string());
321 res 323 res
322 } 324 }
323 FieldSource::Pos(it) => { 325 FieldSource::Pos(it) => {
diff --git a/crates/ide/src/hover.rs b/crates/ide/src/hover.rs
index 6215df6bd..8d45b4875 100644
--- a/crates/ide/src/hover.rs
+++ b/crates/ide/src/hover.rs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
1use either::Either; 1use either::Either;
2use hir::{ 2use hir::{
3 Adt, AsAssocItem, AssocItemContainer, FieldSource, GenericParam, HasAttrs, HasSource, 3 Adt, AsAssocItem, AssocItemContainer, GenericParam, HasAttrs, HasSource, HirDisplay, Module,
4 HirDisplay, Module, ModuleDef, ModuleSource, Semantics, 4 ModuleDef, Semantics,
5}; 5};
6use ide_db::{ 6use ide_db::{
7 base_db::SourceDatabase, 7 base_db::SourceDatabase,
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use stdx::format_to;
14use syntax::{ast, match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset, T}; 14use syntax::{ast, match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset, T};
15 15
16use crate::{ 16use crate::{
17 display::{macro_label, ShortLabel, TryToNav}, 17 display::{macro_label, TryToNav},
18 doc_links::{remove_links, rewrite_links}, 18 doc_links::{remove_links, rewrite_links},
19 markdown_remove::remove_markdown, 19 markdown_remove::remove_markdown,
20 markup::Markup, 20 markup::Markup,
@@ -335,34 +335,18 @@ fn hover_for_definition(
335 let label = macro_label(&it.source(db)?.value); 335 let label = macro_label(&it.source(db)?.value);
336 from_def_source_labeled(db, it, Some(label), mod_path) 336 from_def_source_labeled(db, it, Some(label), mod_path)
337 } 337 }
338 Definition::Field(def) => { 338 Definition::Field(def) => from_hir_fmt(db, def, mod_path),
339 let src = def.source(db)?.value;
340 if let FieldSource::Named(it) = src {
341 from_def_source_labeled(db, def, it.short_label(), mod_path)
342 } else {
343 None
344 }
345 }
346 Definition::ModuleDef(it) => match it { 339 Definition::ModuleDef(it) => match it {
347 ModuleDef::Module(it) => from_def_source_labeled( 340 ModuleDef::Module(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
348 db, 341 ModuleDef::Function(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
349 it, 342 ModuleDef::Adt(Adt::Struct(it)) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
350 match it.definition_source(db).value { 343 ModuleDef::Adt(Adt::Union(it)) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
351 ModuleSource::Module(it) => it.short_label(), 344 ModuleDef::Adt(Adt::Enum(it)) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
352 ModuleSource::SourceFile(it) => it.short_label(), 345 ModuleDef::Variant(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
353 ModuleSource::BlockExpr(it) => it.short_label(), 346 ModuleDef::Const(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
354 }, 347 ModuleDef::Static(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
355 mod_path, 348 ModuleDef::Trait(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
356 ), 349 ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
357 ModuleDef::Function(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
358 ModuleDef::Adt(Adt::Struct(it)) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
359 ModuleDef::Adt(Adt::Union(it)) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
360 ModuleDef::Adt(Adt::Enum(it)) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
361 ModuleDef::Variant(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
362 ModuleDef::Const(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
363 ModuleDef::Static(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
364 ModuleDef::Trait(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
365 ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
366 ModuleDef::BuiltinType(it) => famous_defs 350 ModuleDef::BuiltinType(it) => famous_defs
367 .and_then(|fd| hover_for_builtin(fd, it)) 351 .and_then(|fd| hover_for_builtin(fd, it))
368 .or_else(|| Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name()))), 352 .or_else(|| Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name()))),
@@ -370,26 +354,25 @@ fn hover_for_definition(
370 Definition::Local(it) => hover_for_local(it, db), 354 Definition::Local(it) => hover_for_local(it, db),
371 Definition::SelfType(impl_def) => { 355 Definition::SelfType(impl_def) => {
372 impl_def.target_ty(db).as_adt().and_then(|adt| match adt { 356 impl_def.target_ty(db).as_adt().and_then(|adt| match adt {
373 Adt::Struct(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path), 357 Adt::Struct(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
374 Adt::Union(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path), 358 Adt::Union(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
375 Adt::Enum(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path), 359 Adt::Enum(it) => from_hir_fmt(db, it, mod_path),
376 }) 360 })
377 } 361 }
378 Definition::Label(it) => Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name(db))), 362 Definition::Label(it) => Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name(db))),
379 Definition::GenericParam(it) => match it { 363 Definition::GenericParam(it) => match it {
380 GenericParam::TypeParam(it) => Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.display(db))), 364 GenericParam::TypeParam(it) => Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.display(db))),
381 GenericParam::LifetimeParam(it) => Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name(db))), 365 GenericParam::LifetimeParam(it) => Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.name(db))),
382 GenericParam::ConstParam(it) => from_def_source(db, it, None), 366 GenericParam::ConstParam(it) => Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.display(db))),
383 }, 367 },
384 }; 368 };
385 369
386 fn from_def_source<A, D>(db: &RootDatabase, def: D, mod_path: Option<String>) -> Option<Markup> 370 fn from_hir_fmt<D>(db: &RootDatabase, def: D, mod_path: Option<String>) -> Option<Markup>
387 where 371 where
388 D: HasSource<Ast = A> + HasAttrs + Copy, 372 D: HasAttrs + HirDisplay,
389 A: ShortLabel,
390 { 373 {
391 let short_label = def.source(db)?.value.short_label(); 374 let label = def.display(db).to_string();
392 from_def_source_labeled(db, def, short_label, mod_path) 375 from_def_source_labeled(db, def, Some(label), mod_path)
393 } 376 }
394 377
395 fn from_def_source_labeled<D>( 378 fn from_def_source_labeled<D>(
@@ -670,7 +653,9 @@ fn main() { let foo_test = fo$0o(); }
670 ``` 653 ```
671 654
672 ```rust 655 ```rust
673 pub fn foo<'a, T: AsRef<str>>(b: &'a T) -> &'a str 656 pub fn foo<'a, T>(b: &'a T) -> &'a str
657 where
658 T: AsRef<str>,
674 ``` 659 ```
675 "#]], 660 "#]],
676 ); 661 );
@@ -878,7 +863,7 @@ fn main() { So$0me(12); }
878 ``` 863 ```
879 864
880 ```rust 865 ```rust
881 Some 866 Some(T)
882 ``` 867 ```
883 "#]], 868 "#]],
884 ); 869 );
@@ -944,7 +929,7 @@ fn main() {
944 ``` 929 ```
945 930
946 ```rust 931 ```rust
947 Some 932 Some(T)
948 ``` 933 ```
949 934
950 --- 935 ---
@@ -1441,13 +1426,14 @@ fn bar() { fo$0o(); }
1441 ``` 1426 ```
1442 "#]], 1427 "#]],
1443 ); 1428 );
1429 // Top level `pub(crate)` will be displayed as no visibility.
