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authorAleksey Kladov <[email protected]>2019-01-19 12:51:46 +0000
committerAleksey Kladov <[email protected]>2019-01-21 08:27:01 +0000
commit7e1d866481aa6f11dbe96c4d47b6b61b276f07b3 (patch)
parent237bb929f4332021d97b064dd8178518b30e1f32 (diff)
add guide
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 000000000..beb8294ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guide.md
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
1# Guide to rust-analyzer
3## About the guide
5This guide describes the current start of the rust-analyzer as of 2019-01-20
6(commit hash guide-2019-01). Its purpose is to
7document various problems and architectural solutions related to the problem of
8building IDE-first compiler.
10## The big picture
12On the highest possible level, rust analyzer is a stateful component. Client may
13apply changes to the analyzer (new contents of `foo.rs` file is "fn main() {}")
14and it may ask semantic questions about the current state (what is the
15definition of the identifier with offset 92 in file `bar.rs`?). Two important
16properties hold:
18* Analyzer does not do any IO. It starts in an empty state and all input data is
19 provided via `apply_change` API.
21* Only queries about the current state are supported. One can, of course,
22 simulate undo and redo by keeping log of changes and inverse-changes.
24## IDE API
26To see this big picture, let's take a look at the [`AnalysisHost`] and
27[`Analysis`] pair of types. `AnalysisHost` has three methods:
29* `default` for creating an empty analysis
30* `apply_change(&mut self)` to make changes (this is how you get from an empty
31 state to something interesting)
32* `analysis(&self)` to get an instance of `Analysis`
34`Analysis` has a ton of methods for IDEs, like `goto_definition`, or
35`completions`. Both inputs and outputs of `Analysis`' methods are formulated in
36terms of files and offsets, and **not** in terms of Rust concepts like structs,
37traits, etc. The "typed" API with Rust specific types is slightly lower in the
38stack, we'll talk about it later.
40[`AnalysisHost`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_ide_api/src/lib.rs#L265-L284
41[`Analysis`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_ide_api/src/lib.rs#L291-L478
43The reason for `Analysis` and `AnalysisHost` separation is that we want apply
44changes "uniquely", but we might want to fork an `Analysis` and send it to
45another thread for background processing. That is, there is only a single
46`AnalysisHost`, but there may be several (equivalent) `Analysis`.
48Note that all of the `Analysis` API return `Cancelable<T>`. This is required to
49be responsive in IDE setting. Sometimes a long-running query is being computed
50and the user types something in the editor and asks for completion. In this
51case, we cancel the long-running computation (so it returns `Err(Canceled)`),
52apply the change and execute request for completion. We never use stale data to
53answer requests. Under the cover, `AnalysisHost` "remembers" all outstanding
54`Analysis` instances. `AnalysisHost::apply_change` method cancels all
55`Analysis`es, blocks until of them are `Dropped` and then applies change
56in-place. This is the familiar to rustaceans read-write lock interior
59Next, lets talk about what are inputs to the Analysis, precisely.
61## Inputs
63Rust Analyzer never does any IO itself, all inputs get passed explicitly via
64`AnalysisHost::apply_change` method, which accepts a single argument:
65`AnalysisChange`. [`AnalysisChange`] is a builder for a single change
66"transaction", so it suffices to study its methods to understand all of the
67input data.
69[`AnalysisChange`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_ide_api/src/lib.rs#L119-L167
71The `(add|change|remove)_file` methods control the set of the input files, where
72each file has an integer id (`FileId`, picked by the client), text (`String`)
73and a filesystem path. Paths are tricky, they'll be explained in source roots
74section, together with `add_root` method. `add_library` method allows to add a
75group of files which are assumed to rarely change. It's mostly an optimization
76and does not change fundamental picture.
