path: root/crates/stdx/src/process.rs
diff options
authorAleksey Kladov <[email protected]>2021-04-20 14:06:20 +0100
committerAleksey Kladov <[email protected]>2021-04-20 16:02:54 +0100
commit1772eb0f1a5c714c91f8ae45cc67cbae6b7ff348 (patch)
treec7498a99c42a9fd30b437cc12e66c5093f8b4d6b /crates/stdx/src/process.rs
parent1834938d6f37c0d308e407e50514180d0f08d96f (diff)
fix: no longer get stuck on windows
reading both stdout & stderr is a common gotcha, you need to drain them concurrently to avoid deadlocks. Not sure why I didn't do the right thing from the start. Seems like I assumed the stderr is short? That's not the case when cargo spams `compiling xyz` messages
Diffstat (limited to 'crates/stdx/src/process.rs')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crates/stdx/src/process.rs b/crates/stdx/src/process.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0fa12f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/stdx/src/process.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
1//! Read both stdout and stderr of child without deadlocks.
3//! https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/905af549966f23a9288e9993a85d1249a5436556/crates/cargo-util/src/read2.rs
4//! https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/blob/58a961314437258065e23cb6316dfc121d96fb71/crates/cargo-util/src/process_builder.rs#L231
6use std::{
7 io,
8 process::{Command, Output, Stdio},
11pub fn streaming_output(
12 mut cmd: Command,
13 on_stdout_line: &mut dyn FnMut(&str),
14 on_stderr_line: &mut dyn FnMut(&str),
15) -> io::Result<Output> {
16 let mut stdout = Vec::new();
17 let mut stderr = Vec::new();
19 let cmd = cmd.stdout(Stdio::piped()).stderr(Stdio::piped()).stdin(Stdio::null());
21 let status = {
22 let mut child = cmd.spawn()?;
23 let out = child.stdout.take().unwrap();
24 let err = child.stderr.take().unwrap();
25 imp::read2(out, err, &mut |is_out, data, eof| {
26 let idx = if eof {
27 data.len()
28 } else {
29 match data.iter().rposition(|b| *b == b'\n') {
30 Some(i) => i + 1,
31 None => return,
32 }
33 };
34 {
35 // scope for new_lines
36 let new_lines = {
37 let dst = if is_out { &mut stdout } else { &mut stderr };
38 let start = dst.len();
39 let data = data.drain(..idx);
40 dst.extend(data);
41 &dst[start..]
42 };
43 for line in String::from_utf8_lossy(new_lines).lines() {
44 if is_out {
45 on_stdout_line(line)
46 } else {
47 on_stderr_line(line)
48 }
49 }
50 }
51 })?;
52 child.wait()?
53 };
55 Ok(Output { status, stdout, stderr })
59mod imp {
60 use std::{
61 io::{self, prelude::*},
62 mem,
63 os::unix::prelude::*,
64 process::{ChildStderr, ChildStdout},
65 };
67 pub(crate) fn read2(
68 mut out_pipe: ChildStdout,
69 mut err_pipe: ChildStderr,
70 data: &mut dyn FnMut(bool, &mut Vec<u8>, bool),
71 ) -> io::Result<()> {
72 unsafe {
73 libc::fcntl(out_pipe.as_raw_fd(), libc::F_SETFL, libc::O_NONBLOCK);
74 libc::fcntl(err_pipe.as_raw_fd(), libc::F_SETFL, libc::O_NONBLOCK);
75 }
77 let mut out_done = false;
78 let mut err_done = false;
79 let mut out = Vec::new();
80 let mut err = Vec::new();
82 let mut fds: [libc::pollfd; 2] = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
83 fds[0].fd = out_pipe.as_raw_fd();
84 fds[0].events = libc::POLLIN;
85 fds[1].fd = err_pipe.as_raw_fd();
86 fds[1].events = libc::POLLIN;
87 let mut nfds = 2;
88 let mut errfd = 1;
90 while nfds > 0 {
91 // wait for either pipe to become readable using `select`
92 let r = unsafe { libc::poll(fds.as_mut_ptr(), nfds, -1) };
93 if r == -1 {
94 let err = io::Error::last_os_error();
95 if err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted {
96 continue;
97 }
98 return Err(err);
99 }
101 // Read as much as we can from each pipe, ignoring EWOULDBLOCK or
102 // EAGAIN. If we hit EOF, then this will happen because the underlying
103 // reader will return Ok(0), in which case we'll see `Ok` ourselves. In
104 // this case we flip the other fd back into blocking mode and read
105 // whatever's leftover on that file descriptor.