1444 check( 1430 check(
1445 r#"pub(crate) async unsafe extern "C" fn foo$0() {}"#, 1431 r#"mod m { pub(crate) async unsafe extern "C" fn foo$0() {} }"#,
1446 expect![[r#" 1432 expect![[r#"
1447 *foo* 1433 *foo*
1448 1434
1449 ```rust 1435 ```rust
1450 test 1436 test::m
1451 ``` 1437 ```
1452 1438
1453 ```rust 1439 ```rust
@@ -1489,11 +1475,18 @@ extern crate st$0d;
1489//! abc123 1475//! abc123
1490 "#, 1476 "#,
1491 expect![[r#" 1477 expect![[r#"
1492 *std* 1478 *std*
1493 Standard library for this test 1479
1480 ```rust
1481 extern crate std
1482 ```
1494 1483
1495 Printed? 1484 ---
1496 abc123 1485
1486 Standard library for this test
1488 Printed?
1489 abc123
1497 "#]], 1490 "#]],
1498 ); 1491 );
1499 check( 1492 check(
@@ -1507,11 +1500,18 @@ extern crate std as ab$0c;
1507//! abc123 1500//! abc123
1508 "#, 1501 "#,
1509 expect![[r#" 1502 expect![[r#"
1510 *abc* 1503 *abc*
1511 Standard library for this test 1504
1505 ```rust
1506 extern crate std
1507 ```
1509 ---
1512 1510
1513 Printed? 1511 Standard library for this test
1514 abc123 1512
1513 Printed?
1514 abc123
1515 "#]], 1515 "#]],
1516 ); 1516 );
1517 } 1517 }
@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@ enum E {
2021 ``` 2021 ```
2022 2022
2023 ```rust 2023 ```rust
2024 V 2024 V { field: i32 }
2025 ``` 2025 ```
2026 2026
2027 --- 2027 ---
@@ -2417,7 +2417,7 @@ fn main() { let s$0t = S{ f1:Arg(0) }; }
2417 focus_range: 24..25, 2417 focus_range: 24..25,
2418 name: "S", 2418 name: "S",
2419 kind: Struct, 2419 kind: Struct,
2420 description: "struct S", 2420 description: "struct S<T>",
2421 }, 2421 },
2422 }, 2422 },
2423 HoverGotoTypeData { 2423 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -2463,7 +2463,7 @@ fn main() { let s$0t = S{ f1: S{ f1: Arg(0) } }; }
2463 focus_range: 24..25, 2463 focus_range: 24..25,
2464 name: "S", 2464 name: "S",
2465 kind: Struct, 2465 kind: Struct,
2466 description: "struct S", 2466 description: "struct S<T>",
2467 }, 2467 },
2468 }, 2468 },
2469 HoverGotoTypeData { 2469 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -2605,7 +2605,7 @@ fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); }
2605 focus_range: 6..9, 2605 focus_range: 6..9,
2606 name: "Foo", 2606 name: "Foo",
2607 kind: Trait, 2607 kind: Trait,
2608 description: "trait Foo", 2608 description: "trait Foo<T>",
2609 }, 2609 },
2610 }, 2610 },
2611 HoverGotoTypeData { 2611 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -2702,7 +2702,7 @@ fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); }
2702 focus_range: 6..9, 2702 focus_range: 6..9,
2703 name: "Foo", 2703 name: "Foo",
2704 kind: Trait, 2704 kind: Trait,
2705 description: "trait Foo", 2705 description: "trait Foo<T>",
2706 }, 2706 },
2707 }, 2707 },
2708 HoverGotoTypeData { 2708 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -2715,7 +2715,7 @@ fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); }
2715 focus_range: 22..25, 2715 focus_range: 22..25,
2716 name: "Bar", 2716 name: "Bar",
2717 kind: Trait, 2717 kind: Trait,
2718 description: "trait Bar", 2718 description: "trait Bar<T>",
2719 }, 2719 },
2720 }, 2720 },
2721 HoverGotoTypeData { 2721 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -2819,7 +2819,7 @@ fn foo(ar$0g: &impl Foo + Bar<S>) {}
2819 focus_range: 19..22, 2819 focus_range: 19..22,
2820 name: "Bar", 2820 name: "Bar",
2821 kind: Trait, 2821 kind: Trait,
2822 description: "trait Bar", 2822 description: "trait Bar<T>",
2823 }, 2823 },
2824 }, 2824 },
2825 HoverGotoTypeData { 2825 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -2916,7 +2916,7 @@ fn foo(ar$0g: &impl Foo<S>) {}
2916 focus_range: 6..9, 2916 focus_range: 6..9,
2917 name: "Foo", 2917 name: "Foo",
2918 kind: Trait, 2918 kind: Trait,
2919 description: "trait Foo", 2919 description: "trait Foo<T>",
2920 }, 2920 },
2921 }, 2921 },
2922 HoverGotoTypeData { 2922 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -2966,7 +2966,7 @@ fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); }
2966 focus_range: 49..50, 2966 focus_range: 49..50,
2967 name: "B", 2967 name: "B",
2968 kind: Struct, 2968 kind: Struct,
2969 description: "struct B", 2969 description: "struct B<T>",
2970 }, 2970 },
2971 }, 2971 },
2972 HoverGotoTypeData { 2972 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -3042,7 +3042,7 @@ fn foo(ar$0g: &dyn Foo<S>) {}
3042 focus_range: 6..9, 3042 focus_range: 6..9,
3043 name: "Foo", 3043 name: "Foo",
3044 kind: Trait, 3044 kind: Trait,