78`set_crate_graph` method allows to control how the input files are partitioned
79into compilation unites -- crates. It also controls (in theory, not implemented
80yet) `cfg` flags. `CrateGraph` is a directed acyclic graph of crates. Each crate
81has a root `FileId`, a set of active `cfg` flags and a set of dependencies. Each
82dependency is a pair of a crate and a name. It is possible to have two crates
83with the same root `FileId` but different `cfg`-flags/dependencies. This model
84is lower than Cargo's model of packages: each Cargo package consists of several
85targets, each of which is a separate crate (or several crates, if you try
86different feature combinations).
88Procedural macros should become inputs as well, but currently they are not
89supported. Procedural macro will be a black box `Box<dyn Fn(TokenStream) -> TokenStream>`
90function, and will be inserted into the crate graph just like dependencies.
92Soon we'll talk how we build an LSP server on top of `Analysis`, but first,
93let's deal with that paths issue.
96## Source roots (aka filesystems are horrible)
98This is a non-essential section, feel free to skip.
100The previous section said that the file system path is an attribute of a file,
101but this is not a whole truth. Making it an absolute `PathBuf` will be bad for
102several reasons. First, file-systems are full of (platform-dependent) edge cases:
104* it's hard (requires a syscall) to decide if two paths are equivalent
105* some file-systems are case-sensitive
106* paths are not necessary UTF-8
107* symlinks can form cycles
109Second, this might hurt reproducibility and hermeticity of builds. In theory,
110moving a project from `/foo/bar/my-project` to `/spam/eggs/my-project` should
111not change a bit in the output. However, if absolute path is a part of the
112input, it is at least in theory observable, and *could* affect the output.
114Yet another problem is that we really-really want to avoid doing IO, but with
115Rust the set of "input" files is not necessary known up-front. In theory, you
116can have `#[path="/dev/random"] mod foo;`.
118To solve (or explicitly refuse to solve) these problems rust analyzer uses the
119concept of source root. Roughly speaking, source roots is a contents of a
120directory on a file systems, like `/home/matklad/projects/rustraytracer/**.rs`.
122More precisely, all files (`FileId`s) are partitioned into disjoint
123`SourceRoot`s. Each file has a relative utf-8 path within the `SourceRoot`.
124`SourceRoot` has an identity (integer id). Crucially, the root path of the
125source root itself is unknown to the analyzer: client is supposed to maintain a
126mapping between SourceRoot ids (which are assigned by the client) and actual
127`PathBuf`s. `SourceRoot`s give a sane tree model of the file system to the
130Note that `mod`, `#[path]` and `include!()` can only reference files from the
131same source root. It is of course is possible to explicitly add extra files to
132the source root, even `/dev/random`.
134## Language Server Protocol
136Now let's see how `Analysis` API is exposed via JSON RPC based LSP protocol. The
137hard part here is managing changes (which can come either from the file system
138or from the editor) and concurrency (we want to spawn background jobs for things
139like syntax highlighting). We use the event loop pattern to manage the zoo, and
140the loop is the [`main_loop_inner`] function. The [`main_loop`] does a one-time
141initialization and tearing down of the resources.
143[`main_loop`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop.rs#L51-L110
144[`main_loop_inner`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop.rs#L156-L258
147Let's walk through a typical analyzer session!
149First, we need to figure out what to analyze. To do this, we run `cargo
150metadata` to learn about Cargo packages for current workspace and dependencies,
151and we run `rustc --print sysroot` and scan sysroot to learn about crates like
152`std`. Currently we load this configuration once at the start of the server, but
153it should be possible to dynamically reconfigure it later without restart.
157The [`ProjectModel`] we get after this step is very Cargo and sysroot specific,
158it needs to be lowered to get the input in the form of `AnalysisChange`. This
159happens in [`ServerWorldState::new`] method. Specifically
161* Create a `SourceRoot` for each Cargo package and sysroot.
162* Schedule a file system scan of the roots.
163* Create an analyzer's `Crate` for each Cargo **target** and sysroot crate.
164* Setup dependencies between the crates.
