Name | Description | Idle |
scientifica | tall, condensed, bitmap font for geeks
| 3 years |
rust-analyzer | [FORK] modified to work on wasm targets
| 4 years |
vim-colors-plain | [fork] duotonic colorscheme for vim8
| 3 months |
isostatic | a minimal, self-hostable, url shortening service
| 4 years |
pista | a simple bash prompt for programmers
| 3 years |
better-text-objs | additional text objects for improved vimmage
| 2 years |
lisk | an educational lisp interpreter written in haskell
| 4 years |
sdl-tests | an un-named 1-bit pixel art editor
| 2 years |
curie | an upscaled version of scientifica
| 4 years |
typers | basic typing speed website, written to learn elm
| 4 years |
presentation | beamer + nix template for university presentations
| 3 years |
eva | calculator REPL, with syntax highlighting and persistent history
| 3 years |
18CS63 | compiler design
| 4 years |
18CS72 | computer graphics and virtual reality
| 3 years |
taizen | curses-based wikipedia browser
| 4 years |
xcursorlocate | cursor location indicator for x11
| 4 years |
18CS53 | database design
| 4 years |
declarative-dotfiles | dotfiles at deepsource (22/6/22)
| 3 years |
cutlass | experimental auto-currying for rust functions
| 4 years |
neovim | experimental neovim v0.5 config
| 6 months |
cstea-nix | explore nix csts
| 3 years |
cstea | explore rust csts
| 4 years |
dotfiles | files that define my gnu/linux box
| 4 years |
18CS52 | finite automata and formal languages
| 4 years |
syn | fzf-friendly rss/atom feed aggregator
| 19 months |
stmp |
| 9 months |
flaresolverr |
| 10 months |
pug-lsp |
| 3 months |
gnucobol |
| 9 months |
journal | journaling system cobbled together with nix, vim, coreutils
| 19 months |
report | latex + nix template for university reports
| 3 years |
statix | lints and suggestions for the nix programming language
| 3 years |
fondant | macro based configuration management library
| 4 years |
zmk | my ferricy sweep keymap
| 16 months |
qmk | my lotus58 keymap
| 3 years |
site | my site and its generator
| 8 weeks |
nixos | nerdypepper's nixos configuration
| 7 days |
18CS54 | networking programming and security
| 4 years |
rust-bin | nix template to build rust binaries
| 21 months |
18CS73 | parallel architecture and distributed programming
| 3 years |
passwords | passwords managed by pass(1)
| 2 weeks |
lurker | read-only reddit frontend
| 14 days |
rust-in-arts | rust in arts at deepsource (12/8/22)
| 2 years |
circle | scheme interpreter written in scheme
| 4 years |
dijo | scriptable, curses-based, digital habit tracker
| 4 years |
aoc | solutions to advent of code written in haskell
| 4 years |
grump | text-only charting library for ocaml
| 3 years |
obi | the 1-bit image format
| 6 months |
dict | thin wrapper around webster's unabridged dictionary
| 21 months |
tbsp | tree-based source-processing language
| 3 months |