3045 description: "trait Foo", 3045 description: "trait Foo<T>",
3046 }, 3046 },
3047 }, 3047 },
3048 HoverGotoTypeData { 3048 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -3090,7 +3090,7 @@ fn foo(a$0rg: &impl ImplTrait<B<dyn DynTrait<B<S>>>>) {}
3090 focus_range: 6..15, 3090 focus_range: 6..15,
3091 name: "ImplTrait", 3091 name: "ImplTrait",
3092 kind: Trait, 3092 kind: Trait,
3093 description: "trait ImplTrait", 3093 description: "trait ImplTrait<T>",
3094 }, 3094 },
3095 }, 3095 },
3096 HoverGotoTypeData { 3096 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -3103,7 +3103,7 @@ fn foo(a$0rg: &impl ImplTrait<B<dyn DynTrait<B<S>>>>) {}
3103 focus_range: 50..51, 3103 focus_range: 50..51,
3104 name: "B", 3104 name: "B",
3105 kind: Struct, 3105 kind: Struct,
3106 description: "struct B", 3106 description: "struct B<T>",
3107 }, 3107 },
3108 }, 3108 },
3109 HoverGotoTypeData { 3109 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -3116,7 +3116,7 @@ fn foo(a$0rg: &impl ImplTrait<B<dyn DynTrait<B<S>>>>) {}
3116 focus_range: 28..36, 3116 focus_range: 28..36,
3117 name: "DynTrait", 3117 name: "DynTrait",
3118 kind: Trait, 3118 kind: Trait,
3119 description: "trait DynTrait", 3119 description: "trait DynTrait<T>",
3120 }, 3120 },
3121 }, 3121 },
3122 HoverGotoTypeData { 3122 HoverGotoTypeData {
@@ -3582,6 +3582,17 @@ mod foo$0;
3582"#, 3582"#,
3583 expect![[r#" 3583 expect![[r#"
3584 *foo* 3584 *foo*
3586 ```rust
3587 test
3588 ```
3590 ```rust
3591 mod foo
3592 ```
3594 ---
3585 For the horde! 3596 For the horde!
3586 "#]], 3597 "#]],
3587 ); 3598 );
@@ -3606,7 +3617,7 @@ use foo::bar::{self$0};
3606 ``` 3617 ```
3607 3618
3608 ```rust 3619 ```rust
3609 pub mod bar 3620 mod bar
3610 ``` 3621 ```
3611 3622
3612 --- 3623 ---
@@ -3657,4 +3668,43 @@ cosnt _: &str$0 = ""; }"#;
3657 "#]], 3668 "#]],
3658 ); 3669 );
3659 } 3670 }
3672 #[test]
3673 fn hover_macro_expanded_function() {
3674 check(
3675 r#"
3676struct S<'a, T>(&'a T);
3677trait Clone {}
3678macro_rules! foo {
3679 () => {
3680 fn bar<'t, T: Clone + 't>(s: &mut S<'t, T>, t: u32) -> *mut u32 where
3681 't: 't + 't,
3682 for<'a> T: Clone + 'a
3683 { 0 as _ }
3684 };
3689fn main() {
3690 bar$0;
3693 expect![[r#"
3694 *bar*
3696 ```rust
3697 test
3698 ```
3700 ```rust
3701 fn bar<'t, T>(s: &mut S<'t, T>, t: u32) -> *mut u32
3702 where
3703 T: Clone + 't,
3704 't: 't + 't,
3705 for<'a> T: Clone + 'a,
3706 ```
3707 "#]],
3708 )
3709 }
3660} 3710}
diff --git a/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/dot.rs b/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/dot.rs
index 5ee9a9f07..cec2d0c3a 100644
--- a/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/dot.rs
+++ b/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/dot.rs
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ fn foo(s: S) { s.$0 }
81"#, 81"#,
82 expect![[r#" 82 expect![[r#"
83 fd foo u32 83 fd foo u32
84 me bar() -> () 84 me bar() fn(&self)
85 "#]], 85 "#]],
86 ); 86 );
87 } 87 }
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ impl S {
97"#, 97"#,
98 expect![[r#" 98 expect![[r#"
99 fd the_field (u32,) 99 fd the_field (u32,)
100 me foo() -> () 100 me foo() fn(self)
101 "#]], 101 "#]],
102 ) 102 )
103 } 103 }
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ impl A {
113"#, 113"#,
114 expect![[r#" 114 expect![[r#"
115 fd the_field (u32, i32) 115 fd the_field (u32, i32)
116 me foo() -> () 116 me foo() fn(&self)
117 "#]], 117 "#]],
118 ) 118 )
119 } 119 }
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ mod m {
163fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 } 163fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 }
164"#, 164"#,
165 expect![[r#" 165 expect![[r#"
166 me the_method() -> () 166 me the_method() fn(&self)
167 "#]], 167 "#]],
168 ); 168 );
169 } 169 }
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ impl A<i32> {
196fn foo(a: A<u32>) { a.$0 } 196fn foo(a: A<u32>) { a.$0 }
197"#, 197"#,
198 expect![[r#" 198 expect![[r#"
199 me the_method() -> () 199 me the_method() fn(&self)
200 "#]], 200 "#]],
201 ) 201 )
202 } 202 }
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ impl Trait for A {}
211fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 } 211fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 }
212"#, 212"#,
213 expect![[r#" 213 expect![[r#"
214 me the_method() -> () 214 me the_method() fn(&self)
215 "#]], 215 "#]],
216 ); 216 );
217 } 217 }
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ impl<T> Trait for T {}