166[`ProjectModel`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/project_model.rs#L16-L20
167[`ServerWorldState::new`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/server_world.rs#L38-L160
169The results of the scan (which may take a while) will be processed in the body
170of the main loop, just like any other change. Here's where we handle
172* [File system changes](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop.rs#L194)
173* [Changes from the editor](https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop.rs#L377)
175After a single loop's turn, we group them into one `AnalysisChange` and
176[apply] it. This always happens on the main thread and blocks the loop.
178[apply]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/server_world.rs#L216
180To handle requests, like ["goto definition"], we create an instance of the
181`Analysis` and [`schedule`] the task (which consumes `Analysis`) onto
182threadpool. [The task] calls the corresponding `Analysis` method, while
183massaging the types into the LSP representation. Keep in mind that if we are
184executing "goto definition" on the threadpool and a new change comes in, the
185task will be canceled as soon as the main loop calls `apply_change` on the
188["goto definition"]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/server_world.rs#L216
189[`schedule`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop.rs#L426-L455
190[The task]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_lsp_server/src/main_loop/handlers.rs#L205-L223
192This concludes the overview of the analyzer's programing *interface*. Next, lets
193dig into the implementation!
195## Salsa
197The most straightforward way to implement "apply change, get analysis, repeat"
198API would be to maintain the input state and to compute all possible analysis
199information from scratch after every change. This works, but scales poorly with
200the size of the project. To make this fast, we need to take advantage of the
201fact that most of the changes are small, and that analysis results are unlikely
202to change significantly between invocations.
204To do this we use [salsa]: a framework for incremental on-demand computation.
205You can skip the rest of the section if you are familiar with rustc red-green
208[salsa]: https://github.com/salsa-rs/salsa
210It's better to refer to salsa's docs to learn about it. Here's a small excerpt:
212The key idea of salsa is that you define your program as a set of queries. Every
213query is used like function K -> V that maps from some key of type K to a value
214of type V. Queries come in two basic varieties:
216* **Inputs**: the base inputs to your system. You can change these whenever you
217 like.
219* **Functions**: pure functions (no side effects) that transform your inputs
220 into other values. The results of queries is memoized to avoid recomputing
221 them a lot. When you make changes to the inputs, we'll figure out (fairly
222 intelligently) when we can re-use these memoized values and when we have to
223 recompute them.
226For further discussion, its important to understand one bit of "fairly
227intelligently". Suppose we have to functions, `f1` and `f2`, and one input, `i`.
228We call `f1(X)` which in turn calls `f2(Y)` which inspects `i(Z)`. `i(Z)`
229returns some value `V1`, `f2` uses that and returns `R1`, `f1` uses that and
230returns `O`. Now, let's change `i` at `Z` to `V2` from `V1` and try to compute
231`f1(X)` again. Because `f1(X)` (transitively) depends on `i(Z)`, we can't just
232reuse its value as is. However, if `f2(Y)` is *still* equal to `R1` (despite the
233`i`'s change), we, in fact, *can* reuse `O` as result of `f1(X)`. And that's how
234salsa works: it recomputes results in *reverse* order, starting from inputs and
235progressing towards outputs, stopping as soon as it sees an intermediate value
236that hasn't changed.
238## Salsa Input Queries
240All analyzer information is stored in a salsa database. `Analysis` and
241`AnalysisHost` types are newtype wrappers for [`RootDatabase`] -- a salsa
244[`RootDatabase`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_ide_api/src/db.rs#L88-L134
246Salsa input queries are defined in [`FilesDatabase`] (which is a part of
247`RootDatabase`). They closely mirror the familiar `AnalysisChange` structure:
248indeed, what `apply_change` does is it sets the values of input queries.
250[`FilesDatabase`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_db/src/input.rs#L150-L174
252## From text to semantic model
254The bulk of the rust-analyzer is transforming input text into semantic model of
255Rust code: a web of entities like modules, structs, functions and traits.
257An important fact to realize is that (unlike most other languages like C# or
258Java) there isn't a one-to-one mapping between source code and semantic model. A
259single function definition in the source code might result in several semantic
260functions: for example, the same source file might be included as a module into
261several crate, or a single "crate" might be present in the compilation DAG
262several times, with different sets of `cfg`s enabled.