106 let handle = |res: io::Result<_>| match res {
107 Ok(_) => Ok(true),
108 Err(e) => {
109 if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock {
110 Ok(false)
111 } else {
112 Err(e)
113 }
114 }
115 };
116 if !err_done && fds[errfd].revents != 0 && handle(err_pipe.read_to_end(&mut err))? {
117 err_done = true;
118 nfds -= 1;
119 }
120 data(false, &mut err, err_done);
121 if !out_done && fds[0].revents != 0 && handle(out_pipe.read_to_end(&mut out))? {
122 out_done = true;
123 fds[0].fd = err_pipe.as_raw_fd();
124 errfd = 0;
125 nfds -= 1;
126 }
127 data(true, &mut out, out_done);
128 }
129 Ok(())
130 }
134mod imp {
135 use std::{
136 io,
137 os::windows::prelude::*,
138 process::{ChildStderr, ChildStdout},
139 slice,
140 };
142 use miow::{
143 iocp::{CompletionPort, CompletionStatus},
144 pipe::NamedPipe,
145 Overlapped,
146 };
147 use winapi::shared::winerror::ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE;
149 struct Pipe<'a> {
150 dst: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
151 overlapped: Overlapped,
152 pipe: NamedPipe,
153 done: bool,
154 }
156 pub(crate) fn read2(
157 out_pipe: ChildStdout,
158 err_pipe: ChildStderr,
159 data: &mut dyn FnMut(bool, &mut Vec<u8>, bool),
160 ) -> io::Result<()> {
161 let mut out = Vec::new();
162 let mut err = Vec::new();
164 let port = CompletionPort::new(1)?;
165 port.add_handle(0, &out_pipe)?;
166 port.add_handle(1, &err_pipe)?;
168 unsafe {
169 let mut out_pipe = Pipe::new(out_pipe, &mut out);
170 let mut err_pipe = Pipe::new(err_pipe, &mut err);
172 out_pipe.read()?;
173 err_pipe.read()?;
175 let mut status = [CompletionStatus::zero(), CompletionStatus::zero()];
177 while !out_pipe.done || !err_pipe.done {
178 for status in port.get_many(&mut status, None)? {
179 if status.token() == 0 {
180 out_pipe.complete(status);
181 data(true, out_pipe.dst, out_pipe.done);
182 out_pipe.read()?;
183 } else {
184 err_pipe.complete(status);
185 data(false, err_pipe.dst, err_pipe.done);
186 err_pipe.read()?;
187 }
188 }
189 }
191 Ok(())
192 }
193 }
195 impl<'a> Pipe<'a> {
196 unsafe fn new<P: IntoRawHandle>(p: P, dst: &'a mut Vec<u8>) -> Pipe<'a> {
197 Pipe {
198 dst,
199 pipe: NamedPipe::from_raw_handle(p.into_raw_handle()),
200 overlapped: Overlapped::zero(),
201 done: false,
202 }
203 }
205 unsafe fn read(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
206 let dst = slice_to_end(self.dst);
207 match self.pipe.read_overlapped(dst, self.overlapped.raw()) {
208 Ok(_) => Ok(()),
209 Err(e) => {
210 if e.raw_os_error() == Some(ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE as i32) {
211 self.done = true;
212 Ok(())
213 } else {
214 Err(e)
215 }
216 }
217 }
218 }
220 unsafe fn complete(&mut self, status: &CompletionStatus) {
221 let prev = self.dst.len();
222 self.dst.set_len(prev + status.bytes_transferred() as usize);
223 if status.bytes_transferred() == 0 {
224 self.done = true;
225 }
226 }
227 }
229 unsafe fn slice_to_end(v: &mut Vec<u8>) -> &mut [u8] {
230 if v.capacity() == 0 {
231 v.reserve(16);
232 }
233 if v.capacity() == v.len() {
234 v.reserve(1);
235 }
236 slice::from_raw_parts_mut(v.as_mut_ptr().add(v.len()), v.capacity() - v.len())
237 }