226fn foo(a: &A) { a.$0 } 226fn foo(a: &A) { a.$0 }
227", 227",
228 expect![[r#" 228 expect![[r#"
229 me the_method() -> () 229 me the_method() fn(&self)
230 "#]], 230 "#]],
231 ); 231 );
232 } 232 }
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ impl Trait for A {}
244fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 } 244fn foo(a: A) { a.$0 }
245", 245",
246 expect![[r#" 246 expect![[r#"
247 me the_method() -> () 247 me the_method() fn(&self)
248 "#]], 248 "#]],
249 ); 249 );
250 } 250 }
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ impl T {
298} 298}
299"#, 299"#,
300 expect![[r#" 300 expect![[r#"
301 me blah() -> () 301 me blah() fn(&self)
302 "#]], 302 "#]],
303 ); 303 );
304 } 304 }
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ fn foo() {
407} 407}
408"#, 408"#,
409 expect![[r#" 409 expect![[r#"
410 me the_method() -> () 410 me the_method() fn(&self)
411 "#]], 411 "#]],
412 ); 412 );
413 } 413 }
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ macro_rules! make_s { () => { S }; }
422fn main() { make_s!().f$0; } 422fn main() { make_s!().f$0; }
423"#, 423"#,
424 expect![[r#" 424 expect![[r#"
425 me foo() -> () 425 me foo() fn(&self)
426 "#]], 426 "#]],
427 ) 427 )
428 } 428 }
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ mod foo {
450} 450}
451 "#, 451 "#,
452 expect![[r#" 452 expect![[r#"
453 me private() -> () 453 me private() fn(&self)
454 "#]], 454 "#]],
455 ); 455 );
456 } 456 }
diff --git a/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/flyimport.rs b/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/flyimport.rs
index 391a11c91..08df2df3f 100644
--- a/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/flyimport.rs
+++ b/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/flyimport.rs
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ fn main() {
402 check( 402 check(
403 fixture, 403 fixture,
404 expect![[r#" 404 expect![[r#"
405 fn weird_function() (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) -> () 405 fn weird_function() (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) fn()
406 "#]], 406 "#]],
407 ); 407 );
408 408
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ fn main() {
495 check( 495 check(
496 fixture, 496 fixture,
497 expect![[r#" 497 expect![[r#"
498 me random_method() (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) -> () 498 me random_method() (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) fn(&self)
499 "#]], 499 "#]],
500 ); 500 );
501 501
@@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ fn main() {
665} 665}
666 "#, 666 "#,
667 expect![[r#" 667 expect![[r#"
668 me random_method() (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) -> () DEPRECATED 668 me random_method() (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) fn(&self) DEPRECATED
669 "#]], 669 "#]],
670 ); 670 );
671 671
@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ fn main() {
696"#, 696"#,
697 expect![[r#" 697 expect![[r#"
698 ct SPECIAL_CONST (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) DEPRECATED 698 ct SPECIAL_CONST (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) DEPRECATED
699 fn weird_function() (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) -> () DEPRECATED 699 fn weird_function() (dep::test_mod::TestTrait) fn() DEPRECATED
700 "#]], 700 "#]],
701 ); 701 );
702 } 702 }
diff --git a/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/qualified_path.rs b/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/qualified_path.rs
index df74b739e..105ff6013 100644
--- a/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/qualified_path.rs
+++ b/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/qualified_path.rs
@@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ impl S {
359fn foo() { let _ = S::$0 } 359fn foo() { let _ = S::$0 }
360"#, 360"#,
361 expect![[r#" 361 expect![[r#"
362 fn a() -> () 362 fn a() fn()
363 me b(…) -> () 363 me b(…) fn(&self)
364 ct C const C: i32 = 42; 364 ct C const C: i32 = 42;
365 ta T type T = i32; 365 ta T type T = i32;
366 "#]], 366 "#]],
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ mod m {
387fn foo() { let _ = S::$0 } 387fn foo() { let _ = S::$0 }
388"#, 388"#,
389 expect![[r#" 389 expect![[r#"
390 fn public_method() -> () 390 fn public_method() fn()
391 ct PUBLIC_CONST pub(crate) const PUBLIC_CONST: u32 = 1; 391 ct PUBLIC_CONST pub(crate) const PUBLIC_CONST: u32 = 1;