264The semantic interface is declared in [`code_model_api`] module. Each entity is
265identified by integer id and has a bunch of methods which take a salsa database
266as an argument and returns other entities (which are ids). Internally, this
267methods invoke various queries on the database to build the model on demand.
268Here's [the list of queries].
270[`code_model_api`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_hir/src/code_model_api.rs
271[the list of queries]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/7e84440e25e19529e4ff8a66e521d1b06349c6ec/crates/ra_hir/src/db.rs#L20-L106
273The first step of building the model is parsing the source code.
275## Syntax trees
277An important property of the Rust language is that each file can be parsed in
278isolation. Unlike, say, `C++`, an `include` can't change the meaning of the
279syntax. For this reason, Rust analyzer can build a syntax tree for each "source
280file", which could then be reused by several semantic models if this file
281happens to be a part of several crates.
283Rust analyzer uses a similar representation of syntax trees to that of `Roslyn`
284and Swift's new
286Swift's docs give an excellent overview of the approach, so I skip this part
287here and instead outline the main characteristics of the syntax trees:
289* Syntax trees are fully lossless. Converting **any** text to a syntax tree and
290 back is a total identity function. All whitespace and comments are explicitly
291 represented in the tree.
293* Syntax nodes have generic `(next|previous)_sibling`, `parent`,
294 `(first|last)_child` functions. You can get from any one node to any other
295 node in the file using only these functions.
297* Syntax nodes know their range (start offset and length) in the file.
299* Syntax nodes share the ownership of their syntax tree: if you keep a reference
300 to a single function, the whole enclosing file is alive.
302* Syntax trees are immutable and the cost of replacing the subtree is
303 proportional to the depth of the subtree. Read Swift's docs to learn how
304 immutable + parent pointers + cheap modification is possible.
306* Syntax trees are build on best-effort basis. All accessor methods return
307 `Option`s. The tree for `fn foo` will contain a function declaration with
308 `None` for parameter list and body.
310* Syntax trees do not know the file they are build from, they only know about
311 the text.
313The implementation is based on the generic [rowan] crate on top of which a
314[rust-specific] AST is generated.
316[rowan]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rowan/tree/100a36dc820eb393b74abe0d20ddf99077b61f88
317[rust-specific]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_syntax/src/ast/generated.rs
319The next step in constructing the semantic model is ...
321## Building a Module Tree
323The algorithm for building a tree of modules is to start with a crate root
324(remember, each `Crate` from a `CrateGraph` has a `FileId`), collect all mod
325declarations and recursively process child modules. This is handled by the
327with a two slight variations.
329First, rust analyzer builds a module tree for all crates in a source root
330simultaneously. The main reason for this is historical (`module_tree` predates
331`CrateGraph`), but this approach also allows to account for files which are not
332part of any crate. That is, if you create a file but do not include it as a
333submodule anywhere, you still get semantic completion, and you get a warning
334about free-floating module (the actual warning is not implemented yet).
336The second difference is that `module_tree_query` does not *directly* depend on
337the "parse" query (which is confusingly called `source_file`). Why would calling
338the parse directly be bad? Suppose the user changes the file slightly, by adding
339an insignificant whitespace. Adding whitespace changes the parse tree (because
340it includes whitespace), and that means recomputing the whole module tree.
342We deal with this problem by introducing an intermediate [`submodules_query`].
343This query processes the syntax tree an extract a set of declared submodule
344names. Now, changing the whitespace results in `submodules_query` being
345re-executed for a *single* module, but because the result of this query stays
346the same, we don't have to re-execute [`module_tree_query`]. In fact, we only
347need to re-execute it when we add/remove new files or when we change mod
350[`submodules_query`]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/guide-2019-01/crates/ra_hir/src/module_tree.rs#L41)
356## Location Interner pattern
358## Macros and recursive locations
360## Name resolution
362## Source Map pattern
364## Tying it all together: completion