path: root/editors/code/src/server.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'editors/code/src/server.ts')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/editors/code/src/server.ts b/editors/code/src/server.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ace1d0fa..000000000
--- a/editors/code/src/server.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
1import { lookpath } from 'lookpath';
2import { homedir, platform } from 'os';
3import * as lc from 'vscode-languageclient';
5import { window, workspace } from 'vscode';
6import { Config } from './config';
7import { Highlighter } from './highlighting';
9function expandPathResolving(path: string) {
10 if (path.startsWith('~/')) {
11 return path.replace('~', homedir());
12 }
13 return path;
16export class Server {
17 public static highlighter = new Highlighter();
18 public static config = new Config();
19 public static client: lc.LanguageClient;
21 public static async start(
22 notificationHandlers: Iterable<[string, lc.GenericNotificationHandler]>,
23 ) {
24 // '.' Is the fallback if no folder is open
25 // TODO?: Workspace folders support Uri's (eg: file://test.txt). It might be a good idea to test if the uri points to a file.
26 let folder: string = '.';
27 if (workspace.workspaceFolders !== undefined) {
28 folder = workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.fsPath.toString();
29 }
31 const command = expandPathResolving(this.config.raLspServerPath);
32 // FIXME: remove check when the following issue is fixed:
33 // https://github.com/otiai10/lookpath/issues/4
34 if (platform() !== 'win32') {
35 if (!(await lookpath(command))) {
36 throw new Error(
37 `Cannot find rust-analyzer server \`${command}\` in PATH.`,
38 );
39 }
40 }
41 const run: lc.Executable = {
42 command,
43 options: { cwd: folder },
44 };
45 const serverOptions: lc.ServerOptions = {
46 run,
47 debug: run,
48 };
49 const traceOutputChannel = window.createOutputChannel(
50 'Rust Analyzer Language Server Trace',
51 );
52 const clientOptions: lc.LanguageClientOptions = {
53 documentSelector: [{ scheme: 'file', language: 'rust' }],
54 initializationOptions: {
55 publishDecorations: true,
56 lruCapacity: Server.config.lruCapacity,
57 maxInlayHintLength: Server.config.maxInlayHintLength,
58 excludeGlobs: Server.config.excludeGlobs,
59 useClientWatching: Server.config.useClientWatching,
60 featureFlags: Server.config.featureFlags,
61 withSysroot: Server.config.withSysroot,
62 cargoFeatures: Server.config.cargoFeatures,
63 },
64 traceOutputChannel,
65 };
67 Server.client = new lc.LanguageClient(
68 'rust-analyzer',
69 'Rust Analyzer Language Server',
70 serverOptions,
71 clientOptions,
72 );
73 // HACK: This is an awful way of filtering out the decorations notifications
74 // However, pending proper support, this is the most effecitve approach
75 // Proper support for this would entail a change to vscode-languageclient to allow not notifying on certain messages
76 // Or the ability to disable the serverside component of highlighting (but this means that to do tracing we need to disable hihlighting)
77 // This also requires considering our settings strategy, which is work which needs doing
78 // @ts-ignore The tracer is private to vscode-languageclient, but we need access to it to not log publishDecorations requests
79 Server.client._tracer = {
80 log: (messageOrDataObject: string | any, data?: string) => {
81 if (typeof messageOrDataObject === 'string') {
82 if (
83 messageOrDataObject.includes(
84 'rust-analyzer/publishDecorations',
85 ) ||
86 messageOrDataObject.includes(
87 'rust-analyzer/decorationsRequest',
88 )
89 ) {
90 // Don't log publish decorations requests
91 } else {
92 // @ts-ignore This is just a utility function
93 Server.client.logTrace(messageOrDataObject, data);
94 }
95 } else {
96 // @ts-ignore
97 Server.client.logObjectTrace(messageOrDataObject);
98 }
99 },
100 };
101 Server.client.registerProposedFeatures();
102 Server.client.onReady().then(() => {
103 for (const [type, handler] of notificationHandlers) {
104 Server.client.onNotification(type, handler);
105 }
106 });
107 Server.client.start();
108 }