392 ta PublicType pub(crate) type PublicType = u32; 392 ta PublicType pub(crate) type PublicType = u32;
393 "#]], 393 "#]],
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ impl E { fn m() { } }
404fn foo() { let _ = E::$0 } 404fn foo() { let _ = E::$0 }
405 "#, 405 "#,
406 expect![[r#" 406 expect![[r#"
407 fn m() -> () 407 fn m() fn()
408 "#]], 408 "#]],
409 ); 409 );
410 } 410 }
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ impl U { fn m() { } }
419fn foo() { let _ = U::$0 } 419fn foo() { let _ = U::$0 }
420"#, 420"#,
421 expect![[r#" 421 expect![[r#"
422 fn m() -> () 422 fn m() fn()
423 "#]], 423 "#]],
424 ); 424 );
425 } 425 }
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ trait Trait { fn m(); }
449fn foo() { let _ = Trait::$0 } 449fn foo() { let _ = Trait::$0 }
450"#, 450"#,
451 expect![[r#" 451 expect![[r#"
452 fn m() -> () 452 fn m() fn()
453 "#]], 453 "#]],
454 ); 454 );
455 } 455 }
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ impl Trait for S {}
466fn foo() { let _ = S::$0 } 466fn foo() { let _ = S::$0 }
467"#, 467"#,
468 expect![[r#" 468 expect![[r#"
469 fn m() -> () 469 fn m() fn()
470 "#]], 470 "#]],
471 ); 471 );
472 } 472 }
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ impl Trait for S {}
483fn foo() { let _ = <S as Trait>::$0 } 483fn foo() { let _ = <S as Trait>::$0 }
484"#, 484"#,
485 expect![[r#" 485 expect![[r#"
486 fn m() -> () 486 fn m() fn()
487 "#]], 487 "#]],
488 ); 488 );
489 } 489 }
@@ -512,11 +512,11 @@ fn foo<T: Sub>() { T::$0 }
512 ta SubTy type SubTy; 512 ta SubTy type SubTy;
513 ta Ty type Ty; 513 ta Ty type Ty;
514 ct C2 const C2: (); 514 ct C2 const C2: ();
515 fn subfunc() -> () 515 fn subfunc() fn()
516 me submethod(…) -> () 516 me submethod(…) fn(&self)
517 ct CONST const CONST: u8; 517 ct CONST const CONST: u8;
518 fn func() -> () 518 fn func() fn()
519 me method(…) -> () 519 me method(…) fn(&self)
520 "#]], 520 "#]],
521 ); 521 );
522 } 522 }
@@ -552,11 +552,11 @@ impl<T> Sub for Wrap<T> {
552 ta SubTy type SubTy; 552 ta SubTy type SubTy;
553 ta Ty type Ty; 553 ta Ty type Ty;
554 ct CONST const CONST: u8 = 0; 554 ct CONST const CONST: u8 = 0;
555 fn func() -> () 555 fn func() fn()
556 me method(…) -> () 556 me method(…) fn(&self)
557 ct C2 const C2: () = (); 557 ct C2 const C2: () = ();
558 fn subfunc() -> () 558 fn subfunc() fn()
559 me submethod(…) -> () 559 me submethod(…) fn(&self)
560 "#]], 560 "#]],
561 ); 561 );
562 } 562 }
@@ -573,8 +573,8 @@ impl T { fn bar() {} }
573fn main() { T::$0; } 573fn main() { T::$0; }
574"#, 574"#,
575 expect![[r#" 575 expect![[r#"
576 fn foo() -> () 576 fn foo() fn()
577 fn bar() -> () 577 fn bar() fn()
578 "#]], 578 "#]],
579 ); 579 );
580 } 580 }
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ macro_rules! foo { () => {} }
589fn main() { let _ = crate::$0 } 589fn main() { let _ = crate::$0 }
590 "#, 590 "#,
591 expect![[r##" 591 expect![[r##"
592 fn main() -> () 592 fn main() fn()
593 ma foo!(…) #[macro_export] macro_rules! foo 593 ma foo!(…) #[macro_export] macro_rules! foo
594 "##]], 594 "##]],
595 ); 595 );
@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ mod p {
633"#, 633"#,
634 expect![[r#" 634 expect![[r#"
636 fn right_fn() -> () 636 fn right_fn() fn()
637 st RightType 637 st RightType
638 "#]], 638 "#]],
639 ); 639 );
@@ -680,8 +680,8 @@ fn main() { m!(self::f$0); }
680fn foo() {} 680fn foo() {}
681"#, 681"#,
682 expect![[r#" 682 expect![[r#"
683 fn main() -> () 683 fn main() fn()
684 fn foo() -> () 684 fn foo() fn()
685 "#]], 685 "#]],
686 ); 686 );
687 } 687 }
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@ mod m {
699"#, 699"#,
700 expect![[r#" 700 expect![[r#"
701 md z 701 md z
702 fn z() -> () 702 fn z() fn()
703 "#]], 703 "#]],
704 ); 704 );
705 } 705 }
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ fn foo() {
719} 719}
720"#, 720"#,
721 expect![[r#" 721 expect![[r#"
722 fn new() -> HashMap<K, V, RandomState> 722 fn new() fn() -> HashMap<K, V, RandomState>
723 "#]], 723 "#]],
724 ); 724 );
725 } 725 }
@@ -752,8 +752,8 @@ fn main() {
752} 752}
753"#, 753"#,
754 expect![[r#" 754 expect![[r#"
755 fn main() -> () 755 fn main() fn()
756 fn foo(…) -> () 756 fn foo(…) fn(i32, i32)
757 "#]], 757 "#]],
758 ); 758 );
759 } 759 }
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ impl Foo {
776 expect![[r#" 776 expect![[r#"
777 ev Bar () 777 ev Bar ()
778 ev Baz () 778 ev Baz ()
779 me foo(…) -> () 779 me foo(…) fn(self)
780 "#]], 780 "#]],
781 ); 781 );
782 } 782 }
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ impl u8 {
800"#, 800"#,
801 expect![[r#" 801 expect![[r#"
802 ct MAX pub const MAX: Self = 255; 802 ct MAX pub const MAX: Self = 255;
803 me func(…) -> () 803 me func(…) fn(self)
804 "#]], 804 "#]],
805 ); 805 );
806 } 806 }
diff --git a/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/unqualified_path.rs b/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/unqualified_path.rs
index 5ef80f6a7..1b8b063e7 100644
--- a/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/unqualified_path.rs
+++ b/crates/ide_completion/src/completions/unqualified_path.rs
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ fn quux(x: i32) {
135 expect![[r#" 135 expect![[r#"
136 lc y i32 136 lc y i32
137 lc x i32 137 lc x i32
138 fn quux(…) -> () 138 fn quux(…) fn(i32)
139 "#]], 139 "#]],
140 ); 140 );
141 } 141 }
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ fn quux() {
157 expect![[r#" 157 expect![[r#"
158 lc b i32 158 lc b i32
159 lc a 159 lc a
160 fn quux() -> () 160 fn quux() fn()
161 "#]], 161 "#]],
162 ); 162 );
163 } 163 }
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ fn quux() {
172"#, 172"#,
173 expect![[r#" 173 expect![[r#"
174 lc x 174 lc x
175 fn quux() -> () 175 fn quux() fn()
176 "#]], 176 "#]],
177 ); 177 );
178 } 178 }
@@ -203,14 +203,14 @@ fn main() {
203 r#"fn quux<T>() { $0 }"#, 203 r#"fn quux<T>() { $0 }"#,
204 expect![[r#" 204 expect![[r#"
205 tp T 205 tp T
206 fn quux() -> () 206 fn quux() fn()
207 "#]], 207 "#]],
208 ); 208 );
209 check( 209 check(
210 r#"fn quux<const C: usize>() { $0 }"#, 210 r#"fn quux<const C: usize>() { $0 }"#,
211 expect![[r#" 211 expect![[r#"
212 cp C 212 cp C
213 fn quux() -> () 213 fn quux() fn()
214 "#]], 214 "#]],
215 ); 215 );
216 } 216 }
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ fn main() {
221 check( 221 check(
222 r#"fn quux<'a>() { $0 }"#, 222 r#"fn quux<'a>() { $0 }"#,
223 expect![[r#" 223 expect![[r#"
224 fn quux() -> () 224 fn quux() fn()
225 "#]], 225 "#]],
226 ); 226 );
227 } 227 }
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ fn quux() { $0 }
259"#, 259"#,
260 expect![[r#" 260 expect![[r#"
261 st S 261 st S
262 fn quux() -> () 262 fn quux() fn()
263 en E 263 en E
264 "#]], 264 "#]],
265 ); 265 );
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ mod m {
312} 312}
313"#, 313"#,
314 expect![[r#" 314 expect![[r#"
315 fn quux() -> () 315 fn quux() fn()
316 st Bar 316 st Bar
317 "#]], 317 "#]],
318 ); 318 );
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ fn x() -> $0
327"#, 327"#,
328 expect![[r#" 328 expect![[r#"
329 st Foo 329 st Foo
330 fn x() -> () 330 fn x() fn()
331 "#]], 331 "#]],
332 ); 332 );
333 } 333 }
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ fn foo() {
348 expect![[r#" 348 expect![[r#"
349 lc bar i32 349 lc bar i32
350 lc bar i32 350 lc bar i32
351 fn foo() -> () 351 fn foo() fn()
352 "#]], 352 "#]],
353 ); 353 );
354 } 354 }
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ use prelude::*;
378mod prelude { struct Option; } 378mod prelude { struct Option; }
379"#, 379"#,
380 expect![[r#" 380 expect![[r#"
381 fn foo() -> () 381 fn foo() fn()
382 md std 382 md std
383 st Option 383 st Option
384 "#]], 384 "#]],
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ mod macros {
408} 408}
409"#, 409"#,
410 expect![[r##" 410 expect![[r##"
411 fn f() -> () 411 fn f() fn()
412 ma concat!(…) #[macro_export] macro_rules! concat 412 ma concat!(…) #[macro_export] macro_rules! concat
413 md std 413 md std
414 "##]], 414 "##]],
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ use prelude::*;
435mod prelude { struct String; } 435mod prelude { struct String; }
436"#, 436"#,
437 expect![[r#" 437 expect![[r#"
438 fn foo() -> () 438 fn foo() fn()
439 md std 439 md std
440 md core 440 md core
441 st String 441 st String
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ fn main() { let v = $0 }
466 expect![[r##" 466 expect![[r##"
467 md m1 467 md m1
468 ma baz!(…) #[macro_export] macro_rules! baz 468 ma baz!(…) #[macro_export] macro_rules! baz
469 fn main() -> () 469 fn main() fn()
470 md m2 470 md m2
471 ma bar!(…) macro_rules! bar 471 ma bar!(…) macro_rules! bar
472 ma foo!(…) macro_rules! foo 472 ma foo!(…) macro_rules! foo
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ macro_rules! foo { () => {} }
482fn foo() { $0 } 482fn foo() { $0 }
483"#, 483"#,
484 expect![[r#" 484 expect![[r#"
485 fn foo() -> () 485 fn foo() fn()
486 ma foo!(…) macro_rules! foo 486 ma foo!(…) macro_rules! foo
487 "#]], 487 "#]],
488 ); 488 );
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ macro_rules! foo { () => {} }
496fn main() { let x: $0 } 496fn main() { let x: $0 }
497"#, 497"#,
498 expect![[r#" 498 expect![[r#"
499 fn main() -> () 499 fn main() fn()
500 ma foo!(…) macro_rules! foo 500 ma foo!(…) macro_rules! foo
501 "#]], 501 "#]],
502 ); 502 );
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ macro_rules! foo { () => {} }
510fn main() { $0 } 510fn main() { $0 }
511"#, 511"#,
512 expect![[r#" 512 expect![[r#"
513 fn main() -> () 513 fn main() fn()
514 ma foo!(…) macro_rules! foo 514 ma foo!(…) macro_rules! foo
515 "#]], 515 "#]],
516 ); 516 );
@@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ fn main() {
526} 526}
527"#, 527"#,
528 expect![[r#" 528 expect![[r#"
529 fn frobnicate() -> () 529 fn frobnicate() fn()
530 fn main() -> () 530 fn main() fn()
531 "#]], 531 "#]],
532 ); 532 );
533 } 533 }
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ fn quux(x: i32) {
545 expect![[r#" 545 expect![[r#"
546 lc y i32 546 lc y i32
547 lc x i32 547 lc x i32
548 fn quux(…) -> () 548 fn quux(…) fn(i32)
549 ma m!(…) macro_rules! m 549 ma m!(…) macro_rules! m
550 "#]], 550 "#]],
551 ); 551 );
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ fn quux(x: i32) {
564 expect![[r#" 564 expect![[r#"
565 lc y i32 565 lc y i32
566 lc x i32 566 lc x i32
567 fn quux(…) -> () 567 fn quux(…) fn(i32)
568 ma m!(…) macro_rules! m 568 ma m!(…) macro_rules! m
569 "#]], 569 "#]],
570 ); 570 );
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ fn quux(x: i32) {
583 expect![[r#" 583 expect![[r#"
584 lc y i32 584 lc y i32
585 lc x i32 585 lc x i32
586 fn quux(…) -> () 586 fn quux(…) fn(i32)
587 ma m!(…) macro_rules! m 587 ma m!(…) macro_rules! m
588 "#]], 588 "#]],
589 ); 589 );
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ use spam::Quux;
598fn main() { $0 } 598fn main() { $0 }
599"#, 599"#,
600 expect![[r#" 600 expect![[r#"
601 fn main() -> () 601 fn main() fn()
602 ?? Quux 602 ?? Quux
603 "#]], 603 "#]],
604 ); 604 );
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ fn main() { let foo: Foo = Q$0 }
616 ev Foo::Baz () 616 ev Foo::Baz ()
617 ev Foo::Quux () 617 ev Foo::Quux ()
618 en Foo 618 en Foo
619 fn main() -> () 619 fn main() fn()
620 "#]], 620 "#]],
621 ) 621 )
622 } 622 }
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ fn f() -> m::E { V$0 }
631 expect![[r#" 631 expect![[r#"
632 ev m::E::V () 632 ev m::E::V ()
633 md m 633 md m
634 fn f() -> E 634 fn f() fn() -> E
635 "#]], 635 "#]],
636 ) 636 )
637 } 637 }
diff --git a/crates/ide_completion/src/lib.rs b/crates/ide_completion/src/lib.rs
index 263554ecf..5b7ad38d5 100644
--- a/crates/ide_completion/src/lib.rs
+++ b/crates/ide_completion/src/lib.rs
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ fn foo() {
230 bar.fo$0; 230 bar.fo$0;
231} 231}
232"#, 232"#,
233 DetailAndDocumentation { detail: "-> ()", documentation: "Do the foo" }, 233 DetailAndDocumentation { detail: "fn(&self)", documentation: "Do the foo" },
234 ); 234 );
235 } 235 }
236 236
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ fn foo() {
255 bar.fo$0; 255 bar.fo$0;
256} 256}
257"#, 257"#,
258 DetailAndDocumentation { detail: "-> ()", documentation: " Do the foo" }, 258 DetailAndDocumentation { detail: "fn(&self)", documentation: " Do the foo" },
259 ); 259 );
260 } 260 }
261 261
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ fn bar() {
273 for c in fo$0 273 for c in fo$0
274} 274}
275"#, 275"#,
276 DetailAndDocumentation { detail: "-> &str", documentation: "Do the foo" }, 276 DetailAndDocumentation { detail: "fn() -> &str", documentation: "Do the foo" },
277 ); 277 );
278 } 278 }
279} 279}
diff --git a/crates/ide_completion/src/render.rs b/crates/ide_completion/src/render.rs
index 09a27de71..36655667c 100644
--- a/crates/ide_completion/src/render.rs
+++ b/crates/ide_completion/src/render.rs
@@ -452,6 +452,44 @@ fn main() { Foo::Fo$0 }
452 } 452 }
453 453
454 #[test] 454 #[test]
455 fn fn_detail_includes_args_and_return_type() {
456 check(
457 r#"
458fn foo<T>(a: u32, b: u32, t: T) -> (u32, T) { (a, t) }
460fn main() { fo$0 }
462 expect![[r#"
463 [
464 CompletionItem {
465 label: "foo(…)",
466 source_range: 68..70,
467 delete: 68..70,
468 insert: "foo(${1:a}, ${2:b}, ${3:t})$0",
469 kind: SymbolKind(
470 Function,
471 ),
472 lookup: "foo",
473 detail: "fn(u32, u32, T) -> (u32, T)",
474 trigger_call_info: true,
475 },
476 CompletionItem {
477 label: "main()",
478 source_range: 68..70,
479 delete: 68..70,
480 insert: "main()$0",
481 kind: SymbolKind(
482 Function,
483 ),
484 lookup: "main",
485 detail: "fn()",
486 },
487 ]
488 "#]],
489 );
490 }
492 #[test]
455 fn enum_detail_just_parentheses_for_unit() { 493 fn enum_detail_just_parentheses_for_unit() {
456 check( 494 check(
457 r#" 495 r#"
@@ -538,7 +576,7 @@ fn main() { let _: m::Spam = S$0 }
538 Function, 576 Function,
539 ), 577 ),
540 lookup: "main", 578 lookup: "main",
541 detail: "-> ()", 579 detail: "fn()",
542 }, 580 },
543 ] 581 ]
544 "#]], 582 "#]],
@@ -567,7 +605,7 @@ fn main() { som$0 }
567 Function, 605 Function,
568 ), 606 ),
569 lookup: "main", 607 lookup: "main",
570 detail: "-> ()", 608 detail: "fn()",
571 }, 609 },
572 CompletionItem { 610 CompletionItem {
573 label: "something_deprecated()", 611 label: "something_deprecated()",
@@ -578,7 +616,7 @@ fn main() { som$0 }
578 Function, 616 Function,
579 ), 617 ),
580 lookup: "something_deprecated", 618 lookup: "something_deprecated",
581 detail: "-> ()", 619 detail: "fn()",
582 deprecated: true, 620 deprecated: true,
583 }, 621 },
584 CompletionItem { 622 CompletionItem {
@@ -590,7 +628,7 @@ fn main() { som$0 }
590 Function, 628 Function,
591 ), 629 ),
592 lookup: "something_else_deprecated", 630 lookup: "something_else_deprecated",
593 detail: "-> ()", 631 detail: "fn()",
594 deprecated: true, 632 deprecated: true,
595 }, 633 },
596 ] 634 ]
@@ -641,7 +679,7 @@ impl S {
641 insert: "bar()$0", 679 insert: "bar()$0",
642 kind: Method, 680 kind: Method,
643 lookup: "bar", 681 lookup: "bar",
644 detail: "-> ()", 682 detail: "fn(self)",
645 documentation: Documentation( 683 documentation: Documentation(
646 "Method docs", 684 "Method docs",
647 ), 685 ),
@@ -741,7 +779,7 @@ fn foo(s: S) { s.$0 }
741 insert: "the_method()$0", 779 insert: "the_method()$0",
742 kind: Method, 780 kind: Method,
743 lookup: "the_method", 781 lookup: "the_method",
744 detail: "-> ()", 782 detail: "fn(&self)",
745 }, 783 },
746 ] 784 ]
747 "#]], 785 "#]],
@@ -1049,7 +1087,7 @@ fn main() {
1049 Function, 1087 Function,
1050 ), 1088 ),
1051 lookup: "foo", 1089 lookup: "foo",
1052 detail: "-> ()", 1090 detail: "fn(&mut S)",
1053 trigger_call_info: true, 1091 trigger_call_info: true,
1054 }, 1092 },
1055 CompletionItem { 1093 CompletionItem {
@@ -1061,7 +1099,7 @@ fn main() {
1061 Function, 1099 Function,
1062 ), 1100 ),
1063 lookup: "main", 1101 lookup: "main",
1064 detail: "-> ()", 1102 detail: "fn()",
1065 }, 1103 },
1066 CompletionItem { 1104 CompletionItem {
1067 label: "s", 1105 label: "s",
diff --git a/crates/ide_completion/src/render/function.rs b/crates/ide_completion/src/render/function.rs
index 194ea135e..010303182 100644
--- a/crates/ide_completion/src/render/function.rs
+++ b/crates/ide_completion/src/render/function.rs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
2 2
3use hir::{HasSource, HirDisplay, Type}; 3use hir::{HasSource, HirDisplay, Type};
4use ide_db::SymbolKind; 4use ide_db::SymbolKind;
5use itertools::Itertools;
5use syntax::ast::Fn; 6use syntax::ast::Fn;
6 7
7use crate::{ 8use crate::{
@@ -73,8 +74,42 @@ impl<'a> FunctionRender<'a> {
73 } 74 }
74 75
75 fn detail(&self) -> String { 76 fn detail(&self) -> String {
76 let ty = self.func.ret_type(self.ctx.db()); 77 let ret_ty = self.func.ret_type(self.ctx.db());
77 format!("-> {}", ty.display(self.ctx.db())) 78 let ret = if ret_ty.is_unit() {
79 // Omit the return type if it is the unit type
80 String::new()
81 } else {
82 format!(" {}", self.ty_display())
83 };
85 format!("fn({}){}", self.params_display(), ret)
86 }
88 fn params_display(&self) -> String {
89 if let Some(self_param) = self.func.self_param(self.ctx.db()) {
90 let params = self
91 .func
92 .assoc_fn_params(self.ctx.db())
93 .into_iter()
94 .skip(1) // skip the self param because we are manually handling that
95 .map(|p| p.ty().display(self.ctx.db()).to_string());
97 std::iter::once(self_param.display(self.ctx.db()).to_owned()).chain(params).join(", ")
98 } else {
99 let params = self
100 .func
101 .assoc_fn_params(self.ctx.db())
102 .into_iter()
103 .map(|p| p.ty().display(self.ctx.db()).to_string())
104 .join(", ");
105 params
106 }
107 }
109 fn ty_display(&self) -> String {
110 let ret_ty = self.func.ret_type(self.ctx.db());
112 format!("-> {}", ret_ty.display(self.ctx.db()))
78 } 113 }
79 114
80 fn add_arg(&self, arg: &str, ty: &Type) -> String { 115 fn add_arg(&self, arg: &str, ty: &Type) -> String {